Active with remarks
This application needs additional settings. Please follow the documentation below to create your own connection.

Twilio Verify

The Twilio Verify modules enable you to create, update, list, retrieve, and delete the verification services and verifications in your Twilio Verify account.

Getting Started with Twilio Verify


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Integrator scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connect Twilio Verify to Integrator

To connect your Twilio Verify account to Integrator you need to obtain the API token from your Twilio Verify account and insert it in the Create a connection dialog in the Integrator module.

  1. Log in to your Twilio Verify account.

  2. Copy the Account SID and API Token to a safe place.

  3. Go to Integrator and open the Twilio Verify module’s Create a connection dialog.

  4. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  5. In the Account SID and API Token fields, enter the account SID and token details copied in step 3 and click Continue.

The connection has been established.

Verification Services

List Verification Services

Fetches all of the verification services.


Establish a connection to your Twilio Verify account.

Verification Service SID

Select or map the account SID of the verification service to fetch the resource from.

Verification SID

Enter (map) the Twilio provided string that uniquely identifies the verification resource to fetch.

Get a Verification Service

Retrieves an existing verification service.


Establish a connection to your Twilio Verify account.

Verification Service SID

Select or map the Twilio provided string that uniquely identifies the verification service resource to fetch.

Create a Verification Service

Creates a new verification service.


Establish a connection to your Twilio Verify account.

Friendly Name

Enter (map) a name for the verification service. For example, my verify service. A maximum of 30 characters is allowed.

Code Length

Enter (map) the length of the verification code to generate. You can enter an integer between 4 and 10, inclusive.

Lookup enabled

Select whether to perform a lookup with each verification started and return info about the phone number.

DTMF Input Required

Select whether to ask the user to press a number before delivering the verification code in a phone call.

TTS Name

Enter (map) the name of an alternative text-to-speech service to use in phone calls. This field applies only to TTS languages.

PDS2 Enabled

Select whether to pass the PSD2 transaction parameters when starting a verification.

Mailer Send

Enter (map) the Mailer SID associated with the verify service. this information is used for creating verifications through the email channel.

Do Not Share Warning Enabled

Select whether to add a security warning at the end of an SMS verification body. By default, this option is disabled and applies only to SMS. For example, a sample message looks like this:Your AppName verification code is 1234. Don’t share this code with anyone; our employees will never ask for the code

Custom Code Enabled

Select whether to allow sending verifications with a custom code instead of a randomly generated one. This option is not available to all users. Please contact your account agent.


Add the push details:

Include Date

Enter (map) the date on which you want to push the code. Optional configuration for the Push factors.If true, includes the date in the Challenge’s response.Otherwise, the date is omitted from the response.For more information, see the Challenge resource’s details parameter.

APN Credential SID

Enter (map) the APN Credential for this service. This information allows sending push notifications to iOS devices. For more information, see the Credential Resource.

FCM Credential SID

Enter (map) the FCM Credential for this service. This information allows sending push notifications to Android devices.

Update a Verification Service

Updates an existing verification service.


Establish a connection to your Twilio Verify account.

Verification Service SID

Select or map the Verification Service SID whose details you want to update.

Friendly Name

Enter (map) a name for the verification service. For example, my verify service. A maximum of 30 characters is allowed.

Code Length

Enter (map) the length of the verification code to generate. You can enter an integer between 4 and 10, inclusive.

Lookup enabled

Select whether to perform a lookup with each verification started and return info about the phone number.

DTMF Input Required

Select whether to ask the user to press a number before delivering the verification code in a phone call.

TTS Name

Enter (map) the name of an alternative text-to-speech service to use in phone calls. This field applies only to TTS languages.

PDS2 Enabled

Select whether to pass the PSD2 transaction parameters when starting a verification.

Mailer Send

Enter (map) the Mailer SID associated with the verify service. this information is used for creating verifications through the email channel.

Do Not Share Warning Enabled

Select whether to add a security warning at the end of an SMS verification body. By default, this option is disabled and applies only to SMS. For example, a sample message looks like this: Your AppName verification code is 1234. Don’t share this code with anyone; our employees will never ask for the code

Custom Code Enabled

Select whether to allow sending verifications with a custom code instead of a randomly generated one. This option is not available to all users. Please contact your account agent.


Add the push details:

Include Date

Enter (map) the date on which you want to push the code. Optional configuration for the Push factors.If true, includes the date in the Challenge’s response.Otherwise, the date is omitted from the response.For more information, see the Challenge resource’s details parameter.

APN Credential SID

Enter (map) the APN Credential for this service. This information allows sending push notifications to iOS devices. For more information, see the Credential Resource.

FCM Credential SID

Enter (map) the FCM Credential for this service. This information allows sending push notifications to Android devices.

Delete a Verification Service

Deletes an existing verification service.

Establish a connection to your Twilio Verify account.

Verification Service SID

Select or map the Twilio provided string that uniquely identifies the verification service resource you want to delete.


Get a Verification

Retrieves an existing verification.


Establish a connection to your Twilio Verify account.

Verification Service SID

Select or map the Verification Service SID whose details you want to retrieve.

Verification SID

Enter (map) the Twilio provided string that uniquely identifies the verification resource to fetch.

Start a Verification

Starts a new verification.


Establish a connection to your Twilio Verify account.


Enter (map) the phone number or email to verify. The phone numbers must be in E.164 format.


Select or map a method to verify:

  • Call

  • Email

  • SMS

Channel Configuration

Add the channel configurations:

FromEnter (map) the phone number. This field is required if submitting the ChannelConfiguration parameter.

From NameEnter (map) the name from which you want to configure the channel. This field is required if submitting the ChannelConfiguration parameter.

Template IDEnter (map) the Template ID. This information overrides the default template from the Verify Service email integration. To create a new template in the SendGrid dashboard, see the SendGrid docs.

SubstitutionsEnter (map) key-value pair variable substitution for dynamic email templates.{ "substitutions": { "username": "jdoe321", "first_name": "Jane", "last_name": "Doe" } }

Verification Service SID

Enter (map) the SID of the verification service under which you want to create the resource.

Rate Limits

Add the custom key-value pairs of programmable rate limits. The associated value pairs represent values in the request that you are rate-limiting on. You may include multiple rate limit values in each request.

Custom Friendly Name

Enter (map) the custom user-defined friendly name that overwrites the existing one in the verification message.

Custom Message

Enter (map) the text of a custom message to use for the verification.

Custom Code

Enter (map) a pre-generated code to use for verification. Enter a value between 4 and 10 characters long.


Enter (map) the amount of the associated PSD2 compliant transaction. This option requires enabling the PSD2 Service flag.


Enter (map) the payee of the associated PSD2 compliant transaction. This option requires enabling the PSD2 Service flag enabled.

Update a Verification Status

Updates a verification status.


Establish a connection to your Twilio Verify account.

Verification Service SID

Select or map the SID of the verification service to fetch the resource whose verification status you want to update.

Verification SID

Enter (map) the verification SID.


Select or map the status of the verification:

  • Approved

  • Canceled

Check a Verification

Checks a verification.


Establish a connection to your Twilio Verify account.

Verification Service SID

Select or map the SID of the verification service to fetch t


Enter (map) a pre-generated code to use for verification. Enter a value between 4 and 10 characters long.


Enter (map) the phone number or email to verify. The phone numbers must be in E.164 format.

Verification SID

Enter (map) the verification SID that uniquely identifies the verification code. . Either this parameter or the phone number/email must be specified.


Enter (map) the amount of the associated PSD2 compliant transaction. This option requires enabling the PSD2 Service flag.


Enter (map) the payee of the associated PSD2 compliant transaction. This option requires enabling the PSD2 Service flag enabled.


Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


Establish a connection to your Twilio Verify account.


Enter a path relative to For example: /v1/Services


For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Twilio Verify API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:


to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don’t have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use – List Services

The following API call returns all the services from your Twilio Verify account:






Matches of the search can be found in the module’s Output under Bundle > Body > services.

In our example, 4 services were returned:
