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This application needs additional settings. Please follow the documentation below to create your own connection.


The Data24-7 modules allow you to search carrier, address, phone numbers, location, and email address information of the user in your Data24-7 account.


  • A Data24-7 account

In order to use Data24-7 with Boost.space Integrator, it is necessary to have a Data24-7account. If you do not have one, you can create a Data24-7 account at https://www.sharefile.com/.

[Note] Note

The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Boost.space Integrator scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connect Data24-7 to Boost.space Integrator

To connect your Data24-7 account to Boost.space Integrator, you need to obtain your API Password.

1. Login to your Data24-7 account.

2. Click Accounts and then click API Key/Password.


3. Click API Version 1& 2 and enter an API Password. Click Change Password.


4. Go to Boost.space Integrator and open the Data24-7 module’s Create a connection dialog.


5. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

6. In the Username field, enter your email address mentioned when you are creating Data24-7 account.

7. In the API Password field, enter the password created in step 3.

10. Click Continue.


The connection has been established.


Reverse Phone Append

Returns name and postal address associated with a phone number.


Establish a connection to your Data24-7 account.

Phone Number

Enter the phone number with area code whose name and postal address details you want to retrieve.

Ignore errors

When selected, displays runtime errors for a status other than success.

Carrier 24-7

International carrier lookup; returns carrier name and wireless indicator.


Establish a connection to your Data24-7 account.

Phone Number

Enter the phone number with area code whose carrier information you want to view.

You can view the carrier information for up to 20 phone numbers.

Enter the multiple phone number in JSON format. For example,

{"CI":[{'phone': "phoneNumber1"}, {"phone": "phoneNumber2"}]}

where C is the data service code.

phoneNumber1, phoneNumber2 are the actual phone numbers.


p1={phone1}&p2={phone2} &...p20={phone20}

Ignore errors

When selected, displays runtime errors for a status other than success.


Returns whether phone number exists on the Federal Do-Not-Call List. Requires setup in Data24-7 account, and with Federal Government.


Establish a connection to your Data24-7 account.

Phone Number

Enter the phone number which you want to check whether it exists in Federal Do-Not-Call list.

Ignore errors

When selected, displays runtime errors for a status other than success.

Email Append

Returns the email address for a name and postal address.


Establish a connection to your Data24-7 account.

First Name

Enter the first name of the person whose email address you want to retrieve.

Last Name

Enter the last name of the person.


Enter the street address of the person.


Enter the city name.


Enter the state name.

Zip Code

Enter the postal code.

Ignore errors

When selected, displays runtime errors for a status other than success.

IP Address Lookup

Returns the geographic location of IP addresses.


Establish a connection to your Data24-7 account.

IP Address

Enter the IP address whose location details you want to view.

Ignore errors

When selected, displays runtime errors for a status other than success.

Phone Append

Returns the phone number for a name and address.


Establish a connection to your Data24-7 account.

First Name

Enter the first name of the person whose phone number you want to retrieve.

Last Name

Enter the last name of the person.


Enter the street address of the person.


Enter the city name.


Enter the state name.

Zip Code

Enter the postal code.

Ignore errors

When selected, displays runtime errors for a status other than success.


Returns carrier name, wireless indicator, SMS, and MMS gateway addresses.

[Note] Note

Supports only US and Canada phone numbers.


Establish a connection to your Data24-7 account.

Phone Number

Enter the phone number whose carrier, wireless, SMS, and MMS details you want to view.

You can view the carrier information for up to 20 phone numbers.

Enter the multiple phone number in JSON format. For example,

{"CI":[{'phone': "phoneNumber1"}, {"phone": "phoneNumber2"}]}

where C is the data service code.

phoneNumber1, phoneNumber2 are the actual phone numbers.


p1={phone1}&p2={phone2} &...p20={phone20}

Ignore errors

When selected, displays runtime errors for a status other than success.