Active with remarks
This application needs additional settings. Please follow the documentation below to create your own connection.


The Postmark modules enable you to monitor emails, send and list emails or retrieve bounces and manage statistics in your Postmark account.

Getting Started with Postmark


  • A Postmark account

In order to use Postmark with Integrator, it is necessary to have a Postmark account. If you do not have one, you can create a Postmark account at Postmark.

[Note] Note

The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Integrator scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting Postmark to Integrator

To connect your Postmark account to Integrator you need to obtain your Server API token for most of the modules and Account API token for the Watch Inbound Emails module.

Retrieving the Server API Token

  1. Log in to your Postmark account.

  2. Go to Servers and select the server you want to use.

  3. Go to the API Tokens tab and copy the provided Server API Token.


Retrieving the Account API Token (for the Watch Inbound Emails module)

  1. Log in to your Postmark account.

  2. Go to Account and open the API Tokens tab.

  3. Copy the provided Account API Token.



Watch Inbound Emails

Triggers when a new inbound email is received.

Webhook Name

Enter the name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account using the Account API Token.

API or Web Platform

Select whether you want set the webhook automatically using the API or manually using the Postmark web platform.

  • API The URL will be added to the server selected below automatically.

    [Note] Note

    When a new webhook is created, the URL is overwritten in the server settings.

  • Web PlatformYou have to add the URL to the Postmark manually. 1.

    1. Click the Show address button (61f27770a3351.png) and copy the provided URL.


    2. Log in to Postmark.

    3. Go to Servers > your server > Inbound Stream > Settings tab.


    4. Enter the URL copied in step 1 to the Inbound webhook field and click the Save changes button.


Select Server

Select the server where you want to add the hook URL to.

Watch Outbound Events

Triggers when a specified event occurs.

Webhook Name

Enter the name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.

API or Web Platform

Select whether you want set the webhook automatically using the API or manually using the Postmark web platform.

  • API The URL will be added to the server automatically.

    [Note] Note

    When a new webhook is created, the URL is overwritten in the server settings. Select events that will trigger the module.

  • Web PlatformYou have to add the URL to the Postmark manually.

    1. Click the Show address button (61f27770a3351.png) and copy the provided URL.


    2. Log in to Postmark.

    3. Go to Servers > your server > Transactional Stream > Webhooks tab.


    4. Enter the URL copied in step 1 to the Webhook URL field, select events that will trigger the module and click the Save webhook button.


Watch Bounced Emails

Triggers when bounces are received.

Webhook Name

Enter the name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.

API or Web Platform

Select whether you want set the webhook automatically using the API or manually using the Postmark web platform.

  • API The URL will be added to the server automatically.

    [Note] Note

    When a new webhook is created, the URL is overwritten in the server settings. Select events that will trigger the module.

  • Web PlatformAdd the URL to the Postmark manually.

    1. Click the Show address button (61f27770a3351.png) and copy the provided URL.


    2. Log in to Postmark.

    3. Go to Servers > your server > Transactional Stream > Webhooks tab.


    4. Enter the URL copied in step 1 to the Webhook URL field, select events that will trigger the module and click the Save webhook button.


Include bounce content

Includes the message content to the sent data set.

Watch Opened Emails

Triggers when a sent email is opened by recipients.

Webhook Name

Enter the name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.

API or Web Platform

Select whether you want set the webhook automatically using the API or manually using the Postmark web platform.

  • API The URL will be added to the server automatically.

    [Note] Note

    When a new webhook is created, the URL is overwritten in the server settings. Select events that will trigger the module.

  • Web PlatformAdd the URL to the Postmark manually.

    1. Click the Show address button (61f27770a3351.png) and copy the provided URL.


    2. Log in to Postmark.

    3. Go to Servers > your server > Transactional Stream > Webhooks tab.


    4. Enter the URL copied in step 1 to the Webhook URL field, select events that will trigger the module and click the Save webhook button.


Post First Open Only

Select the Yes option to send only the first open to the webhook. Defaults: No (all opens).

Watch Delivered Emails

Triggers when an email has been delivered successfully.

Webhook Name

Enter the name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.

API or Web Platform

Select whether you want set the webhook automatically using the API or manually using the Postmark web platform.

  • API The URL will be added to the server automatically.

    [Note] Note

    When a new webhook is created, the URL is overwritten in the server settings. Select events that will trigger the module.

  • Web PlatformAdd the URL to the Postmark manually.

    1. Click the Show address button (61f27770a3351.png) and copy the provided URL.


    2. Log in to Postmark.

    3. Go to Servers > your server > Transactional Stream > Webhooks tab.


    4. Enter the URL copied in step 1 to the Webhook URL field, select events that will trigger the module and click the Save webhook button.


Watch Clicked Emails

Triggers when a tracked link is clicked.

Webhook Name

Enter the name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.

API or Web Platform

Select whether you want set the webhook automatically using the API or manually using the Postmark web platform.

  • API The URL will be added to the server automatically.

    [Note] Note

    When a new webhook is created, the URL is overwritten in the server settings. Select events that will trigger the module.

  • Web Platform Add the URL to the Postmark manually.

    1. Click the Show address button (61f27770a3351.png) and copy the provided URL.


    2. Log in to Postmark.

    3. Go to Servers > your server > Transactional Stream > Webhooks tab.


    4. Enter the URL copied in step 1 to the Webhook URL field, select events that will trigger the module and click the Save webhook button.


Watch Spam Complaints

Triggers when a user marks the email as a spam in his/her email client.

Webhook Name

Enter the name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.

API or Web Platform

Select whether you want set the webhook automatically using the API or manually using the Postmark web platform.

  • API The URL will be added to the server automatically.

    [Note] Note

    When a new webhook is created, the URL is overwritten in the server settings. Select events that will trigger the module.

  • Web PlatformAdd the URL to the Postmark manually. 1. Click the Show address button (61f27770a3351.png) and copy the provided URL.


    2. Log in to Postmark.

    3. Go to Servers > your server > Transactional Stream > Webhooks tab.


    4. Enter the URL copied in step 1 to the Webhook URL field, select events that will trigger the module and click the Save webhook button.


Include Spam Content

Includes the message content.

Watch Subscription Change

Triggers when an email address is added or removed from the suppression list. Recipients on the suppression list cannot receive emails on this message stream. Recipients who unsubscribe, hard bounce, or mark your emails as spam are automatically added to this list.

Webhook Name

Enter the name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.

API or Web Platform

Select whether you want set the webhook automatically using API or manually using the Postmark web platform.

  • API The URL will be added to the server automatically.

    [Note] Note

    When a new webhook is created, the URL is overwritten in the server settings. Select events that will trigger the module.

  • Web PlatformAdd the URL to the Postmark manually.

    1. Click the Show address button (61f27770a3351.png) and copy the provided URL.


    2. Log in to Postmark.

    3. Go to Servers > your server > Transactional Stream > Webhooks tab.


    4. Enter the URL copied in step 1 to the Webhook URL field, select events that will trigger the module and click the Save webhook button.


List Outbound Emails

Retrieves outbound emails from the server by filter settings.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.


Enter the recipient’s email address to filter by the user who was receiving the email.


Enter the email address to filter emails by the sender.


Enter the subject you want to filter emails by.


Enter the tag you want to filter emails by.


Select whether you want to return sent or queued emails.

From Date

Filter messages starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2014-02-01

To Date

Filter messages up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Set the maximum number of emails Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

Get an Outbound Email’s Details

Retrieves outbound message details.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.

Email ID

Enter (map) or select the email you want to retrieve details about.

Send an Email

Sends an email. You can use the template while sending the email.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.

Default Email or Template

Select whether you want to send a default email or email using a template.

Select Template By

Select if you want to specify template by ID or by Alias.

Enter (map) the template ID or template alias in the field below.

Template Model

The model to be applied to the specified template to generate Html Body, Text Body, and Subject. This can be done by entering the dynamically retrieved fields or entering the individual key-value pairs or enter a complete JSON.

Dynamic Template/Template Variables/Template Collection

Enter the values to the template.

Inline CSS

By default, if the specified template contains an HTMLBody, we will apply the style blocks as inline attributes to the rendered HTML content. You may opt-out of this behavior by selecting the No option.

Email Subject

Enter the subject of the email.


Enter the email body content in HTML format. Either Text Body or HTML Body needs to be filled in. Both are allowed too.

Text Body

Enter the email body content in plain text format. Either Text Body or HTML Body needs to be filled in. Both are allowed too.


Enter the sender’s email address. It must have a registered and confirmed Sender Signature.


Enter the recipient’s email address. You can enter up to 50 comma-separated email addresses.


Enter the carbon copy email address. You can enter up to 50 comma-separated email addresses.


Enter the blind carbon copy email address. You can enter up to 50 comma-separated email addresses.


Enter the tag you want to tag the email with. Email tag allows you to categorize outgoing emails and get detailed statistics. Only one tag can be added to an email.

Reply To

Enter the Reply To email address.

Overrides the ‘Reply To’ email address. Defaults to the ‘Reply To’ set in the sender signature.

Track Opens

Select the Yes option to enable tracking of opened emails.

Track Links

Select an option to activate link tracking for links in the HTML or Text bodies of this email. Possible options: None Html And Text Html Only Text Only

Meta Data

Enter the key-value pairs to specify the meta data.

You can associate up to 10 meta data fields per message. The field name is limited to 20 characters, while the value field is limited to 80 characters.


Add attachments. Max 10 MB. Please see Postmark Attachment Documentation.

Map the file you want to upload from the previous module (e.g. HTTP > Get a File or Dropbox > Get a file), or enter the file name and file data manually.

Inline Attachment Content ID

To have an inline attachment, fill in the Content ID (CID) used in the HTML. For example if the HTML contains cid:integromatlogo1645. Enter integromatlogoid1645 in this field.

If you are referring to an attached image more than once in your message, it is only required to attach the image one time. Postmark will use the image as often as it is referred to in your HTML markup. This will save bandwidth against the attachment size limit.

List an Email’s Opens

Retrieves details about an email open.

[Note] Note

Opens tracking must be enabled. Only HTML emails can be tracked.

If the selected email has not been opened, an errorThis message was not found.’ is returned.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.

Email ID

Enter (map) or select the email you want to track.


Set the maximum number of opens Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

List an Email’s Clicks

Retrieves details about an email click.

[Note] Note

Click tracking must be enabled. Only HTML emails can be tracked. If the selected email has not been clicked, an error ‘This message was not found.’ is returned.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.

Email ID

Enter (map) or select the email you want to track.


Set the maximum number of clicks Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

List Inbound Emails

Retrieves all inbound emails to the server in the last 45 days by the filter settings.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.


Enter the recipient’s email address to filter by the user who was receiving the email.


Enter the email address to filter emails by the sender.


Enter the subject you want to filter emails by.


Enter the tag you want to filter emails by.

Mailbox Hash

Filter by mailbox hash.


Select whether you want to return sent or queued emails.

From Date

Filter messages starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2014-02-01

To Date

Filter messages up to the date specified (inclusive). e.g. 2014-02-01


Set the maximum number of emails Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

Get an Inbound Email’s Details

Retrieves inbound email details.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.

Email ID

Enter (map) or select the email message you want to retrieve details about.


List Bounces

Retrieves bounces based on filter settings.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.

Filter By Type

Filter returned bounces by type. See the list of types.

Filter by Inactivity

Filter by emails that were deactivated by Postmark due to the bounce. Select the Yes option to retrieve the also inactive emails.

If this isn’t specified it will return both active and inactive.

Filter by the ‘To’ Email Address

Filter by email address that bounced.

Filter by Tag

Enter the tag name you want to filter bounced emails by.

Filter by Email ID

Filter ID of the message.

From Date

Filter messages starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2014-02-01. SeeThe list of supported date formats. Time elements will be ignored.

To Date

Filter messages up to the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2020-02-01. See the list of supported date formats.


Set the maximum number of bounces Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

Get a Bounce

Retrieves bounce details.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.

Bounce ID

Enter (map) or select the bounce you want to retrieve details about.

Get a Bounce Dump

Retrieves a raw source of the specified bounce.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.

Bounce ID

Enter (map) or select the bounce whose dump you want to retrieve details about.

Activate a Bounce

Reactivates a Bounce


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.

Bounce ID

Enter (map) or select the bounce you want to activate.


Get Delivery Statistics

Retrieves bounce statistics of the server.

Get Outbound Emails Statistics

Retrieves a brief overview of statistics for all of your outbound emails.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.


Enter the tag to filter results by.

From Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2014-02-01. See the list of supported date formats.

To Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2020-01-01. See the list of supported date formats.

Get Sent Emails Statistics

Retrieves the total count of emails you’ve sent out.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.


Enter the tag to filter results by.

From Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2014-02-01. See the list of supported date formats.

To Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2020-01-01. See the list of supported date formats.

Get Bounced Emails Statistics

Retrieves total counts of emails you’ve sent out that have been returned as bounced.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.


Enter the tag to filter results by.

From Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2014-02-01. See the list of supported date formats.

To Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2020-01-01. See the list of supported date formats.

Get Spam Complaints Statistics

Retrieves a total count of recipients who has marked your email as spam.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.


Enter the tag to filter results by.

From Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2014-02-01. See the list of supported date formats.

To Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2020-01-01. See the list of supported date formats.

Get Tracked Emails Statistics

Retrieves a total count of emails you’ve sent with open tracking or link tracking enabled.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.


Enter the tag to filter results by.

From Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2014-02-01. See the list of supported date formats.

To Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2020-01-01. See the list of supported date formats.

Get Opened Emails Statistics

Retrieves total counts of recipients who opened your emails. This is only recorded when open tracking is enabled for that email.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.


Enter the tag to filter results by.

From Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2014-02-01. See the list of supported date formats.

To Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2020-01-01. See the list of supported date formats.

Get Email Platform Usage Statistics

Retrieves an overview of the platforms used to open your emails. This is only recorded when open tracking is enabled for that email.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.


Enter the tag to filter results by.

From Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2014-02-01. See the list of supported date formats.

To Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2020-01-01. See the list of supported date formats.

Get Email Client Usage Statistics

Retrieves an overview of the email clients used to open your emails. This is only recorded when open tracking is enabled for that email.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.


Enter the tag to filter results by.

From Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2014-02-01. See the list of supported date formats.

To Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2020-01-01. See the list of supported date formats.

Get Link Clicks Statistics

Retrieves total counts of unique links that were clicked.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.


Enter the tag to filter results by.

From Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2014-02-01. See the list of supported date formats.

To Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2020-01-01. See the list of supported date formats.

Get Browser Usage Statistics

Retrieves an overview of the browsers used to open links in your emails. This is only recorded when Link Tracking is enabled for that email.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.


Enter the tag to filter results by.

From Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2014-02-01. See the list of supported date formats.

To Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2020-01-01. See the list of supported date formats.

Get Browser Platform Usage Statistics

Retrieves an overview of the browser platforms used to open your emails. This is only recorded when Link Tracking is enabled for that email.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.


Enter the tag to filter results by.

From Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2014-02-01. See the list of supported date formats.

To Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2020-01-01. See the list of supported date formats.

Get Click Location Statistics

Retrieves an overview of which part of the email links were clicked from (HTML or Text). This is only recorded when Link Tracking is enabled for that email.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.


Enter the tag to filter results by.

From Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2014-02-01. See the list of supported date formats.

To Date

Filter stats starting from the date specified (inclusive). E.g. 2020-01-01. See the list of supported date formats.

Make an API Call

Allows you to perform a custom API call.


Establish a connection to your Postmark account.


Enter a path relative to For example, /messages/outbound/

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Postmark API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

GET to retrieve information for an entry.

POSTto create a new entry.

PUT to update/replace an existing entry.

PATCHto make a partial entry update.

DELETEto delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don’t have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use – List Outbound Messages

The following API call returns outbound emails in your Postmark account:

URL: /messages/outbound

Method: GET

Query String:

Key: count Value: 10

Key: offset Value: 0


The result can be found in the module’s Output under Bundle > Body > Messages. In our example, 4 messages were returned:
