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This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions below .

Microsoft SharePoint Online

[Important] Important

Any references to third-party products or services do not constitute Boost.space Product Documentation nor do they create any contractual obligations. This material is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice.

Boost.space does not warrant the availability, accuracy, reliability, completeness, or usefulness of any information regarding the subject of third-party services or systems.

With Microsoft SharePoint Online modules in Boost.space Integrator, you can monitor, retrieve, create, delete, and/or update items, lists, pages, sites, files, and or/folders in your Microsoft SharePoint Online account.

To use the Microsoft SharePoint Online modules, you must have a Microsoft SharePoint Online or Office 365 E3 user account. You can create a Microsoft SharePoint Online account at www.microsoft.com.

Connect Microsoft SharePoint Online to Boost.space Integrator

It is only possible to establish a connection between Boost.space Integrator and Microsoft SharePoint Online user accounts. For more information on the Authorization Code Flow connection type used, see the Microsoft OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow documentation.

To establish the connection:

  1. Log in to your Boost.space Integrator account, add a Microsoft SharePoint Online module to your scenario, and click Create a connection.

  2. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  3. Optional: Click Show advanced settings and enter your custom app client credentials and tenant ID. Refer to the Microsoft Register an App guide for more information.

    If requested, use the following Redirect URI when creating your custom app:



  4. Click Save.

  5. If prompted, authenticate your account and confirm access.

You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more Microsoft SharePoint Online modules. If your connection requires reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.

[Note] Note

When you choose to select the Site ID from the drop-down menu, only followed sites are offered in the drop-down menu. To specify a site that is not followed, insert the Site ID manually.


Watch Items

Retrieves item details when an item is created or updated.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Watch Item

Select whether you want to watch for a created or modified items.

Site ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID of the site that you want to watch for items.

List ID

Enter (map) or select the ID of the list you want to watch for items.


Set the maximum number of items Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

List Items

Retrieves all items on a specified list.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

List Items

Select whether you want to specify the Site ID and the List ID manually or select from drop-down menus.

Site ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID or select the site that contains the list you want to retrieve items from.

List ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the list ID or select the list you want to retrieve items from.


Set the maximum number of items Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. This module has a maximum limit of 3,500 items to be returned.

Get an Item

Returns item details.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Get an Item

Select whether you want to specify the Site ID, the List ID, and the Item ID manually or select from drop-down menus.

Site ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID or select the site that contains the list with the item you want to retrieve details for.

List ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the list ID or select the list that contains the item you want to retrieve details about.

Item ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the item ID or select the item you want to retrieve details about.

Create an Item

Creates a new item in a specified list.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Search Method

Select whether to specify the Site ID and the List ID from drop-down menus or manually, and item fields dynamically or in key-value pairs.

Search Method

Site ID and List ID


Select from the list

Select from drop-down menus.

Enter the item’s information into fields that are dynamically loaded, depending on the List ID you select.

Enter manually (dynamic)

Enter or use the ID Finder to search.

It is not possible to map Site ID and List ID values. If the Site ID or List ID values are mapped, item fields will not load dynamically and must be entered as key-value pairs.

Enter the item’s information into fields that are dynamically loaded, depending on the List ID you specify.

Enter manually (key/value pair)

Enter, map, or use the ID Finder to search.

Enter the item’s information as key-value pairs.

Update an Item

Updates an item’s fields.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Search Method

Select whether to specify the Site ID and the List ID from drop-down menus or manually, and item fields dynamically or in key-value pairs.

Search Method

Site ID and List ID


Select from the list

Select from drop-down menus.

Enter the item’s information into fields that are dynamically loaded, depending on the List ID you select.

Enter manually (dynamic)

Enter or use the ID Finder to search.

It is not possible to map Site ID and List ID values. If the Site ID or List ID values are mapped, item fields will not load dynamically and must be entered as key-value pairs.

Enter the item’s information into fields that are dynamically loaded, depending on the List ID you specify.

Enter manually (key/value pair)

Enter, map, or use the ID Finder to search.

Enter item’s information as key-value pairs.

Delete an Item

Deletes an existing item.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Delete an Item

Select whether you want to specify the Site ID, the List ID, and the Item ID manually or select from drop-down menus.

Site ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID or select the site that contains the list you want to delete an item from.

List ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the list ID or select the list you want to delete an item from.

Item ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the item ID or select the item you want to delete.


Watch Lists

Retrieves list details when a list is created or updated.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Watch Lists

Select whether you want to watch the site for created or modified lists.

Site ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID you want to watch for new lists.


Set the maximum number of lists Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

List Lists

Retrieves all lists for the site.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

List Lists

Select whether you want to specify the Site ID manually or select from drop-down menus.

Site ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID or select the site you want to retrieve list details for.


Set the maximum number of lists Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

Get a List

Returns list details.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Get a List

Select whether you want to specify the Site ID and the List ID manually or select from drop-down menus.

Site ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID or select the site that contains the list you want to retrieve details for.

List ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the list ID or select the list you want to retrieve details for.

Create a List

Creates a new list on a specified site.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Enter a Site ID

Select whether you want to specify the Site ID manually or select from drop-down menus.

Site ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID or select the site you want to create a list at.

Display Name

Enter the name of the new list.


Enter the description of the new list.

Add Columns

Specify columns of the list.

Page (Beta)

[Note] Note

APIs under the beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. The use of these APIs in production applications is not supported.

Watch Pages

Retrieves page details when a page is modified.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Site ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID you want to watch for modified pages.


Set the maximum number of pages Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

List Pages

Retrieves all pages for a specified site.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

List Pages

Select whether you want to specify the Site ID manually or select from the drop-down menu.

Site ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID or select the site you want to retrieve pages for.


Set the maximum number of pages Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

Get a Page

Retrieves page details.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Get a Page

Select whether you want to specify the Site ID and the Page ID manually or select from drop-down menus.

Site ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID or select the site that contains the page you want to retrieve details about.

Page ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the page ID or select the page you want to retrieve details for.

Publish a Page

Publishes the latest version of a page.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Publish a Page

Select whether you want to specify the Site ID and the Page ID manually or select from drop-down menus.

Site ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID or select the site that contains the page you want to publish.

Page ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the page ID or select the page you want to publish.


Search Sites

Searches for a site by specified criteria.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Keyword of Display Name

Enter the search term you want to search the sites for.


Set the maximum number of sites Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

Get a Site

Retrieves site details.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Get a Site

Select whether you want to specify the Site ID manually or select from the drop-down menu.

Site ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID or select the site you want to retrieve details about.


Watch Files/Folders

Triggers when a file or folder is created or updated in a specific site.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Watch Files/Folders

Select whether you want to watch for a created or updated items.

Site ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID of the site that you want to watch for files/folders in.

Drive ID

Select the ID of the drive you want to watch for files/folders in.


Select the folder you want to watch for files/folders in.

Query Search

Enter a search query (optional).

Choose an Item Type

Select whether to watch for updates in files, folders, or both.


Set the maximum number of items Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

Download a File

Downloads a file from a specified site.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Enter (File ID & File Path)

Select whether to enter a file ID or a file path.

Enter a File ID / Enter a File Path

Select whether to select the file id or file path from a list or to enter manually.

Site ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID of the site that you want to download a file from.

Drive ID

Enter (map) or use the ID Finder to search for the drive ID of the drive that you want to download a file from.

File Path

Enter the file path of the file you want to download a file from.

File / File ID

Select or enter the File ID of the file you want to download.

Convert to PDF

Select whether you want to convert the downloaded file to PDF format.

Upload a File

Uploads a new file to a specified site.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Enter (Folder Location ID & Path)

Select whether to enter a folder ID or a folder path.

Enter a Folder Location ID / Enter a Folder Location Path

Select whether to select the folder location ID/folder location path from a list or to enter manually.

Site ID

Enter (map), select, or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID of the site that you want to upload a file to.

Drive ID

Enter (map), select, or use the ID Finder to search for the drive ID of the drive that you want to upload a file to.

Folder / Folder ID / Folder Path

Enter or select the folder ID or folder that you want to upload a file to.

File Name

Enter the name of the file that you want to upload.

If the File with the Same Name Exists

Select what to do if a file with the same name already exists.


Enter a description of the file.


Create a Folder

Creates a folder in OneDrive.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Create a Folder

Select whether to create a folder by selecting from the list or entering manually.

Site ID

Enter (map), select, or use the ID Finder to search for the site ID of the site that you want to create a folder in.

Drive ID

Enter (map), select, or use the ID Finder to search for the drive ID of the drive that you want to create a folder in.

Folder / Folder ID

Enter or select the folder ID or folder that you want to create a folder in.

New Folder Name

Enter a name for the new folder.


Make an API Call

Allows you to perform a custom API call.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft SharePoint Online.


Enter a path relative to https://graph.microsoft.com.For example: /beta/sites.

[Note] Note

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the SharePoint API in Microsoft Graph Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:


to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don’t have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use – List Lists (beta)

The following API call returns all the lists on a specified site using Microsoft SharePoint Online beta API:






The result can be found in the module’s Output under Bundle > Body > value.

In our example, 4 lists were returned:


Permission information for Microsoft SharePoint Online

The Microsoft 365 Email module can have the following delegated permissions assigned in the Azure portal.

[Note] Note

Even if you have assigned higher level permissions (e.g., ReadWrite) it is still necessary to set the lower permissions for the modules as listed below.

  1. Create a List – User.Read, Sites.Manage.All, offline_access

  2. Create a Folder – User.Read, offline_access

  3. Create an Item – User.Read, Sites.ReadWrite.All, offline_access

  4. Delete an Item– User.Read, Sites.ReadWrite.All, offline_access

  5. Download a File – User.Read, Files.Read.All, Sites.Read.All, offline_access

  6. Get a List – User.Read, Sites.Read.All, offline_access

  7. Get an Item – User.Read, Sites.Read.All, offline_access

  8. Get a Page – User.Read, Sites.Read.All, offline_access

  9. Get a Site – User.Read, Sites.Read.All, offline_access

  10. List Items – User.Read, Sites.Read.All, offline_access

  11. List Lists – User.Read, Sites.Read.All, offline_access

  12. List Pages – User.Read, Sites.Read.All, offline_access

  13. Make an API Call – User.Read, Sites.ReadWrite.All, Sites.Manage.All, Files.ReadWrite.All, offline_access

  14. Publish a Page – User.Read, Sites.ReadWrite.All, offline_access

  15. Search Sites – User.Read, Sites.Read.All, offline_access

  16. Update an Item – User.Read, Sites.ReadWrite.All, offline_access

  17. Upload a File – User.Read, Files.ReadWrite.All, Sites.ReadWrite.All, offline_access

  18. Watch Files/Folders – User.Read, Files.Read.All, Sites.Read.All, offline_access

  19. Watch Items – User.Read, Sites.Read.All, offline_access

  20. Watch Lists – User.Read, Sites.Read.All, offline_access

  21. Watch Pages – User.Read, Sites.Read.All, offline_access