The Key Column Feature in includes a feature called the Key Column. This feature allows you to merge data from various sources into a single item in the database, creating a unified and consistent record.

How the Key Column Works

The Key Column feature is primarily used for data consolidation. It allows for the combination of data from different sources into a single record in the database. This is done by selecting a Key Column that the system will use to merge the data. One unique aspect of this feature is that you can choose a different Key Column for each space, providing you with flexibility to customize according to your needs.

Key Column and Import/Export Processes

The Key Column plays a vital role during the import and export processes in When you import or export data, the Key Column is used to map your data to the correct columns in This ensures that your data is accurately reflected in the system, reducing the possibility of errors or mismatches.

Example of Using the Key Column

Let’s consider an example with contacts. If you choose email as your Key Column, the system will check if an email is already present in before creating a new record. So if you attempt to create a contact with the email [email protected], will check if a contact with that email already exists. If it does, the new information will be merged with the existing record. If it doesn’t, a new record will be created.