This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions below .

Microsoft Teams

[Important] Important

Any references to third-party products or services do not constitute Product Documentation nor do they create any contractual obligations. This material is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. does not warrant the availability, accuracy, reliability, completeness, or usefulness of any information regarding the subject of third-party services or systems.

With Microsoft Teams modules in Integrator, you can monitor, list, create, update, delete, and retrieve teams and channels in your Microsoft Teams account.

To use the Microsoft Teams modules, you must have a Microsoft business account. You also should be an admin of the account and Microsoft Office 365 Premium must be activated for your admin business account. You can create an account at

Refer to the Microsoft Teams API documentation for a list of available endpoints.

Connect Microsoft Teams to Integrator

To establish the connection in Integrator:

  1. Log in to your Integrator account, add a Microsoft Teams module to your scenario, and click Create a connection.

  2. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  3. Optional: Click Show advanced settings and enter your custom app client credentials.

    For more information, refer to the Microsoft Teams documentation regarding client credentials. If requested, use the following Redirect URI when creating your custom app:

  4. Click Save.

  5. If prompted, authenticate your account and confirm access.

You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more Microsoft Teams modules. If your connection requires reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.


You can watch, list, retrieve, create, update teams and create and update teams for groups with the following modules.

Watch Teams

Retrieves a team’s details when a new team/group is created or an existing team is edited.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.


Define the filter settings for the returned groups. You can retrieve only groups whose name or email starts with the specified term.


Set the maximum number of results Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

List Joined Teams

Retrieves all the teams in Microsoft Teams that you are a member of.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.


Set the maximum number of teams Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

List All Teams & Groups

Returns all teams (including Office 365 Groups) in your account.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.


Define the filter settings for the returned groups. You can retrieve only groups whose name or email starts with the specified term

Order By

Select whether to order results by displaying names in ascending or descending order.


Set the maximum number of teams Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

Get Team

Returns a team’s/group’s details.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Group ID

Enter (map) or select the ID of the team/group you want to retrieve details about.

Create Office 365 Group

Creates a new Office 365 group (unified group) or Security group.

You can’t currently create a team via this module.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Display Name

Enter the name that is displayed in the address book for the group.

Alias for Group

Enter the mail alias (nickname) for the group.

Alias can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. For Security Group type, simply provide an alias as a nickname.

Group Type

Enable the Unified option (or enter “Unified”) to create an Office 365 group. Otherwise, the Security group (used for granting access to SharePoint resources) is created.


Enter the description of the group.

Security Enabled

Enable this option if a group is a security group and you have not enabled the “Unified” option in the Group Type field.


Select the owners of the group. The owners are a set of non-admin users who can modify this object.


Select users and groups that are members of this group.

Update Team

Updates a group’s/team’s properties.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Group ID

Enter the ID or select the group/team you want to update.


Set the Office 365 group to public or private.

Please find the descriptions of the fields in the Create Office 365 group section above.

Create Team

Creates a new team from a group.

If the group was created less than 15 minutes ago, it’s possible for the Create Team module to fail with a 404 error code due to replication delays. The recommended pattern is to re-run the Create Team module three times, with a 10 seconds delay between calls.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Group ID

Enter the ID or select the group from which you want to create a team.

Admin and Settings

Set the team’s Member Settings, Messaging Settings, Fun Settings, and Guest Settings.

Delete Team or Group

Deletes a team/group.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Group ID

Enter the ID or select the group you want to delete.


You can list, retrieve, create, update, and delete channels with the following modules.

List Channels

Lists all channels in the Microsoft Team.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Team ID

Enter the ID or select the team you want to list channels from.


Set the maximum number of channels Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

Get a Channel

Retrieves the properties and relationship of a channel.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Team ID

Enter the ID or select the team that contains the channel you want to retrieve details about.

Channel ID

Enter the ID or select the channel you want to retrieve details about.

Create Channel

Creates a new channel in a Microsoft Team.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Team ID

Enter the ID or select the team you want to create a channel for.

Channel Name

Enter the name for the new channel.


Enter the channel description.

Update Channel

Updates the properties of the specified channel.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Team ID

Enter the ID or select the team that contains the channel you want to update.

Channel ID

Enter the ID or select the channel you want to update.

Please find the descriptions of the fields in the Create Channel section above.

Delete Channel

Deletes a channel from the team.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Team ID

Enter the ID or select the team that contains the channel you want to delete.

Channel ID

Enter the ID or select the channel you want to delete.


You can watch and send messages and replies with the following modules.

Watch Messages

Triggers when someone sends a message in a team’s channel or in a chat.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Choose a Type of Messages to be Watched

Select the types of messages you want to watch. You can choose between channel and chat messages.

Team ID

only appears for channel messages

Select or map the Team ID whose channel messages you want to watch.

Channel ID

only appears for channel messages

Select or map the Channel ID whose messages you want to watch.

Chat ID

only appears for chat messages

Select or map the Chat ID whose messages you want to watch.


Set the maximum number of messages Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

Watch New Replies

Triggers when a new reply to a selected message is received. Not available for personal accounts.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Team ID

Select or map the Team ID whose replies you want to watch.

Channel ID

Select or map the Channel ID whose replies you want to watch.

Message ID

Select or map the Message ID whose replies you want to watch.


Set the maximum number of messages Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

Send a Message

Sends a message to a team’s channel or to a chat.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Send a Message

Select a message type you want to send. You can choose a channel or chat message.

Team ID

only appears for channel messages

Select or map the Team ID to which you want to send the message.

Channel ID

only appears for channel messages

Select or map the Channel ID to which you want to send the message.

Create a New Chat

only appears for chat messages

Select either Yes or No.

Yes to create a new chat.

Chat Type

only appears for chat messages

Select or map either One On One or Group.


Enter the message text.

Content Type

Select or map the format in which you want to send the message. For example, HTML.

Reply to a Channel Message

Creates a new reply to a message in the specified channel.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Team ID

Select or map the Team ID to which you want to reply.

Channel ID

Select or map the Channel ID to which you want to reply.

Message ID

Select or map the Message ID to which you want to reply.

Reply Message

Enter the reply message text.

Content Type

Select or map the format in which you want to send the message. For example, HTML.


You can add members to teams and to groups with the following modules.

Add a Member

Adds a new member.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Enter a Member Name

Enter the new member’s name.

Password Profile

Enter the new member’s profile password.

Add a Member to a Group

Adds a member to an Office 365 Group.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Group ID

Select or map the Group ID to which you want to add the member.

Member ID

Select or map the Member ID whom you want to add to the group.

Online Meeting

You can create, retrieve, update, and delete online meetings with the following modules.

Create an Online Meeting

Creates an online meeting. This will be a standalone meeting that is not associated with any event on the user’s calendar; therefore, meetings created via this module will not show on the user’s calendar.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.


Enter the subject of the online meeting.

Start Date and Time

Enter the meeting start time

End Date and Time

Enter the meeting end time

Allowed Presenters

Select or map a type of user who can be a presenter in the meeting.


Information about a participant in a meeting.

Identity > User > ID

Select or map the ID of the user who is attending.


Select or map the attendee’s role in the online meeting.

Allow Attendee To Enable Camera

Select or map whether attendees can turn on their cameras.

Allow Attendee To Enable Mic

Select or map whether attendees can turn on their microphones.

Allow Meeting Chat

Select or map whether to enable meeting chat.

Allow Teamwork Reactions

Select or map whether to enable reactions for the meeting.

Chat Info

Enter the chat information associated with this online meeting.

Thread ID

Enter the ID of a thread in the Microsoft Teams channel.

Message ID

Enter the ID of a message in a Microsoft Teams channel.

Reply Chain Message ID

Enter the ID of the reply message.

Is Entry and Exit Announced

Select or map whether to announce when callers join or leave.

Lobby Bypass Settings

Select or map which participants can bypass the meeting lobby.


Select or map the type of participants that are automatically admitted into a meeting, bypassing the lobby.

Is Dial In Bypass Enabled

Select or map whether or not to always let dial-in callers bypass the lobby.

Record Automatically

Select or map whether to record the meeting automatically.

Update an Online Meeting

Updates an online meeting by its ID.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Meeting ID

Enter the ID associated with the online meeting.


Enter the subject of the online meeting.

Start Date and Time

Enter the meeting start time.

End Date and Time

Enter the meeting end time.

Allowed Presenters

Select or map a type of user who can be a presenter in the meeting.


Information about a participant in a meeting.

Identity > User > ID

Select or map the ID of the user who is attending.


Select or map the attendee’s role in the online meeting.

Allow Attendee To Enable Camera

Select or map whether attendees can turn on their cameras.

Allow Attendee To Enable Mic

Select or map whether attendees can turn on their microphones.

Allow Meeting Chat

Select or map whether to enable meeting chat.

Allow Teamwork Reactions

Select or map whether to enable reactions for the meeting.

Is Entry and Exit Announced

Select or map whether to announce when callers join or leave.

Lobby Bypass Settings

Select or map which participants can bypass the meeting lobby.


Select or map the type of participants that are automatically admitted into a meeting, bypassing the lobby.

Is Dial In Bypass Enabled

Select or map whether or not to always let dial-in callers bypass the lobby.

Record Automatically

Select or map whether to record the meeting automatically.

Get an Online Meeting

Retrieves an online meeting by its ID.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Meeting ID

Enter the ID associated with the online meeting.

Delete an Online Meeting

Deletes an online meeting by its ID.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

Meeting ID

Enter the ID associated with the online meeting.


You can search users, retrieve users’ statuses, and call APIs with the following modules.

Search Users

Searches for users by a filter parameter.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.


Add filters to search for users who match your specified filters.


Set the maximum number of users Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

[Tip] Keyword Query Language

Use Keyword Query Language (KQL) search syntax to build your search queries in Microsoft modules. For more information, see Microsoft Graph help.

Get User’s Presence

Retrieves the selected users’ availability and activity status


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.

User IDs

Select or map the users whose status you want to retrieve.

Make an API Call

Allows you to perform a custom API call.


Establish a connection to your Microsoft Teams account.


Enter a path relative to E.g. /v1.0/teams/<TEAM_ID>/channels – where the <GROUP_ID> is the ID of the team you want to retrieve channels from.

[Note] Note

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Microsoft Graph REST API Reference.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

GET to retrieve information for an entry.

POST to create a new entry.

PUT to update/replace an existing entry.

PATCH to make a partial entry update.

DELETE to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don’t have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use – List Team’s Channels

The following API call returns a list of all channels from the specified team in your Microsoft Teams account:

URL:/v1.0/teams/7d0845d0-5015-4d1e-8cfc-4628f53a237d/channels where the 7d0845d0-5015-4d1e-8cfc-4628f53a237d is the Group ID of the team you want to retrieve channels from.

You can retrieve the group ID, for example, using the List All Teams > Groups or Watch Teams module.

Method: GET


Matches of the search can be found in the module’s Output under Bundle > Body > value.

In our example, 9 channels were returned:


Permissions Information for Microsoft Teams

  • Add a Member – User.ReadWrite.All

  • Add a Member to a Group – User.Read.All, GroupMember.ReadWrite.All

  • Create a Channel – Group.ReadWrite.All

  • Create an Office 365 Group – Group.ReadWrite.All, User.Read.All

  • Create a Team from a Group – Group.ReadWrite.All

  • Delete a Channel – Group.ReadWrite.All

  • Delete a Team or Group – Group.ReadWrite.All

  • Get a Channel – Group.Read.All

  • Get a Team – Group.Read.All

  • List All Teams & Groups – Group.Read.All

  • List Channels – Group.Read.All

  • List Jointed Teams – Group.Read.All

  • Search Users – User.Read.All

  • Send a Message – ChannelMessage.Send, Chat.ReadWrite, User.Read.All, Group.Read.All

  • Update a Channel – Group.ReadWrite.All

  • Update a Team – Group.ReadWrite.All

  • Watch Message – ChannelMessage.Read.All, Chat.Read

  • Watch Teams – Group.Read.All