Active with remarks |
This application needs additional settings. Please follow the documentation below to create your own connectionUnique, active service acces point to a network. There are different types of connections (API key, Oauth…).. |
With Chargebee modulesThe module is an application or tool within the system. The entire system is built on this concept of modularity. (module - Contacts) in Boost.spaceCentralization and synchronization platform, where you can organize and manage your data. IntegratorPart of the system, where you can create your connections and automate your processes., you can manage the coupons, customers, invoices, promotional credits, subscriptions, events and transactions in your Chargebee account.
To use the Chargebee modules, you must have the Chargebee account. You can create an account at
Refer to the Chargebee API documentation for a list of available endpoints.
To establish the connection, you must:
To obtain your API key from your Chargebee account:
Log in to your Chargebee account.
Go to Settings > Configure Chargebee.
In the API keys and webhooksA webhook is a way for an app to send real-time information to a specific URL in response to certain events or triggers. section, click API keys.
Click + Add API Key and select Full-Access Key.
In the Name the API Key field, enter the name for the API key.
Click Create Key.
Copy the API key value shown and store it in a safe place.
You will use this value in the API key field in Integrator
To establish the connection in Integrator:
Log in to your Integrator account, add a Chargebee moduleThe module is an application or tool within the system. The entire system is built on this concept of modularity. (module - Contacts) to your scenarioA specific connection between applications in which data can be transferred. Two types of scenarios: active/inactive., and click Create a connection.
Note: If you add a module with an instant tag, click Create a webhookA webhook is a way for an app to send real-time information to a specific URL in response to certain events or triggers., then Create a connection.
Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.
In the Company username field, enter the company name that you can see the company name in the URL of your Chargebee account.
In the API Key field, enter the API key copied in the section above.
Click Save.
If prompted, authenticate your account and confirm access.
You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more Chargebee modules. If your connection requires reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.
This app uses webhooks to triggerEvery scenario has a trigger, an event that starts your scenario. A scenario must have a trigger. There can only be one trigger for each scenario. When you create a new scenario, the first module you choose is your trigger for that scenario. Create a trigger by clicking on the empty module of a newly created scenario or moving the... a scenario when an event occurs instantly. All webhook modules have an instant
tag next to their name.
To set up a webhook, follow these steps:
Add an Chargebee
module to your scenario and click Create a webhook. -
Optional: Enter a name for the webhook in the Webhook name field.
Select the corresponding connection for the webhook in the Connection field and fill in all required fields.
Click Save > Copy address to clipboard.
Log in to your Chargebee account.
Go to Settings > Configure Chargebee.
In the API Keys and Webhooks section, click Webhooks.
Click + Add Webhook.
In the Webhook Name, enter a name for a webhook.
In the Webhook URL, enter a link that you saved in clipboard.
In the Events to Send field, select All Events and switch the Set this as primary toggle on.
Click Create.
Build Chargebee ScenariosA specific connection between applications in which data can be transferred. Two types of scenarios: active/inactive.
After connecting the app, you can perform the following actions:
Create a Coupon
Find Coupons
Retrieve a Coupon
Update a Coupon
Delete a Coupon
Watch Customers
Create a Customer
Update a Customer
Find Customers
Retrieve a Customer
Delete a Customer
Watch Invoices
Create an Invoice
Update an Invoice
Find Invoices
Retrieve an Invoice
Delete an Invoice
Collect Payment for an Invoice
RecordOne row in the database. These are individual rows under spaces in each module. For example single products, but not their variants. an Invoice Payment
Refund an Invoice
Retrieve an Invoice Link
Promotional credits
Add a Promotional Credit
Find Promotional Credits
Set a Promotional Credit
Retrieve a Promotional Credit
Deduct a Promotional Credit
Watch Subscriptions
Create a Subscription for ItemsItems are rows in records (order/request/invoice/purchase...)
Update a Subscription for Items
Find Subscriptions
Retrieve a Subscription
Delete a Subscription
Watch Events
Retrieve a Transaction
Make an API Call