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This application needs additional settings. Please follow the documentation below to create your own connection.


The TextMagic modules allow you to monitor, add, update, list. and delete the calls, contacts, custom fields, lists, and messages from your TextMagic account.

Getting Started with TextMagic


  • A TextMagic account

In order to use TextMagic with Integrator, it is necessary to have a TextMagic account. If you do not have one, you can create a TextMagic account at

[Note] Note

The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Integrator scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting TextMagic to Integrator

To connect your TextMagic account to Integrator you need to obtain the API Key from your TextMagic account and insert it in the Create a connection dialog in the Integrator module.

1. Log in to your TextMagic account.

2. Click Accounts > API > Add new API key.


3. Enter your app name and click Generate new key.


4. Copy the API Key to your clipboard.


5. Go to Integrator and open the TextMagic module’s Create a connection dialog.


6. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

7. In the Username field, enter your TextMagic account’s username, You can find the username at Account > Account Settings.


8. In the API Key field, enter the API key copied in step 4, and click Continue.

The connection has been established.


Search Lists

Searches lists by given criteria.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.


Set the maximum number of lists Integrator should return during one execution cycle.

List IDs

Add the List IDs you want to search.


Enter a keyword or phrase to search the lists that match the specified query.

Only Mine

Select whether you want to search only the lists related to the current user.

Only Default

Select whether you want to search only the default lists related to the current user.

Order By

Select or map the option in which you want to order the lists:

  • List ID

  • Name

  • Members Count


Select or map the direction in which you want to list the results:

  • Asc

  • Desc

Get a List

Gets the details of a specific list.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

List ID

Select or map the List ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a List

Creates a new list.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

List Name

Enter the name for the list.


Select whether the list is shared.


Select whether the list is marked as favorite.

Is Default

Select whether this is the default list for new contacts.

Assign Contact to a List

Assigns contacts to a list.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

List ID

Select or map the List ID to which you want to assign the contact.

Contact ID

Select or map the Contact ID which you want to assign to the list.

Unassign Contact from a List

Unassigns contact from a list.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

List ID

Select or map the List ID from which you want to unassign the contact.

Contact ID

Select or map the Contact ID which you want to unassign from the list.

Update a List

Updates a list.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

List ID

Select or map the List ID whose details you want to update.


Enter a new name for the list.


Select whether the list is shared.


Select whether the list is marked as favorite.

Is Default

Select whether this is the default list for new contacts.

Delete a List

Deletes a list.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

List ID

Select or map the List ID you want to delete.


Search Contacts

Searches contacts by given criteria.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.


Set the maximum number of contacts Integrator should return during one execution cycle.

Contact IDs

Add the Contact IDs you want to search.


Select whether you want to search the shared contacts.

List ID

Select or map the List ID whose contacts you want to search.

Include Blocked

Select whether you want to include the blocked contacts in the results.


Enter a keyword or phrase to search the contacts that match the specified query.


Select whether you want to include the local phone numbers of the contacts in the results.

Exact Match

Select whether you want to search only the contacts that exactly match the search criteria.

Order By

Select or map the option in which you want to order the contacts:

  • Contact ID

  • First Name

  • Last Name


Select or map the direction in which you want to list the results:

  • Asc

  • Desc

Get a Contact

Gets contact.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

Contact ID

Select or map the Contact ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Contact

Creates contact.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.


Enter the contact’s phone number. For example, 12125369215.

List ID

Select or map the List ID to which you want to assign the contact.

First Name

Enter (map) the contact’s first name.

Last Name

Enter (map) the contact’s last name.


Enter (map) the contact’s email address.

Company Name

Enter (map) the contact’s company name.


Select whether you want to mark the contact as favorite.


Select whether you want to block the contact.

Type of Phone

Select or map the contact’s phone number type:

  • Landline

  • Mobile

Custom Field Values

Add the custom fields and their values for the contact.


Select whether the contact’s phone number is local.


Enter the contact’s phone number’s two-character country code. For example, US for the United States.

Update the Custom Field Value

Updates the custom field value of a specified contact.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

Custom Field ID

Select or map the Custom Field ID which you want to update for the contact.

Contact ID

Select or map the Contact ID whose values you want to update.


Enter the new value for the custom field.

Update a Contact

Updates contact.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

Contact ID

Select or map the Contact ID whose value you want o update.


Enter the contact’s phone number. For example, 12125369215.

List ID

Select or map the List ID to which you want to assign the contact.

First Name

Enter (map) the contact’s first name.

Last Name

Enter (map) the contact’s last name.


Enter (map) the contact’s email address.

Company Name

Enter (map) the contact’s company name.


Select whether you want to mark the contact as favorite.


Select whether you want to block the contact.

Type of Phone

Select or map the contact’s phone number type:

  • Landline

  • Mobile

Custom Field Values

Add the custom fields and their values for the contact.


Select whether the contact’s phone number is local.


Enter the contact’s phone number’s two-character country code. For example, US for the United States.

Delete a Contact

Deletes contact.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

Contact ID

Select or map the Contact ID you want to delete.

Custom Fields

List Custom Fields

Gets all custom fields.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.


Set the maximum number of custom fields Integrator should return during one execution cycle.

Get a Custom Field

Gets a custom field.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

Custom Field ID

Select or map the Custom Field ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Custom Field

Creates a new custom field.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.


Enter the custom field name.

Update a Custom Field

Updates a custom field.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

Custom Field ID

Select or map the Custom Field ID whose details you want to update.


Enter the custom field name.

Delete a Custom Field

Deletes a custom field.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

Custom Field ID

Select or map the Custom Field ID you want to delete.


[Note] Note

You do not have to add the webhooks in the TextMagic as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Watch Incoming Message

Triggers when a new incoming message is received.

Webhook Name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

List Outgoing Messages

Gets all messages.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.


Set the maximum number of outgoing messages Integrator should return during one execution cycle.

Get an Outgoing Message

Gets a message.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

Message ID

Select or map the Message ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Send a Message

Sends a message.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.


Enter the message text.

Template ID

Select or map the Template ID for the message.


Select or map the contacts to whom you want to send the message. You should specify at least one of the Phones, Contacts, Lists fields.


Add the lists to which you want to send the message.


Add the phone numbers to which you want to send the message.

Sending Date Time

Enter the date and time when you want to send the message.

Cut Extra

Select whether you want the sending method to cut extra characters which do not fit supplied partsCount or return 400 Bad request response instead.

Parts Count

Enter the maximum number of parts you can divide the message into. You can divide the message into a maximum of six parts.

Reference ID

Enter the custom message Reference ID.


Enter (map) the Sender ID from which you want to send the message. The value should be either a phone number or an alphanumeric sender ID. If specified Sender ID is not allowed for some destinations, a fallback default Sender ID will be used to ensure delivery.


Enter the iCal RRULE parameter to create recurrent scheduled messages. Send time is mandatory as the start point of sending. See the Rrule generator for format details.

Create Chat

Select whether you want to create a new chat with recipients.


Select whether you want to send a text-to-speech message.


Select whether you want to consider the phone numbers as local.


Enter the contact’s phone number’s two-character country code. For example, US for the United States.


Select or map the message destination:

  • MMS

  • TTS


Enter the file name from the MMS attachment response if you are sending the MMS message.

Delete an Outgoing Message

Deletes a message.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

Message ID

Select or map the Message ID you want to delete.


[Note] Note

You do not have to add the webhooks in the TextMagic as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Watch Incling Call

Triggers when someone calls your TextMagic number.

Webhook Name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

Watch Missed Call

Triggers when you miss an incoming call to your Textmagic number.

Webhook Name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

Change the Forwarding Numbers

Changes the forwarding number.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

Number ID

Select or map the Number ID which you want to change.

Forwarding Number

Enter the new number you want to change.


[Note] Note

You do not have to add the webhooks in the TextMagic as it is automatically done for you once you add and save an instant trigger module to your scenario.

Watch Unsubscriber

Triggers when someone unsubscribed from your communication.

Webhook Name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

Carrier Lookup

Allows retrieving additional information about a phone number.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.


Enter the phone number of whose carrier you want to lookup.


Enter the two-character country code to which the phone number belongs. For example, US for the United States.

Email Lookup

Allows retrieving additional information about a phone number.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.

Email Address

Enter (map) the email address you want to lookup.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


Establish a connection to your TextMagic account.


Enter a path relative to For example: /api/v2/lists

[Note] Note

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the TextMagic API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

GET to retrieve information for an entry.

POST to create a new entry.

PUT to update/replace an existing entry.

PATCH to make a partial entry update.

DELETE to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don’t have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use – List Contacts

The following API call returns all the contacts from your TextMagic account:

URL: /api/v2/contacts

Method: GET


Matches of the search can be found in the module’s Output under Bundle > Body > resources. In our example, 2 contacts were returned:
