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This application needs additional settings. Please follow the documentation below to create your own connection.


The Wealthbox modules allow you to search, list, retrieve, create, update, and delete the contacts, events, opportunities, projects, tasks, workflows, comments, and custom fields in your Wealthbox account.

Getting Started with Wealthbox


  • A Wealthbox account

In order to use Wealthbox with Boost.space Integrator, it is necessary to have a Wealthbox account. If you do not have one, you can create a Wealthbox account at wealthbox.com.

[Note] Note

The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Boost.space Integrator scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting Wealthbox to Boost.space Integrator

To connect your Wealthbox account to Boost.space Integrator you need to obtain the Access Token from your Wealthbox account and insert it in the Create a connection dialog in the Boost.space Integrator module.

1. Log in to your Wealthbox account.

2. Click the three dots icon (61f27df8a8b06.png) in the top-right corner > Settings > API Access > Create Access Token.

3. Enter a name for the access token and click Save.


4. Copy the Access Token to your clipboard.


5. Go to Boost.space Integrator and open the Wealthbox module’s Create a connection dialog.


6. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

7. In the Access Token field, enter the access token copied in step 4, and click Continue.

The connection has been established,


Search Contacts

Searches for contacts or retrieves them all.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID whose details you want to list.

Contact Type

Select the contact type to search the contacts of the specified type.


Enter the contact’s name whose details you want to search.


Enter the contact’s email address whose details you want to search.


Enter the contact’s phone number whose details you want to search.


Select whether to list only active contacts.


Add the tags to search the contacts only with the specified tags.

Household Title

Select the household name to search only the contacts with the specified name. For example, Spouse.


Select the contact type to search only the contacts with the specified type.


Select the order to sort the contacts:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

  • Recent

  • Created

  • Updated


Set the maximum number of contacts Boost.space Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get a Contact

Retrieves a specific contact using its unique identifier.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a contact

Creates a new contact.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.


Select the type of contact you want to create.

First Name

Enter the contact’s first name.

Last Name

Enter the contact’s last name.

Middle Name

Enter the contact’s middle name.


Enter the contact’s preferred prefix. For example, Mr.


Enter the details contact’s suffix if available.


Enter the contact’s nickname.

Marital Status

Select the contact’s marital status:

  • Married

  • Single

  • Divorced

  • Widowed

  • Life Partner

  • Separated

  • Unknown

Job Title

Enter the contact’s job position name.

Company Name

Enter the company name in which the contact works.


Select the household name of the contact.


Select the relationship with the contact. For example, Sibling.

Email Address

Add the contact’s email address:


Enter the contact’s email address.


Select whether this is the contact’s principal email address.


Select the email address type. For example, work.

Destroy ‘false’

Select whether or not to destroy the email address being updated.

Phone Numbers

Add the contact’s phone numbers:


Enter the contact’s phone number.


Select if this is the contact’s primary phone number.


Enter the contact’s extension number.


Select the phone number type. For example, work.

Destroy false

Select whether to delete the phone number when a new number is updated.


Add the contact’s websites:


Enter the contact’s website URL address.


Select whether this is the contact’s primary website address.


Select the website type. For example, Facebook.

Destroy ‘false’

Select whether to delete the website when a new number is updated.


Add the tags for the contact.

Background Information

Enter the details of the contact.

LinkedIn URL

Enter the contact’s LinkedIn URL address.

Twitter Name

Enter the contact’s Twitter URL address.

Street Addresses

Add the street name where the contact resides:

Street Line 1

Enter the street name.

Street Line 2

Enter the street name.


Enter the city name.


Enter the state name.

ZIP Code

Enter the area zip code.


Enter the country name.


Select whether this is the primary address of the contact.


Select the address type. For example, home.

Destroy ‘false’

Select whether or not to destroy the address being updated.

Assigned To

Select the User ID to whom the contact is assigned.

Referred By

Select the user who has referred the contact.

Contact Source

Select the source from where you received the contact details. For example, conference.

Contact Type

Select the contact type. For example, vendor.


Select the contact status:

  • Active

  • Inactive


Select the contact gender:

  • Male

  • Female

  • Unknown

Birth Date

Enter the contact’s date of birth. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Enter the contact’s wedding anniversary. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Client Since

Enter the date from when the contact is a client. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Date of Death

Enter the contact’s date of death. Enter the contact’s wedding anniversary. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Select the User ID of the contact acting as the contact’s attorney.


Select the User ID of the contact acting as the contact’s accountant.


Select the User ID who is acting as the contact’s doctor.


Select the User ID who is acting as the contact’s insurance agent.

Business Manager

Select the User ID who is acting as the contact’s business manager.

Family Officer

Select the User ID who is acting as the contact’s family officer.


Select the User ID who is acting as the contact’s assistant.


Select the User ID who is acting as the contact’s other.

Important Information

Enter any other important information about the contact.

Personal Interests

Enter the contact’s interests or hobbies.

Investment Objective

Select the contact’s investment goal. For example, income.

Time Horizon

Select the contact’s opted time range. For example, short term.

Risk Tolerance

Select the contact’s risk tolerance option. For example, low.

Mutual Fund Experience

Enter the details of the contact’s mutual fund experience.

Stocks and Bonds Experience

Enter the details of the contact’s stocks and bonds experience.

Partnerships Experience

Enter the details of the contact’s business partnership experience.

Other Investing Experience

Enter the details of the contact’s investment experience.

Gross Annual Income

Enter the contact’s gross annual income details.


Enter the contact’s asset details.

Non Liquid Assets

Enter the contact’s non-liquid asset details.


Enter the contact’s liabilities details.

Adjusted Gross Income

Enter the contact’s adjusted gross annual income details.

Estimated Taxes

Enter the contact’s estimated tax amount.

Confirmed by Tax Return

Select whether the contact’s tax returns are confirmed.

Tax Year

Enter the year for which the contact’s tax returns are filed.

Tax Bracket

Enter the contact’s applicable tax bracket.

Birth Place

Enter the contact’s birthplace name.

Maiden Name

Enter the contact’s maiden name.

Passport Number

Enter the contact’s passport number.

Green Card Number

Enter the contact’s green card number.


Enter the contact’s driving license number.


Enter the state in which the driving license is issued.

Issued Date

Enter the date when the driving license is issued. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Expires Date

Enter the driving license expiry date. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Retirement Date

Enter the contact’s retirement date. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Signed Fee Agreement Date

Enter the date when the contact has signed the fee agreement. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Signed Ips Agreement Date

Enter the date when the contact has signed the IPS agreement. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Last Adv Offering Date

Enter the date when the contact has last offered the advance amount. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Last Crs Offering Date

Enter the date when the contact has last offered the CRS. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Last Privacy Offering Date

Enter the date when the contact has last offered privacy. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Custom Fields

Add any additional custom fields by entering the field name and its value.

Visible to

Select the option for contact visibility:

  • Everyone

  • Only me

Update a Contact

Updates a specific contact using its unique identifier.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.


Select the contact type whose details you want to update.

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID whose details you want to update.

Update the details as provided in the Create a contact module.

Delete a Contact

Deletes a specific contact using its unique identifier.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID you want to delete.


Search Tasks

Searches for tasks or fetches all of the tasks that are accessible by the user.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Resource Type

Select the resource type to search the task based on the specified resource. For example, contact.

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID whose tasks you want to search.

Opportunity ID

Select the Opportunity ID whose tasks you want to search.

Assigned To

Select the user whose assigned tasks you want to search.

Created By

Select the user whose created tasks you want to search.


Select whether the task is completed.


Set the maximum number of tasks Boost.space Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get a Task

Retrieves a specific task using its unique identifier.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Task ID

Select the Task ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Task

Creates a new task.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Task ID

Select the Task ID whose details you want to update.


Enter the task name.

Due Date

Enter the date by when the task must be completed. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Enter the details of the task.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the task is assigned.


Select whether the task is completed.


Select the category to which the task belongs to.

Linked To

Add the items linked to the task:


Select the item type. For example, contact.

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID.


Enter the item name.


Select the task priority:

  • Low

  • Medium

  • High

Visible To

Select the option for who can view the task:

  • Everyone

  • Only Me


Select whether this is a repeated task.

Update a Task

Updates an existing task with new properties.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.


Enter the task name.

Due Date

Enter the date by when the task must be completed. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Enter the details of the task.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the task is assigned.


Select whether the task is completed.


Select the category to which the task belongs to.

Linked To

Add the items linked to the task:


Select the item type. For example, contact.

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID.


Enter the item name.


Select the task priority:

  • Low

  • Medium

  • High

Visible To

Select the option for who can view the task:

  • Everyone

  • Only Me


Select whether this is a repeated task.

Delete a Task

Deletes an existing task from your account (workspace).


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Task ID

Select the Task ID you want to delete.


Search Workflows

Searches for workflows or fetches all of the workflows that are accessible by the user.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Resource Type

Select the workflow type:

  • Contact

  • Opportunity


Select the workflow status:

  • Active

  • Completed

  • Scheduled


Set the maximum number of workflows Boost.space Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

List Workflow Templates

Fetches all of the workflow templates that are accessible by the user.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.


Set the maximum number of workflow templates Boost.space Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get a Workflow

Retrieves a specific workflow using its unique identifier.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Workflow ID

Select the Workflow ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Workflow

Creates a new workflow.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Workflow Template

Select the template for the workflow.


Select the option to associate the workflow. For example, contact.

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID you want to associate with the workflow.

Opportunity ID

Select the Opportunity ID you want to associate with the workflow.

Project ID

Select the project ID you want to associate with the workflow.


Enter a name for the workflow.


Enter a label for the workflow.

Visible To

Select the option for workflow visibility:

  • Everyone

  • Only me

Starts At

Enter the date when the workflow starts. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Update a Workflow

Updates an existing workflow with new properties.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Workflow ID

Select the Workflow whose details you want to update.

Workflow Template

Select the template for the workflow.


Select the option to associate the workflow. For example, contact.

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID you want to associate with the workflow.

Opportunity ID

Select the Opportunity ID you want to associate with the workflow.

Project ID

Select the project ID you want to associate with the workflow.


Enter a name for the workflow.


Enter a label for the workflow.

Visible To

Select the option for workflow visibility:

  • Everyone

  • Only me

Starts At

Enter the date when the workflow starts. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Complete a Workflow Step

Completes a workflow step.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Workflow ID

Select the Workflow ID whose step you want to mark as completed.


Select whether you want to mark the step as complete.

Due Date

Enter the date when the step is due to be completed. See the list of supported date and time formats.

When selecting an outcome with the Restart Step action, this indicates the due date for the restarted step.

Revert a Workflow Step

Reverts a workflow step.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Workflow ID

Select the Workflow ID whose step you want to revert back.


Select the checkbox to completely revert the status of the workflow step.


Search Events

Searches for events or fetches all of the events that are accessible by the user.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Resource Type

Select the resource type whose events you want to search.

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID whose events you want to search.

Opportunity ID

Select the Opportunity ID whose events you want to search.


Set the maximum number of events Boost.space Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get an Event

Retrieves a specific event using its unique identifier.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Event ID

Select the Event ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create an Event

Creates a new event.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.


Enter a name for the event.

Starts At

Enter the date and time when the event starts. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Ends At

Enter the date and time when the event ends. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Linked To

Add the items associated with the event by selecting the item type and its name.


Select whether this is a repeating event.

Event Category

Select the event category. For example, conference.

All Day

Select whether this is an all-day event.


Enter the event location address.


Add the details of the event.


Select the event status. For example, confirmed.

Visible To

Select the option for the event visibility:

  • Everyone

  • Only Me

Email Invitees

Select whether to send email invitations to the invitees.


Add the invitees for the event.

Update an Event

Updates an existing event with new properties.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Event ID

Select the Event ID whose details you want to update.


Enter a name for the event.

Starts At

Enter the date and time when the event starts. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Ends At

Enter the date and time when the event ends. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Linked To

Add the items associated with the event by selecting the item type and its name.


Select whether this is a repeating event.

Event Category

Select the event category. For example, conference.

All Day

Select whether this is an all-day event.


Enter the event location address.


Add the details of the event.


Select the event status. For example, confirmed.

Visible To

Select the option for the event visibility:

  • Everyone

  • Only Me

Email Invitees

Select whether to send email invitations to the invitees.


Add the invitees to the event.

Delete an Event

Deletes an existing event from your account (workspace).


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Event ID

Select the Event ID you want to delete.


Search Notes

Searches for notes or fetches all of the notes that are accessible by the user.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Resource Type

Select the resource type whose notes you want to search.

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID whose notes you want to search.

Opportunity ID

Select the Opportunity ID whose notes you want to search.


Set the maximum number of notes Boost.space Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get a Note

Retrieves a specific note using its unique identifier.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Note ID

Select the Note ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Note

Creates a new note.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.


Enter a note text.

Linked To

Add the items associated with the note by selecting the item type and its name.

Visible To

Select the option for the event visibility:

  • Everyone

  • Only Me


Add the tags for the note.

Update a Note

Updates an existing note with new properties.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Note ID

Select the Note ID whose details you want to update.


Enter a note text.

Linked To

Add the items associated with the note by selecting the item type and its name.

Visible To

Select the option for the event visibility:

  • Everyone

  • Only Me


Add the tags for the note.


List Projects

Fetches all of the projects that are accessible by the user.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.


Set the maximum number of projects Boost.space Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get a Project

Retrieves a specific project using its unique identifier.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Project

Creates a new project.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.


Enter a name for the project.


Enter the details of the project.


Select the user who is responsible for organizing the project.

Visible To

Select the option for project visibility:

  • Everyone

  • Only Me

Custom Fields

Add the custom field IDs and their values for the project.

Update a Project

Updates an existing project with new properties.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID whose details you want to update.


Enter a name for the project.


Enter the details of the project.


Select the user who is responsible for organizing the project.

Visible To

Select the option for project visibility:

  • Everyone

  • Only Me

Custom Fields

Add the custom field IDs and their values for the project.

Delete a Project

Deletes an existing project from your account (workspace).


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Project ID

Select the Project ID you want to delete.


Search Opportunities

Searches for opportunities or fetches all of the opportunities that are accessible by the user.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Resource Type

Select the resource type whose opportunities you want to search.

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID whose opportunities you want to search.

Opportunity ID

Select the Opportunity ID whose opportunities you want to search.


Select the order in which you want to list the opportunities:

  • Asc

  • Desc

  • Recent

  • Created


Set the maximum number of opportunities Boost.space Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get an Opportunity

Retrieves a specific opportunity using its unique identifier.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Opportunity ID

Select the Opportunity ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create an Opportunity

Creates a new opportunity.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.


Enter a name for the opportunity.

Target Close

Enter the date and time the opportunity is expected to close.


Enter the percentage that the opportunity is expected to close.


Select the opportunity status. For example, In review.


Enter the opportunity details.


Enter the name of the person designated as a manager for this opportunity.


Add the amount associated with the opportunity:


Enter the amount.


Select the currency symbol applicable to the opportunity.


Select the amount type. For example, Fee.

Links To

Add the items associated with the opportunity by selecting the item type and its name.

Visible To

Select the option for opportunity visibility:

  • Everyone

  • Only Me

Custom Fields

Add the custom field IDs and their values for the opportunity.

Update an Opportunity

Updates an existing opportunity with new properties.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Opportunity ID

Select the Opportunity ID whose details you want to update.


Enter a name for the opportunity.

Target Close

Enter the date and time the opportunity is expected to close.


Enter the percentage that the opportunity is expected to close.


Select the opportunity status. For example, In Review.


Enter the opportunity details.


Enter the name of the person designated as a manager for this opportunity.


Add the amount associated with the opportunity:


Enter the amount.


Select the currency symbol applicable to the opportunity.


Select the amount type. For example, Fee.

Links To

Add the items associated with the opportunity by selecting the item type and its name.

Visible To

Select the option for opportunity visibility:

  • Everyone

  • Only Me

Custom Fields

Add the custom field IDs and their values for the opportunity.

Delete an Opportunity

Deletes an existing opportunity from your account (workspace).


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Opportunity ID

Select the Opportunity ID you want to delete.


Add a Member to a Household

Adds a member to the household.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Household ID

Select the Household ID to which you want to add the member.

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID of the member you want to add.


Select the applicable title of the member. For example, Parent.

Delete a Member From a Household

Removes a member from a household.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Household ID

Select the Household ID from which you want to remove the member.

Member ID

Select the Member ID you want to remove.

Custom Fields

List Custom Fields

Fetches every customer field in the authenticated user’s account (workspace).


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Document Type

Select the document type whose custom field you want to list. For example, task.


Set the maximum number of custom fields Boost.space Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Customizable Category Members

List Members of a Customizable Category

Fetches every instance of the specified category name which are owned by the account (workspace) of the user authenticated with the API.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.


Select the category whose members you want to list. For example, financial account types.


Set the maximum number of members Boost.space Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.


Search Comments

Searches for comments or fetches all of the comments that are accessible by the user.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.

Resource Type

Select the resource whose comments you want to search.

Opportunity ID

Select the Opportunity ID whose comments you want to search.

Workflow ID

Select the Workflow ID whose comments you want to search.

Step ID

Select the Step ID whose comments you want to search.

Task ID

Select the Task ID whose comments you want to search.


Set the maximum number of comments Boost.space Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.


Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


Establish a connection to your Wealthbox account.


Enter a path relative to https://api.crmworkspace.com/. For example: /v1/tasks

[Note] Note

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Wealthbox API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

GET to retrieve information for an entry.

POST to create a new entry.

PUT to update/replace an existing entry.

PATCH to make a partial entry update.

DELETE to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don’t have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use – List Projects

The following API call returns all the projects from your Wealthbox account:

URL: /v1/projects

Method: GET


Matches of the search can be found in the module’s Output under Bundle > Body > projects. In our example, 3 projects were returned:
