This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions below .




Věděli jste, že se informace z KOSu dají získat i jinak než z webu KOSu? Aplikace ČVUT KOS z něj umí (pomocí KOSapi) získat kompletní informace o předmětech, cvičeních a zkouškách.

Příklady použití:

  • Nestihli jste se včas zapsat na přeplněný termín zkoušky? Nechte si poslat notifikaci na váš telefon hned, jakmile se uvolní místo.

  • Nechcete čekat na emailové potvrzení zápočtu do dvou do noci? Nechte si email poslat hned, jak se zápočet objeví v systému.

  • Čtete radši Discord než maily? Nastavte si zasílání známek z Grades do Discordu.


ČVUT KOS application can extract complete information about courses, parallels and exams from KOS website (with the help of KOSapi).

Use cases:

  • Did you miss a place on a crowded exam date? Get a notification on your phone as soon as a place becomes available.

  • Tired of learning about your assessments late night at 2am? Get an email notification as soon as the assessment appears in the system.

  • Do you prefer Discord rather than email? Setup sending of grades from Grades to Discord.

Getting started

To use any of the ČVUT KOS modules, you should have a CTU account, which is usually created automatically for all students and employees of CTU in Prague.

Connect the app with KOS

To connect the ČVUT KOS app with KOS, follow the general instructions for Connecting an application. After you click the Continue button, Integrator will redirect you to the SSO gateway website where you will be prompted to grant Integrator access to your account. Here, allow access by clicking the Allow button. Afterward, you will be redirected back to the Integrator administration page. Now, you can continue creating your scenario.

See also