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Sage Intacct

With Sage Intacct modules in Integrator, you can manage the records in your Sage Intacct account.

To use the Sage Intacct modules, you must have a Sage Intacct paid account. For subscription information, refer to the Sage Intacct page and request for pricing. You must have an active Sage Intacct Web Services developer license.

Refer to the Sage Intacct API documentation for a list of available endpoints.

Connect Sage Intacct to Integrator

To establish the connection, you must:

Obtain your Company ID in Sage Intacct

To obtain your Company ID from your Sage Intacct account:

  1. Log in to your Sage Intacct account.

  2. Go to Applications > Company > Company.

  3. On the General information tab, under Company information, copy the ID value and store it in a safe place.

You will use this value in the Company ID field in Integrator.

Authorize through Web Services in Sage Intacct

You must have an active Sage Intacct Web Services developer license. Refer to Sage Intacct documentation to learn more about the authorization process.

To authorize through Web Services:

  1. Contact your Sage Intacct account manager to get a Sender ID and Sender Password.

  2. Once you have your credentials, log in to your Sage Intacct account.

  3. Go to Applications > Company > Company.

  4. On the Security tab, click Edit.

  5. In the Web Services authorizations section, click Add.

  6. In the Sender ID field, enter the Sender ID that you got from your Sage Intacct account manager.

  7. Optional. Add a description. Click Save.

You are ready to establish a connection with Sage Intacct in Integrator.

Establish the connection with Sage Intacct in Integrator

To establish the connection in Integrator:

  1. Log in to your Integrator account, add a Sage Intacct module to your scenario, and click Create a connection.

    Note: If you add a module with an instant tag, click Create a webhook, then Create a connection.

  2. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  3. In the Company ID field, enter the Compani ID copied above.

  4. In the User ID field, enter the user name that you use to log in to your Sage Intacct account.

  5. In the User Password field, enter the password that you use to log in to your Sage Intacct account.

  6. In the Sender ID field, enter the value that you authorized through Web Services.

  7. In the Sender Password field, enter the value that your Sage Intacct account manager gave to you.

  8. Click Save.

  9. If prompted, authenticate your account and confirm access.

You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more Sage Intacct modules. If your connection requires reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.

Build Sage Intacct Scenarios

After connecting the app, you can perform the following actions:


Watch Records

Triggers when changes occur in records.


Establish a connection to your Sage Intacct account.

Record Type

Select the record type to watch.


Select the timezone that you use in your Sage Intacct account.


Enter the maximum number of results to be worked with during one execution cycle.


Search Records

Retrieves a list of records optionally filtered by criteria.


Establish a connection to your Sage Intacct account.

Record Type

Select the record type to search.

Output Fields

Select fields that you want to appear in the output.

Query Builder

Select the way you want to filter results.

Query String

Insert custom parameters for searching.


Create filters to narrow down the search records returned.

Order by

Select the option to arrange the search results.

Case Insensitive

Define if the filter value is case-insensitive.


Enter the maximum number of results to be worked with during one execution cycle.

Create a Record

Creates a new record


Establish a connection to your Sage Intacct account.

Record Type

Select the record type to create.

Record Details

Enter or map the information of the record you want to create into the fields that appear. The fields are dependent upon the selected Record Type.

Additional Parameters

Add other parameters that you want to attribute to a record.

Parameter Name

Insert the name of the parameter.


Select the data type.


Insert the value of the parameter.

Get a Record

Retrieves a record by its ID.


Establish a connection to your Sage Intacct account.

Record Type

Select the record type to create.

Custom Object Name

Specify the record name if you selected Custom record in the Record Type field. The field is case-insensitive.

Record Number

Enter the number of the record you want to get.

Record ID

Enter the ID of the record you want to get if you selected Custom record in the Record type field.

Update a Record

Updates a record by its ID.


Establish a connection to your Sage Intacct account.

Record Type

Select the record type to update.

Record Number

Enter the number of the record you want to update.

Record ID

Enter the ID of the record you want to update if you selected Custom record in the Record type field.

Record Details

Enter or map the information of the record you want to update into the fields that appear. The fields are dependent upon the selected Record Type.

Additional Parameters

Add other parameters that you want to attribute to a record.

Parameter Name

Insert the name of the parameter.


Select the data type.


Insert the value of the parameter.

Delete a Record

Deletes a record by its ID.


Establish a connection to your Sage Intacct account.

Record Type

Select the record type to delete.

Record Number

Enter the number of the record you want to delete.

Record ID

Enter the ID of the record you want to delete if you selected Custom record in the Record type field.


Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


Establish a connection to your Sage Intacct account.


Insert a body in the XML format. Refer to the Sage Intacct API documentation for a list of available endpoints.