LinkedIn Conversions API

With LinkedIn Conversions API modules in Integrator, you can associate a campaign to a conversion, create conversion rules and reports, send conversion events, and list conversion rules in your LinkedIn account.

To use the LinkedIn Conversions API modules, you must have a LinkedIn account with the following user permissions: r_ads, r_ads_reporting, and rw_conversions. You can create an account at

To get started with configuring LinkedIn Conversions API for Salesforce events:

  • You need to create a Direct API conversion within the LinkedIn Ads Campaign Manager before starting the configuration of your Integrator scenario.

  • Unless you are a Salesforce admin, engage with your organization’s admin to configure an outgoing Outbound Message via Flows in Salesforce. This should occur when conversions happen in Salesforce (e.g. when an Opportunity reaches Closed Won status).

  • If you prefer not to configure the scenario from scratch, consider using the Send Conversion Events to LinkedIn Conversions API from Salesforce template.

Make strongly recommends watching the tutorial below to learn how to configure LinkedIn Conversions API for Salesforce events.

Find the XML code below for the webhook response module:

<soapenv:Envelope  xmlns:soapenv="">  <soapenv:Body>   <notificationsResponse    xmlns="">    <Ack>true</Ack>   </notificationsResponse>  </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>

Connect LinkedIn Conversions API to Integrator

To connect your LinkedIn Ads Campaign Management account to Make:

  1. Log in to your Integrator account, add a LinkedIn Conversions API module to your scenario, and click Create a connection.

  2. Select the type of connection you would like to use from the available options:

    • LinkedIn

    • LinkedIn (OpenID Connect)

      Note: This connection method uses OpenID Connect for a secure and standardized way to manage user identities.

  3. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  4. Optional: Click Show Advanced Settings and add additional scopes and/or enter your custom client credentials, and Developer Application URN. For more information, see the LinkedIn API documentation.

    If requested, use the following Redirect URI when creating your custom app:

    • LinkedIn:

    • LinkedIn (OpenID Connect):

  5. Click Save.

  6. If prompted, authenticate your account and confirm access.

You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more LinkedIn Conversions API modules. If your connection requires reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.

Build LinkedIn Conversions API Scenarios

After connecting the app, you can perform the following actions:


With these modules, you can manage and track conversions through the LinkedIn Conversions API.

Associate Multiple Campaigns to Conversion Rule

Associates multiple campaigns to a conversion rule by their IDs.


Establish a connection to your LinkedIn Conversions API account.


Add one or more campaigns which you want to associate with the conversion.

Conversion Rule ID

Select or map the Conversion Rule ID to which you want to associate the campaign.

Create a Conversion Rule

Creates a new conversion rule to track conversions.


Establish a connection to your LinkedIn Conversions API account.

Account URN

Select or map the account for which you want to create the conversion rule.


Enter (map) a name for the conversion rule.


Select or map the conversion rule type to track this conversion rule. For example, Qualified Lead. See the complete list of conversion rule types.

Attribution Type

Select or map the attribution type that describes the process to count the conversion actions:

  • Last touch by campaign

  • Last touch by conversion

Post Click Attribution Window Size

Specifies a user’s settings on the post-click attribution window in days: from 5 to 90 days. The supported values are 1, 7, 30, 90.

View through Attribution Window Size

Specifies a user’s settings on the view through (post view) attribution window in days: from 5 to 90 days. The supported values are 1, 7, 30, 90.

Send Conversion Events

Sends multiple conversion events in a batch.


Establish a connection to your LinkedIn Conversions API account.

Account URN

Select or map the account to which you want to send the conversion events


Enter (map) the event details. You can add multiple actions.


Conversion Rule

Enter (map) the rule that determines the action in which the conversion occurred.

Conversion Happened At

Enter (map) the time at which the conversion happened. See the list of supported date and time formats. You can use the use the now function for real-time timestamp


Enter the user details:

User IDs

Enter (map) the user’s email address. The supported user ID types are:

  • Email

  • LI First Party Ads Tracking UUID

  • Acxiom ID

  • Oracle Moat ID

First Name

Enter (map) the user’s first name. The maximum number of allowed characters is 35.

Last Name

Enter (map) the user’s last name. The maximum number of allowed characters is 35.

Company Name

Enter (map) the user’s company name. The maximum number of allowed characters is 50.


Enter (map) the user’s job title. The maximum number of allowed characters is 50.

Country Code

Enter (map) the user’s ISO standardized country code. For example, US.


Enter (map) the lead gen form response of the user. The value should be in the following format: urn:li:leadGenFormResponse:id.

Conversion Value

Enter the conversion details:

Conversion Type

Select or map the conversion type. For example, download.

Money Amount

Enter the amount details.


Enter the amount applicable to the conversion.

Currency Code

Enter the applicable three-letter currency code.

Event ID

The unique id generated by advertisers to indicate each event. This field is optional and is used for deduplication.


With these modules, you can generate conversion reports and retrieve conversion rules through the LinkedIn Conversions API.

Generate a Conversion Report

Generates a conversion report.


Establish a connection to your LinkedIn Conversions API account.


Select or map the accounts for which you want to generate the conversion report.

Time Granularity

Select or map the time for which you want to generate the report:

  • All

  • Daily

  • Monthly

  • Yearly

Start Date

Enter (map) the date to generate the report of the conversions that occurred on or after the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.

End Date

Enter (map) the date to generate the report of the conversions that occurred on or before the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Select or map the pivots to include in the report. Conversion is the default pivot and you can add at the most two additional pivots to include in the report.


Select or map the campaigns for which you want to generate the conversion report.

Note: Either Accounts or Campaigns must be provided.


Select or map the fields to include in the report:

  • External Website Conversion

  • External Website Post Click Conversion

  • External Website Post View Conversion

  • Viral External Website Conversion

  • Viral External Website Post Click Conversion

  • Viral External Website Post View Conversion

Campaign Type

Select or map the campaign type for which you want to generate the report:

  • Text Ad

  • Sponsored Updates

  • Sponsored InMails

  • Dynamic


Set the maximum number of results Integrator should return during one execution cycle.

List Conversion Rules

Retrieves a list of conversion rules by the ad account.


Establish a connection to your LinkedIn Conversions API account.

Account URN

Select or map the account whose conversion rules you want to list.

Conversion Method

Select the filtering method of conversion rules:

  • Conversions API


Set the maximum number of conversion rules Integrator should return during one execution cycle.