Welcome to Your Dashboard: Managing Modules, Appflows, and Scenarios

With the release of Boost.space 4.0, we’re excited to unveil a transformative update to our system’s design and functionality. As soon as you open the updated dashboard, you’ll notice a completely revamped layout, designed to enhance your productivity and simplify navigation.




On the left, you’ll find a new sidebar with easy access to the Home environment, Marketplace, and our Academy for quick access to resources and guidance. Below these main sections, you’ll see an organized list of all your individual modules for a streamlined workflow experience. At the bottom of the sidebar, you’ll find Notifications, News from Boost.space, the Help Center, System Settings, and your Avatar, which takes you directly to your profile.

Let’s take a closer look at each section of Your Main Desktop and how they can support your work.

My Modules

The My Modules section displays all the modules you’ve added to the system. Here, you can quickly view and manage these modules in one place. To add a new module, simply click the New Module button, and it will seamlessly integrate into your workflow.

My Appflows

In the My Appflows section, you’ll find a table listing all the Appflows currently installed on your account. Each row gives detailed insights into an individual Appflow:

  • Appflow: The first column shows the Appflow’s name.
  • Space: The second column provides the destination where this Appflow’s data is sent.
  • Operations: The third column displays the number of operations this Appflow has used during its runtime.
  • Scenarios: The fourth column indicates the Appflow’s current status, showing whether it is active, inactive, or requires further mapping, or if another issue has occurred.

At the bottom of this table, you have the option to install a New Appflow by clicking the corresponding button. This will direct you to our Marketplace, where you can explore and add additional Appflows to your system.

My Scenarios

The My Scenarios section presents all the scenarios you’ve created in a table format for quick reference and monitoring:

  • Scenario Name: The first column lists the name of each scenario.
  • Module: The second column indicates which module contains the scenario.
  • Appflow: The third column identifies the Appflow linked to each scenario.
  • Operations: The fourth column shows the total operations consumed by the scenario.
  • Module Value Metrics: This column displays metrics measured by the module to help you analyze the performance and effectiveness of each scenario.
  • Status: The final column shows the current status of each scenario, whether active or inactive.

At the bottom of this table, you have the option to add a New Scenario by clicking the corresponding button.