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This application needs additional settings. Please follow the documentation below to create your own connection.


The Ontraport modules allow you to watch, create, update, search, and delete objects, rules, events, and messages in your Ontraport account.

Getting Started with Ontraport


  • An Ontraport account

In order to use Ontraport with Integrator, it is necessary to have an Ontraport account. If you do not have one, you can create an Ontraport account at

The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Integrator scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting Ontraport to Integrator

To connect your Ontraport account to Integrator you need to obtain the API Key from your Ontraport account and insert it in the Create a connection dialog in the Integrator module.

1. Log in to your Ontraport account.

2. Click Your Profile Icon > Administration > Integrations > Ontraport API Instructions and Key Manager.


3. Click New API Key, fill the details in the API Application and accept the agreement, enter a name for API and select the options for API. Click Save.

4. Copy theAPP ID and API Key to your clipboard.


5. Go to Integrator and open the Ontraport module’s Create a connection dialog.


6. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

7. In the API Key and API Application ID fields, enter the API key and APP ID copied in step 4. Click Continue.

The connection has been established.

General Object Modules

Watch Events

Receives events when objects are created, objects are tagged, objects are untagged or forms are submitted.

Webhook Name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Ontraport account.

Object Type ID

Select the Object Type ID you want to watch.


Select the event you want to watch:

  • Object Created

  • Form Submitted

  • Tag Added

  • Tag Removed

Tag ID

Select the Tag ID you want to watch.

Form ID

Select the Form ID you want to watch.

Data Format

Select the data format:

  • Notify

  • Lightweight

See the Connecting to Ontraport webhook using Integrator for adding the webhook in Ontraport.

Pipeliner CRM

With Pipeliner CRM modules in Integrator, you can manage and monitor all your accounts, appointments, contacts, leads, opportunities, and tasks in your Pipeliner CRM account.

To get started with Pipeliner CRM, create an account at

Connecting Pipeliner CRM to Integrator

To make a connection you need to obtain API access credentials from your Pipliner CRM account.

Pipeliner API credentials

  1. Log in to your Pipeliner CRM account.

  2. Click the menu in the top-left, corner, then click Administration.

  3. Click Units, Users & Roles, then click Applications.

  4. Select an existing API application, or create a new one.

  5. Select the API application you want to use, then click Show API Access.

  6. Copy the user name, password, and space ID to your clipboard. Make a note of the server location too.

  7. Go to your Integrator scenario and select the Pipeliner CRM module you want to use.

  8. Under Connection, click Add.

  9. Give your new connection a name.

  10. Paste the user name, password, and space ID that you copied in step 6.

  11. Select the server location you want to use.

  12. Click Save.

You have successfully established the connection.

Connecting to Integrator

  1. Go to your Integrator scenario and select the Pipeliner CRM module you want to use.

  2. Under Connection, click Add.

  3. Give your new connection a name.

  4. Paste the user name, password, and space ID that you copied in step 6.

  5. Select the server location you want to use.

  6. Click Save.

You have successfully established the connection.

Setting up Pipeliner CRM webhooks

To use any of the Pipeliner CRM Watch modules, you must first set up a webhook.

  1. Go to your Integrator scenario and select the Pipeliner CRM Watch module you want to use.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Give your new webhook a name.

  4. Select which connection you want to use or create a new one by following the steps below.

  5. Click Save.

The app-specific webhook attaches automatically in your Pipeliner CRM account.

Search Objects

Retrieves all objects of a certain type.


Establish a connection to your Ontraport account.

Object Type ID

Select Object Type ID whose object you want to search.


Enter any keyword or phrase to filter the objects.

Search Notes

Select whether object notes can be searchable:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Object IDs

Add the Object IDs


Enter the maximum number of objects Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get an Object

Retrieves an object.


Establish a connection to your Ontraport account.

Object Type ID

Select the Object Type ID whose object type details you want to retrieve.

Object ID

Select the Object ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create an Object

Creates an object of a certain type.


Establish a connection to your Ontraport account.

Object Type ID

Select the Object Type ID whose object you are creating. When you select an object, the dynamic fields related to the object type auto-populates which you have to fill for creating or updating the object. Refer to the Ontraport API documentation.

Update an Object

Updates an object.


Establish a connection to your Ontraport account.

Object Type ID

Select the Object Type ID whose object you want to update.

Object ID

Select the Object ID you want to update. When you select an object, the dynamic fields related to the object type auto-populates which you have to fill for creating or updating the object. Refer to the Ontraport API documentation.

Delete an Object

Deletes an object.


Establish a connection to your Ontraport account.

Object Type ID

Select the Object Type ID whose object type details you want to retrieve.

Object ID

Select the Object ID whose details you want to retrieve.

List Objects with Tag

Retrieves all objects with a certain tag.


Establish a connection to your Ontraport account.

Object Type ID

Select the Object Type ID whose object you want to list with tag.


Enter the tags whose associated objects you want to list.


Enter any keyword or phrase to filter the objects.

Search Notes

Select whether object notes can be searchable:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined


Enter the maximum number of objects Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Tag Objects

Tag objects.


Establish a connection to your Ontraport account.

Object Type

Select the object type to whose object you want to add the tags.


Enter the tag or keyword you want to add as a tag to the object.

Object ID

Enter the object ID to which you want to add the tag.

Untag Objects

Removes a tag from objects.


Establish a connection to your Ontraport account.

Object Type

Select the object type to whose object you want to untag.


Enter the tag or keyword you want to untag from the object.

Object ID

Select the object ID from which you want to untag.

Add an Object to a Sequence or Campaign

Adds objects to sequence or campaigns.


Establish a connection to your Ontraport account.

Object Type

Select the object type to whose object you want to add to the sequence or campaign.

Sequence or Campaign

Select whether you want to add the object to sequence or campaign:

  • Sequence

  • Campaign


Select the sequence to which you want to add the object.


Enter the campaign to which you want to add the object.

Object ID

Select the Object ID which you want to add to the sequence or campaign.

Remove an Object from a Sequence or Campaign

Removes objects from sequences or campaigns.


Establish a connection to your Ontraport account.

Object Type

Select the object type whose object you want to remove from the sequence or campaign.

Sequence or Campaign

Select the option you want to remove from the object:

  • Sequence

  • Campaign


Select the sequence to which you want to remove from the object.


Enter the campaign from which you want to remove the object.

Object ID

Select the Object ID which you want to add to the sequence or campaign.


Create a Message

Creates a message.


Establish a connection to your Ontraport account.

Message Name

Enter the name of the message.

Message Subject

Enter the subject line of the message.

Message Type

Select the message type:

  • Legacy Mail

  • ONTRAmail (template)

  • Text Message (SMS)

  • Task Message

Send From Email address

Enter the email address from which you are sending the message.

From Name

Select the name that appears in the email.

Reply to Email Address

Enter the email address to which the recipient can reply.

Plain Text

Enter the email body message.


Enter the email body message in HTML format.

Email Title

Enter the email title.


Select the email type:

  • Marketing Email

  • Transactional Email

Spam Score

Enter the spam score for this email so it appears in the spam folder of the recipient.

Template Content

Enter the template details. The template details may overwrite other fields that appear below this field.

SMS Content

Enter the message text.

Task Data

Enter the task details.

Due Date

Enter the date by which the task must be completed.

Task Owner

Enter the task owner’s name.

Task Form

Enter the Task ID of the form which needs to be filled on completing the task.

Object Type ID

Select the Object Type ID.

Update a Message

Updates a message.


Establish a connection to your Ontraport account.

Message ID

Select the Message ID you want to update.

Message Name

Enter the name of the message.

Message Subject

Enter the subject line of the message.

Message Type

Select the message type:

  • Legacy Mail

  • ONTRAmail (template)

  • Text Message (SMS)

  • Task Message

Send From Email address

Enter the email address from which you are sending the message.

From Name

Select the name that appears in the email.

Reply to Email Address

Enter the email address to which the recipient can reply.

Plain Text

Enter the email body message.


Enter the email body message in HTML format.

Email Title

Enter the email title.


Select the email type:

  • Marketing Email

  • Transactional Email

Spam Score

Enter the spam score for this email so it appears in the spam folder of the recipient.

Template Content

Enter the template details. The template details may overwrite other fields that appear below this field.

SMS Content

Enter the message text.

Task Data

Enter the task details.

Due Date

Enter the date by which the task must be completed.

Task Owner

Enter the task owner’s name.

Task Form

Enter the Task ID of the form which needs to be filled on completing the task.

Object Type ID

Select the Object Type ID.


Create a Rule

Creates a rule.


Establish a connection to your Ontraport account.

Rule Name

Enter a name for the rule.

Rule Events

Enter the events for which the rule triggers. For the list of events, see here.

Rule Actions

Enter the actions for which the rule triggers. For the list of actions, see here.

Object Type ID

Select the Object Type ID for which you are creating the rules.

Rule Conditions

Enter the conditions which when met, the rule triggers. For the list of conditions, see here.

Rule Tags

Enter the keywords as tags for the rule.


Select whether the rule is paused:

  • Live

  • Paused

Update a Rule

Updates a rule.


Establish a connection to your Ontraport account.

Rule ID

Select the Rule ID you want to update.


Select whether the rule is paused:

  • Live

  • Paused

Rule Name

Enter a name for the rule.

Rule Events

Enter the events for which the rule triggers. For the list of events, see here.

Rule Actions

Enter the actions for which the rule triggers. For the list of actions, see here.

Rule Conditions

Enter the conditions which when met, the rule triggers. For the list of conditions, see here.

Rule Tags

Enter the keywords as tags for the rule.

Object Type ID

Select the Object Type ID for which you are creating the rules.


Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


Establish a connection to your Ontraport account.


Enter a path relative to For example: /1/Rules

[Note] Note

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Ontraport API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

GET to retrieve information for an entry.

POST to create a new entry.

PUT to update/replace an existing entry.

PATCH to make a partial entry update.

DELETE to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don’t have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use – Get Messages

The following API call returns all the messages from your Ontraport account:

URL: /1/Messages

Method: GET


Matches of the search can be found in the module’s Output under Bundle > Body > data.In our example, 2 messages were returned:


Connecting to Ontraport Webhook Using Integrator

1. In the Watch events module, enter the details as mentioned in the Watch Events and copy the address to your clipboard.


2. Log in to your Ontraport account and open your Campaign map > Advanced > Send to a Webhook and add the webhook information to the flow.


You can also add webhooks from your Administration settings, see Ontraport Webhooks for more information.

3. Add the URL address copied in step 1 and select the events for which you want to receive triggers and click Done.


You have successfully added the webhook.