This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions below .
Redirect url



amoCRM is now rebranded as Kommo.

With the Kommo modules in Integrator, you can create, update, retrieve, and search:

  • companies

  • contacts

  • leads

  • notes

  • tasks

  • retrieve and search products

  • link and unlink entities

  • search customers

To get started with Kommo app, create an account at

Connect Kommo to Integrator

To connect to Kommo app:

  1. Log in to your Integrator account, insert any Kommo module scenario, and click the Add button next to the Connection field.

  2. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  3. In the Full Domain field, enter your account URL address. and click Save.

  4. In the Client ID and Client Secret fields, enter the client credentials from your custom app. See the Create custom app and client credentials.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Confirm the access by clicking Allow.


You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more Kommo modules. If your connection needs reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.

Create custom app and client credentials

To create a custom app:

  1. Log in to your Kommo account.

  2. Click Settings > Integrations > Create Integration and enter the following details:


    Redirect URL

    Enter the redirect URL as

    Allow Access: All

    Select the checkbox to provide access to all users.


    Upload the code file to integrate the app with custom code.

    Duplicate Control

    Select the checkbox if you want to provide an alternative way to control the app.

    Multiple Sources

    Select the checkbox if the app has multiple sources.


    Select the app language.

    Integration Name

    Enter a name for the app.


    Enter the details of the app.

  3. Click Save and copy the Integration ID and Secret key values to a safe place.



You can create, update, retrieve, and search companies using the following modules.

Create a Company

Creates a new company.

For field descriptions, see the Kommo Companies API reference.

Update a Company

Updates a specific company.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.

Company ID

Select or map the Company ID whose details you want to update.

For field descriptions, see the Kommo Companies API reference.

Get a Company

Retrieves a specific company.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.

Company ID

Select or map the Company ID whose details you want to retrieve.


Select a parameter to include the information linked to the company whose details you want to retrieve.

Search Companies

Searches for companies or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.


Set the maximum number of companies Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

See the Kommo Companies API reference for entering the field values to search for the companies that match the specified value.


You can search contacts using the following modules.

Search Customers

Searches for customers or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.


Set the maximum number of customers Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

See the Kommo Companies API reference for entering the field values to search for the work items that match the specified value.


You can create, update, retrieve, and search contacts using the following modules.

Create a Contact

Creates a new contact.

For field descriptions, see the Kommo Contacts API reference.

Update a Contact

Updates a specific contact.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.

Contact ID

Select or map the Contact ID whose details you want to update.

For field descriptions, see the Kommo Contacts API reference.

Get a Contact

Retrieves a specific contact.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.

Contact ID

Select or map the Contact ID whose details you want to retrieve.


Select a parameter to include the information linked to the contact whose details you want to retrieve.

Search Contacts

Searches for contacts or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.


Set the maximum number of contacts Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

See the Kommo Contacts API reference for entering the field values to search for the contacts that match the specified value.


You can create, update, retrieve, and search leads using the following modules.

Create a Lead

Creates a new lead.

For field descriptions, see the Kommo Leads API reference.

Update a Lead

Update a specific lead.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.

Lead ID

Select or map the Lead ID whose details you want to update.

For field descriptions, see the Kommo Leads API reference.

Get a Lead

Retrieves a specific lead.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.

Lead ID

Select or map the Lead ID whose details you want to retrieve.

For field descriptions, see the Kommo Leads API reference.

Search Leads

Searches for leads or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.


Set the maximum number of leads Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

See the Kommo Leads API reference for entering the field values to search for the leads that match the specified value.


You can create, update, and search notes using the following modules.

Create a Note

Creates a new note.

For field descriptions, see the Kommo Notes API reference.

Update a Note

Updates a specific note.

For field descriptions, see the Kommo Notes API reference.

Search Notes

Searches for notes or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.


Set the maximum number of notes Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

See the Kommo Notes API reference for entering the field values to search for the work items that match the specified value.


You can create, update, retrieve, and search tasks using the following modules.

Create a Task

Creates a new task.

For field descriptions, see the Kommo Tasks API reference.

Updates a Task

Updates a specific task.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.

Task ID

Select or map the Task ID whose details you want to update.

For field descriptions, see the Kommo Tasks API reference.

Get a Task

Retrieves a specific task.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.

Task ID

Select or map the Task ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Search Tasks

Searches for tasks or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.


Set the maximum number of tasks Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

See the Kommo Tasks API reference for entering the field values to search for the tasks that match the specified value.


You can retrieve and search products using the following modules.

Get a Product

Retrieves a specific product by a list ID.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.

Products List ID

Select or map the Products List ID whose products you want to retrieve.

Product ID

Select or map the Provide ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Search Products

Searches for products or lists them all by a list ID.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.

Products List ID

Select or map the Product List ID whose products you want to search.

Search Query

Enter a search field such as product name or custom field values.


Set the maximum number of products Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.


You can link and unlink entities using the following modules.

Link Entities

Creates a single or multiple links between entities.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.

From Entity Type

Select or map the entity type you want to link.

From Entity ID

Select or map the entity ID you want to link


Add the links for the entities:

  • To Entity Type: Select or map the entity type to which you want to link.

  • To Entity ID: Select or map Entity ID to which you want to link.

  • Metadata:Add the metadata fields of the entity.

Unlink Search Products

Deletes single or multiple links between entities.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.

From Entity Type

Select or map the entity type you want to unlink.

From Entity ID

Select or map the Entity ID you want to unlink the link from.


Add the links you want to unlink the entity from:

  • To Entity Type: Select or map the entity type from whose link you want to unlink the entity.

  • To Entity ID: Select or map the Entity ID you want to unlink the entity.

  • Metadata:Add the metadata of the entity.


You can watch events and make an API call using the following modules.

Watch Events

Triggers when a new selected event is occured.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Kommo account.


Select all the events that you want to watch.