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This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions below .


With the Notion modules in Integrator, you can watch, retrieve, create, append, and update databases, database items, pages, page content, search for objects, list users, and make API calls.

To use the Notion modules, you must have a Notion account. Your Notion account must have admin permissions to establish the connection in Integrator. You can create a Notion account at

Refer to the Notion API documentation for a list of available endpoints.

Connect Notion to Integrator Integrator provides two ways to connect the Notion app:

Establish a Notion Internal Connection

To establish a Notion internal connection:

  1. Log in to your Notion account.

  2. Click Settings & Members > Connections > Develop or manage integrations from the sidebar or go to the My integrations page.

  3. Click New Integration.

  4. Select the Associate workspace, fill in the integration Name, upload a logo (optional), choose the Associated workspace, and click Submit.

  5. Go to Capabilities, update the requested capabilities, and click Save changes.

  6. Go to Secrets, click Show next to your internal integration token, and copy the token. Store your token in a safe place.

  7. Log in to your Integrator account and add a Notion module to your scenario, and click Create a connection.

  8. In the Connection type dropdown, select Notion Internal.

  9. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  10. In the Internal Integration Token field, paste the token copied in Step 6.

  11. Click Save.

You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more Notion modules. If your connection requires reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.

If the databases are not visible in the Database ID > Search field, follow the instructions in Add Databases to be visible in Integrator to add them.

Establish a Notion Public Connection

To establish a Notion public connection:

  1. Log in to your Integrator account and add a Notion module to your scenario, and click Create a connection.

  2. In the Connection type dropdown, select Notion Public.

  3. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  4. Optional: Click Show Advanced Settings and enter your client credentials. See Obtain Notion Client Credentials.

  5. Click Save.

  6. If prompted, authenticate your account, click Select pages, select the pages you want Integrator to have access to, and click Allow access.

You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more Notion modules. If your connection requires reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.

Obtain Notion Client Credentials

To obtain client credentials:

  1. Log in to your Notion account.

  2. Click Settings & Members > Connections > Develop or manage integrations from the sidebar or go to the My integrations page.

  3. Click New Integration.

  4. Select the Associate workspace, fill in the integration Name, upload a logo (optional), choose the Associated workspace, and click Submit.

  5. Go to Capabilities, update the requested capabilities, and click Save changes.

  6. Go to Distribution and click the toggle to make the integration public.

  7. Fill in your organization information and click Submit.

    Redirect URIs

    Enter the redirect URI:

    Company name

    Name of your company or organization. You may use your own name if this does not apply.

    Website or homepage

    Used to link to your integration’s website or homepage in your integration page and authentication screens.


    Optional: A short description of the integration.

    Privacy policy

    URL address used to link to your integration’s privacy policy in your integration page and authentication screens.

    Terms of use

    URL address used to link to your integration’s terms of use in your integration page and authentication screens.

    Support email

    Used to link to your integration’s support email in your integration page and authentication screens.

    Notion URL for optional template

    Optional. URL must be for a public Notion page. Use this field if you’d like to duplicate a template into a user’s workspace during OAuth.

  8. Click Continue in the Switch to Public integration? prompt.

  9. Copy the OAuth client ID and OAuth client secret and save them in a safe place. You will not be able to view the OAuth client secret more than once.


You have successfully created your client credentials.

Add Databases to be visible in Integrator

For the Notion internal connection, by default, Notion databases do not appear in the Database ID field > Search option. You must manually add them to the Integrator app from your Notion account.


To add databases from your Notion account to Integrator app:

  1. Log in to your Notion account.

  2. Enter into the database you want to add to Integrator , click on in the top right corner, click Add connections, search for and click on the integration you previously created, and click Confirm.


The database is successfully shared and you can now see it in a module’s Database ID > Search field.


Retrieve added databases and pages after establishing the connection

[Note] Note

If new databases or pages are added to the Notion account, you must revoke the connection in your Notion account and reauthorize the connection in Integrator to retrieve the added databases or pages.

To retrieve the newly added databases and pages:

  1. Log in to your Notion account.

  2. Click Settings & members > Connections > > Disconnect all users.

  3. Go to your Integrator account Connections page, search for your Notion connection, and click Reauthorize.


You can now see the newly added databases or pages in your Notion Integrator connection.

Build Notion Scenarios

After connecting the app, you can perform the following actions:

Database Item

  • Watch Database Items

  • Get a Database Item

    Note: Add the List Page Property Items module to retrieve the complete details of a property item if the output variable contains the has_more value. This means you must paginate to retrieve all the property item’s property values in the page object as Notion imposes a 25-page reference limit.

  • Create a Database Item

  • Append a Database Item Content

  • Update a Database Item


  • Watch Databases/Pages

  • Search Objects

  • Get a Database

  • Get a Page

  • Create a Database

  • Create a Page

  • Update a Database

  • Update a Page

Page Content

  • Watch Page Contents

  • List Page Contents

  • List Page Property Items

    Note: Can be used with the following property types: title, text, relation, and person.

    Use this module when a property on a database item or page output contains the has more value, indicating there are more than 25 items in that field and you much paginate to retrieve all items in that column.

  • Get a Page Content

  • Append a Page Content

  • Update a Page Content

    Note: In the Type field, select the page content type that corresponds to the Page Content ID. If an incorrect Type is selected, an error will appear. The page content type cannot be changed using this module.

  • Delete a Page Content


  • Make an API Call

  • List Users