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This application needs additional settings. Please follow the documentation below to create your own connection.


With the Keboola modules in Boost.space Integrator you can:

  • Upload data into a table, preview data, export a table, and retrieve file URL’s from a run.
  • Run and retrieve a queue job, unload data asynchronously, and start an orchestration.
  • Call APIs

To get started with Keboola, create an account at keboola.com

[Note] Note
The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Boost.space Integrator scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connect Keboola with Boost.space Integrator

  1. Log in to your Keboola account.
  2. Click Profile picture on the top right and click Settings.
  3. In the Settings tab, click API Tokens.
  4. In the API Token tab, click NEW TOKEN, enter a description for the token, and click CREATE.
    [Note] Note
    Ensure your token has the correct scopes assigned. Boost.space Integrator recommends to generate a Full Access token but consider the possible risks resulting from the ability to call any endpoint in the Keboola with this token.
  5. Copy the API Token to your clipboard.
  6. Log in to your Boost.space Integrator and add a module from the Keboola app into a Boost.space Integrator scenario.
  7. Click Add next to the Connection field.
  8. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.
  9. In the API Token field, enter the token copied in step 5.
  10. In the Stack field, enter your Keboola dashboard URL and click Save. For example, If your Keboola dashboard URL is https://connection.north-europe.azure.keboola.com/admin/projects/5505/dashboard, then your stack is north-europe.azure.
    [Note] Note
    If your Keboola dashboard URL is https://connection.keboola.com/admin/projects/5505/dashboard then leave the Stack field blank.

You have successfully connected the Keboola app with Boost.space Integrator and can now build scenarios.

Import/Export Data

You can upload and preview the data, export the table, and retrieve the file details using the following modules.

Upload Data into a Table

Uploads data into a table.


Connection Establish a connection to your Keboola account.
Upload Mode Select or map the mode through which you want to upload the data:

  • Incremental upload
  • Truncate existing table before upload
[Note] Note
The module uploads the data into Keboola via https://import.{{YOUR STACK}}.keboola.com/write-table.
Table ID Select or map the Table ID to which you want to upload the data.
File Add the file whose data you want to upload:


File Name Enter (map) a name for the file including the extension. For example, invoices.xml.
File Data Enter (map) the file data.
Delimiter Enter (map) the delimiter value to apply to the sequence. The field is used in a CSV file. The default value is a comma.
Enclosure Enter (map) field enclosure used in a CSV file. The default value is “.
Escaped by Enter (map) a CSV escape character. For example, ". By default, this field is blank.

Preview Data

Previews data in an existing table.


Connection Establish a connection to your Keboola account.
Table ID Select or map the Table ID whose data you want to preview.
Limit Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.
Changed Since Enter (map) the date to filter the data that was modified on or after the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Changed Until Enter (map) the date to filter the data modified on or before the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Columns Enter (map) the columns separated by a comma to export. By default, all columns are exported.
Where Operator Select or map the operator:

  • Equals
  • Now Equals
Format Select or map the data format type:

  • RFC
  • JSON
Where Filters Select or map the details to filter the data for preview. You can add multiple filters. For filter examples, refer to the Keboola’s documentation.
Order by Select or map the options to sort the data for preview. You can add multiple options.
Full Text Search Enter (map) the data to make a full-text search of all data in the table. You cannot combine this option with whereFilters. Allowed only Snowflake/Synapse.

Export a Table

Exports an existing table.


Connection Establish a connection to your Keboola account.
Source Table Enter (map) the table name whose data you want to export. For example, in.c-test-bucket.test-table.

[Note] Note
  • Ensure that your API token has the permissions to run the keboola.sapi-merged-export component.
Name of the Exported File Enter (map) the exported file name including the extension, .csv.

Get File URLs from a Run ID

Retrieves file URLs from a run ID.


Connection Establish a connection to your Keboola account.
Run ID Enter (map) the Run ID of the file whose details you want to retrieve.

Jobs and Orchestrations

You can run a queue job, retrieve the job details, start an orchestration, and unload the data asynchronously using the following details.

Run a Queue Job

Runs a new queue job.


Connection Establish a connection to your Keboola account.
Component Enter (map) a component name to run a queue job.
Mode Select or map the mode:

  • Run
  • Debug
Config Enter (map) the configuration name.

[Note] Note
If a component has a single configuration in your project, the configuration name is not required. However, for components with multiple configurations, for example, configured with different credentials, the configuration names must be different from another.
Config Row IDs Enter (map) the configuration row IDs.
Config Data Enter the configuration details.


Parameters Add the parameter details for configuration:


Key Enter (map) the name of the key.
Value Enter (map) the value of the parameter.
Storage Add the details to store the configuration data:


Source Enter (map) the source of the data.
Destination Enter (map) the destination of the data.
Tag Enter (map) a tag, if you want to run the component with a specific version of code.
Branch ID Enter (map) a branch ID to run a job of a configuration in a branch.
Variable Values ID Enter (map) the ID of the variable value to run a job with inline values.
Variable Values Data Add the variable values data:


Name Enter (map) a name for the variable.
Value Enter (map) the value of the variable.

Get a Queue Job

Retrieves an existing queue job.


Connection Establish a connection to your Keboola account.
Job ID Enter (map) a queue Job ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Get a Job

Retrieves an existing job.


Connection Establish a connection to your Keboola account.
Job ID Enter (map) a Job ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Unload Data Asynchronously

Unloads data asynchronously.


Connection Establish a connection to your Keboola account.
Table ID Select or map the Table ID whose data you want to unload asynchronously.
Limit Set the maximum number of rows Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle.
Format Select or map the data format to unload:

  • RFC
  • Escaped
  • Raw
Changed Since Enter (map) the date to filter the data that was modified on or from the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Changed Until Enter (map) the date to filter the data that was modified on or before the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Columns Enter (map) the columns separated by a comma whose data you want to unload. By default, all columns are exported.
Where Operator Select or map the operator to filter the data that matches the specified columns:
GZIP Select whether to ZIP the response.
Where Filters Add the filter to sort the data that matches the specified value for unloading:
Order by Select or map the option to sort the data

Start an Orchestration

Starts a new orchestration.


Connection Establish a connection to your Keboola account.
Config Enter (map) the Orchestration Configuration ID you want to start.


You call APIs using the following module.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


Connection Establish a connection to your Keboola account.
URL Enter a path relative to https://connection.north-europe.azure.keboola.com. For example, /v2/storage/jobs.

[Note] Note
For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Keboola API documentation.
Method Select the HTTP method you want to use:


to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.

Headers Enter the desired request headers. You don’t have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.
Query String Enter the request query string.
Body Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use – List Tables

The following API call returns all the tables from your Keboola account:






Matches of the search can be found in the module’s Output under Bundle > Body.

In our example, 3 tables were returned.
