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This application needs additional settings. Please follow the documentation below to create your own connection.


The coreBOS modules allow you to create, update, list, and/or delete objects in your coreBOS account.


  • A coreBOS account

In order to use coreBOS with Boost.space Integrator, it is necessary to have a coreBOS account. If you do not have one, you can create a coreBOS account at https://corebos.com/.

Connecting coreBOS to Boost.space Integrator

To connect your coreBOS account to Boost.space Integrator, you need to obtain your organization ID and region.

1. Log into your coreBOS Account.

2. Click your profile menu in the top-right corner and then click My Preferences.


3. Navigate to the section, User Advanced Options and copy the Access Key.


4. Go to Boost.space Integrator and open the coreBos module’s Create a connection dialog.


5. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

6. In the coreBOS URL field, enter the first part of your coreBOS access link. For example, if your coreBOS link is http://demo.corebos.com/index.php?action=index&module=Home then your coreBOS URL is http://demo.corebos.com

7. In the User name field, enter your coreBOS login username.

8. In the API Key field, enter the Access Key you have copied in step 3.

9. Click Continue.


The connection has been established.


Create Object

Create a new object of a selected type.


Establish a connection to your CoreBOS connection.

Element Type

Select the element whose record you want to create.


Organization Name

Enter the company name.

Organization Number

Enter the company registration number.


Enter the company’s website URL.


Enter the company’s phone number.

Ticker Symbol

Enter the URL to the company logo as it appears in the stock exchange.


Enter the company’s fax number.

Member Of

Select the groups the company is part of.

Other Phone

Enter the alternative phone number of the company.


Enter the number of employees in the company.


Enter the email address of the company.

Other Email

Enter an alternative email address of the company.


Enter the ownership of the company. For example, Public or Private.


Select the industry in which the company operates.


Select the rating of the company:

  • Acquired

  • Active

  • Market Failed

  • Project Cancelled

  • Shutdown


Select the organization type.

SIC Code

Enter the SIC Code of the organization.

Email Opt Out

Enter the details if the organization has an email opt-out.

Annual Revenue

Enter the Annual Revenue of the company

Assigned To

Select the user who owns the company account.

Notify Owner

Enter the details of the owner to notify the updates to the organization account.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the organization account is modified.

Created Time

Enter the date when the organization account is created.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the organization account.

Is Converted From Lead

Enter the details if this account is converted from a lead.

Converted From Lead

Enter the details of the lead.

Created By

Select the user who created the organization account.


Enter the currency in which the company trades.


Enter the date of the establishment of the organization.


Enter the company website URL.

Billing Address

Enter the billing address of the company.

Shipping Address

Enter the shipping address of the company.

Billing PO Box

Enter the billing PO Box number of the company.

Shipping PO Box

Enter the shipping PO Box of the company.

Billing City

Enter the billing address city name of the company.

Shipping City

Enter the shipping address city name of the company.

Billing State

Enter the billing address state name of the company.

Shipping State

Enter the shipping address state name of the company.

Billing Postal Code

Enter the billing address postal code name of the company.

Shipping Postal Code

Enter the shipping address postal code name of the company.

Billing Country

Enter the billing address country name of the company.

Shipping Country

Enter the shipping address country name of the company.


Enter the details of the company.

Total Amount

Enter the total amount billable to the company.

Total Pending

Enter the amount pending from the company.


Enter the balance amount pending from the company.

Account ID

Enter the Account ID of the company.


Asset No

Enter the Asset Number.

Product Name

Enter the product name of the asset.

Serial Number

Enter the serial number printed on the asset or product.

Assigned To

Select the user who owns the asset.

Date Sold

Enter the selling date of the asset.

Date in Service

Enter the date of the service for the asset.


Select the status of the asset:

  • In-Service

  • Out-of-Service

Tag Number

Enter the tag number of the asset or product.

Invoice Name

Enter the invoice receipt number of the product.

Shipping Method

Enter the shipping method of the Asset.

Shipping Tracking Number

Enter the shipping tracking number of the asset.

Asset Name

Enter the asset name.

Customer Name

Enter the customer name to whom the asset belongs to.

Created Time

Enter the date on which the asset record is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when this asset record was last modified.

Last Modified By

Enter the user name who last modified this asset record.

Created By

Enter or select the user who created this asset record.


Enter any additional details of the asset.

Asset ID

Enter the Asset ID.

Audit Trail

Audit ID

Enter the Audit ID.

User ID

Enter or select the user who owns this audit trail.


Enter the module whose audit trail you are performing.


Select the action item for the audit trail.


Enter the record for the audit.

Action Date

Enter the date when the audit is performed.

Business Actions

Link Type

Select the link type whose business action object you are creating.

Link Label

Enter the link label.

Link Url

Enter the URL for the link.

Link Icon

Enter the path to the link image.


Enter the sequence in which the business activities must be performed.

Handler Path

Enter the path to the handler.

Only On My Module

Enter the details if the action must be performed on only your module.

Handler Class

Enter the details of the handler class.

Module List

Enter the module list details.


Enter the handler’s name.

Assigned To

Select the user who owns this business action.


Enter Yes if this business action is active.

Acton Role

Select the user for the action role.

For all users

Enter the details if the action applies to all users.

Business Rule

Select the business rule or mapping.

Business Actions No

Enter the business action number.

Created By

Select the user who created this business action.

Created Time

Enter the date when this action is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when this action is last modified.


Enter the details of the business action.

Business Actions ID

Enter the Business Action ID details.


Campaign Name

Enter the campaign name.

Campaign Number

Enter the campaign number.

Assigned To

Select the user who is assigned this campaign.

Campaign Status

Select the campaign status:

  • Planning

  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Completed

  • Canceled

Campaign Type

Select the campaign Type


Select the product for which you are creating the campaign.

Target Audience

Enter the details of the target audience for the campaign.

Expected Close Date

Enter the date when the campaign is expected to close.


Enter the details of the sponsor for the campaign.

Target Size

Enter the details of the number of leads targeted for the campaign.

Created Time

Enter the date when the campaign is created.

Num Sent

Enter the number of campaigns sent.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the campaign is created.

Last Modified By

Enter the date when the campaign was last modified.

Created By

Select the user who created the campaign.

Budget Cost

Enter the details of the cost of the campaign.

Actual Cost

Enter the details of the actual cost for the campaign.

Expected Response

Enter the details of the response expected from this campaign.

Expected Revenue

Enter the details of the revenue expected from the campaign.

Expected Sales Count

Enter the details of the sales expected from the campaign.

Actual Sales Count

Enter the details of the actual sales happened from the campaign.

Expected Response Count

Enter the details of the responses expected from the campaign.

Actual Response Count

Enter the details of the actual responses from the campaign.

Expected ROI

Enter the details of the ROI expected from the campaign.

Actual ROI

Enter the details of the actual ROI from the campaign.


Enter the details of the campaign.

Campaign ID

Enter the Campaign ID.



Enter the subject of the calendar.

Send Reminder

Enter the details on whether you want to send a reminder about the calendar event.

Assigned To

Select the user who is assigned this calendar.

Start Date Time

Enter the start time of the calendar event.

Start Date & Time (System Date)

Enter the system start date of the calendar event.

Time Start (System Time)

Enter the system start time of the calendar event.

Due Date

Enter the date when the event is due.

End Date

Enter the event end date.

End Time (System Time)

Enter the event end time in system time.


Select the option if this is a recurring event.

Related To

Select the option to which this event is related to.

Contact Name

Select the contact name to whom you are sending the event.


Select the status of the event.


Select the priority of the event:

  • High

  • Medium

  • Low

Send Notification

Enter the details on whether you want to send a notification to the participants.

Created Time

Enter the date when this event record is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when this event record was modified.

Activity Type

Select the event activity type:

  • Call

  • Meeting

  • Email

  • Task


Select the visibility of the event:

  • Public

  • Private


Enter the duration of the event.

Duration Minutes

Select the event duration in minutes.


Enter the location details of the event.

All Day

Select if this is an all-day event.

Related To Do

Select the item to which this calendar event related to.

Created By

Select the user who created the calendar.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the calendar event.


Enter the details of the calendar event.

Follow up Date

Enter the date to follow up on the calendar event.

Follow up Type

Select the follow-up type.

Create Follow up

Enter the details to create a follow up on the calendar event.

Activity ID

Enter the event Activity ID.


Company Name

Enter the company name.

Company Number

Enter the company number.

Commercial Name

Enter the commercial business name of the company.

Assigned To

Select the user who is assigned the company record.

SIC Code

Enter the company SIC code details.

Related Account

Select the related account for the company.


Enter the company’s phone number.


Enter the company’s address.


Enter the company’s fax number.


Enter the city name where the company is located.


Enter the company’s email address.


Enter the state name where the company is located.


Enter the company website URL.

Postal Code

Enter the postal code.

Business Registration

Enter the business registration number of the company.


Enter the country name where the company is located.

Data Protection

Enter the data protection details of the company.

Default Company

Enter the default details of the company.

Created By

Select the user who created this company record.

Created Time

Enter the date when the company record is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the company record was modified.

Company Logo

Enter the path or data for the company logo.

Application Logo

Enter the path or data for the company’s application logo.


Enter the URL to the application’s shortcut icon.


Enter the details of the company.

cbCompany ID

Enter the company ID.



Enter the name for the CV.


Enter the details to create a CV.


Select the user who owns this CV.


Enter the retrieving details of the CV.


Select the role applicable to the CV.


Enter the details to update the CV.

Default View

Enter the default view of the CV.


Enter the details on whether the CV is deleted.


Enter the mandatory details of the CV.


Enter the details on whether the CV is approved.

Module List

Enter the module list details for the CV.


Enter the details on whether the CV is blocked.

Default Setting

Enter the default settings for the CV.

Set Public

Enter the details whether you want to set the access of the CV to the public.


Enter the details of the CV.

Permission No

Enter the permission number to access the CV.

Created Time

Enter the date when this translation is created.

Created By

Select the user who created this CV record.

Modified Time

Enter the date when this CV was modified.

cb CV Management ID

Enter the CV Management ID.


Map Name

Enter the map name.

Map Number

Enter the map number.

Map Type

Select the map type.

Target Module

Select the target module for the mapping.


Enter the mapping content.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the mapping is assigned.

Created Time

Enter the date when this mapping record is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when this mapping record was modified.

Created By

Select the user who created this mapping record.


Enter the mapping content in JSON format.


Enter the details of the map.

cb Map ID

Enter the cb Map ID.


Pulse Number

Enter the pulse number.

Question ID

Enter the Question ID.


Enter the details on whether the pulse is active.

Send Method

Select the method you want to send the pulse.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the ticket is assigned to.

Created By

Select the user who created this ticket.

Created Time

Enter the date when the ticket was created.

Modified Time

Enter the date on which the ticket is modified.

Type ID

Select the pulse Type ID.


Enter the time to send the pulse.

Day of Month

Enter the day in a month to send the pulse.

Day of Week

Enter the day of the week to send the pulse.

Annual Dates

Enter the yearly date to send the pulse.

Minute Interval

Enter the interval time in minutes.

Trigger Time

Enter the time the pulse triggers.


Enter the details of the pulse.

cb Pulse ID

Enter the Pulse ID.


Name Text

Enter the question name.

Question No

Enter the question number.


Select the question type.


Select the status of the question.

SQL Query

Enter the SQL query for the question.


Enter the collection details for the question.


Enter the module to which the question belongs to.

Page Size

Enter the page size applicable to the question.

Unique ID Field

Enter the Unique ID of the records for the materialized view.

Map ID

Enter the Map ID.

Materialized View Workflow

Enter the details of the database tables populated from the SQL Query defined.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the question is assigned to.

Created By

Select the user who created this question.

Created Time

Enter the date when this question is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when this question was modified.

Conditions in Filter Format

Enter the condition for SQL query.

Order by Column

Enter the list of materialized views to order by column.

Group by Column

Enter the list of materialized view to group by column.


Enter the condition for SQL Query.

Type properties

Enter the question properties.


Enter the details of the question.

cb Question ID

Enter the Question ID.


Survey Name

Enter the survey name.

Survey Number

Enter the survey number.

Survey Provider

Enter the survey provider name.

Survey Starts

Enter the date when the survey begins.

Survey URL

Enter the survey website URL.

Survey Ends

Enter the date when the survey ends.

Total Responses

Enter the total responses received for the survey.

Completed Responses

Enter the number of survey responses that are completed.

Last Synchronization

Enter the date when the survey last synchronized,

Assigned To

Select the user who is assigned this survey.

Created By

Select the user who created this survey.

Created Time

Enter the date when this update record is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when this update record was modified.


Enter the details of the survey.

cb Survey ID

Enter the Survey ID.


Related with

Select the organization that this survey answer related.

Survey Answer Number

Enter the Survey Answer Number.


Select the survey.


Enter the details for the positive answer.

Survey done

Select the survey done details.


Enter the evaluation details for the survey answer.


Enter the survey question associated with the answer.

Provider ID

Enter the Survey Provider ID.

Assigned To

Select the user who is assigned this translation.

Created By

Select the user who created this translation record.

Created Time

Enter the date when this translation is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when this translation was modified.


Enter the answer to the survey question.


Enter the details of the survey answer.

cb Survey Answer

Enter the Survey Answer ID.


Related to

Select the organization to which the survey belongs to.

Survey Done Number

Enter the Survey Done Number.


Select the survey.

Done on

Enter the date when the survey is done.

Provider ID

Enter the Survey Provider ID.


Enter the details on whether the survey is completed.

Additional Information

Enter any additional details about the survey done.

Hidden Information

Enter any hidden details about the survey done.

Provider Token

Enter the survey provider token.

Assigned To

Select the user who is assigned this translation.

Created By

Select the user who created the survey done.

Created Time

Enter the date when the survey done is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the survey done details were modified.


Enter the details of the survey done.

cb Survey Done ID

Enter the Survey Done ID.


Survey Question Number

Enter the Survey Question Number.


Select the survey to which this question belongs to.


Enter the question.


Enter the answer.

Provider ID

Enter the Survey Provider ID.

Assigned To

Select the user who is assigned this survey question.

Created By

Select the user who created this survey question.

Created Time

Enter the date when this survey question is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when this survey question is modified.


Enter the details of the survey question.

cb Survey Question ID

Enter the Survey Question ID.


Terms and Conditions No

Enter the Terms and Conditions Number.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the record is assigned to.


Enter the details of the references.

Created Time

Enter the date when these terms and conditions record is created.

Is Default

Enter the details whether this is the default terms and conditions.

Modified Time

Enter the date when this update record was modified.

For Module

Select the module for which you are creating terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

Enter the terms and conditions.


Enter the details of the terms and conditions.

cb T and C ID

Enter the cb Terms and Conditions ID.


Translation No

Enter the translation number.

Language Code

Select the language code for the translation.


Select the module to which you are creating the translation.


Enter the key for the translation.


Enter the translation details.


Select the language to which you need to translate.


Select the picklist for the translation.


Enter the field details to translate.

Proof Read

Enter the proof read details of the translation.

Assigned To

Select the user who is assigned this translation.

Created Time

Enter the date when this translation is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when this translation was modified.

Created by

Select the user who created this translation record.

cbTranslation ID

Enter the cbTranslation ID.


coreBOS Update Number

Enter the coreBOS update number.


Enter the developer’s name.

File Name

Enter the file name that is being updated.

Execution Status

Select the status of execution

Class Name

Enter the class name to update.

Execution Date

Enter the date when coreBOS update occurs.

System Update

Enter the details of the system update.

Execution Order

Enter the details of the execution order.

Assigned To

Select the user who is assigned this update.


Enter the details on whether the update is blocked.

Created Time

Enter the date when this update record is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when this update record was modified.

Created By

Select the user who created this update record.

Application Change

Enter the details whether the update includes or requires a change in the application.


Enter the details of the update.

cbUpdater ID

Enter the cbUpdater ID.


Assigned To

Select the user who is assigned this Cobropago record.

Payment No

Enter the payment number.

Payment Ref

Enter the payment reference number.


Select the account or contact whose CobroPago payment information record you are creating.

Related entity

Select the account entity.

Register Date

Enter the account registered date.

Due Date

Enter the date when the payment is due.

Payment Date

Enter the date when the payment is made.


Enter the details on whether the payment is made.


Enter the credit information.

Payment Mode

Select the payment mode.

Payment Category

Select the category of payment.


Enter the amount paid.


Enter the cost associated with the account.


Enter the benefits information of the account.

Created Time

Enter the date when the CobroPago record for the account or contact is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the CobroPago record for the account or contact is modified.

Related User

Selected the user associated with this account.

Created By

Select the user who created the CobroPago record.


Enter the details of the CobroPago record.

CobroPago ID

Enter the CobroPago ID.

Company Details

Organization ID

Enter the organization ID.

Organization Name

Enter the organization name.


Enter the organization address.


Enter the city name.


Enter the state name.


Enter the country name.


Enter the country code where the organization located.


Enter the phone number.


Enter the fax number.


Enter the organization’s website URL.

Logo Name

Enter the organization logo name.


Enter the path or URL to the logo.

Front Logo

Enter the URL for the organization’s front logo.

Favicon Logo

Enter the URL for a shortcut icon.



Enter the salutation for the contact. For example, Mr.

First Name

Enter the first name of the contact.

Contact No.

Enter the contact number.

Last Name

Enter the last name of the contact.

Office Phone

Enter the office phone number of the contact.

Organization Name

Enter the organization name to which the contact belongs to.


Enter the mobile number of the contact.

Lead Source

Select the lead source for the contact.

Home Phone

Enter the contact’s home phone number.


Enter the position of the contact in the organization.

Other Phone

Enter any other phone numbers available for the contact.


Enter the department to which the contact belongs to.


Enter the fax number of the contact.


Enter the email address of the contact.


Enter the contact’s date of birth details.


Enter the details of the assistant of the contact.

Reports to

Enter or select the user to whom the contact reports.

Assistant Phone

Enter the assistant’s phone number.

Secondary Email

Enter an alternative email address of the contact.

Email Opt Out

Enter the details on whether the contact has opted out of marketing emails.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the contact is assigned to.

Created Time

Enter the date when the contact record is created.

Notify Owner

Enter the details to whom you want to notify about the contact record changes.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the contact record details are modified.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the contact details.

Is Converted From Lead

Enter the details of the contact is converted from a lead.

Converted From Lead

Select the lead from which the contact is converted.

Created By

Select the user who created the purchase order.

Template Language

Select the language for the template.

Portal User

Enter the portal user details.

Support Start Date

Enter the date when the contact’s support starts.

Support End Date

Enter the date when the contact’s support ends.

Mailing Street

Enter the street name in the contact’s mailing address.

Other Street

Enter the street name in the contact’s mailing address.

Mailing PO Box

Enter the PO box number in the contact’s mailing address.

Mailing City

Enter the city name in the contact’s mailing address.

Other City

Enter the city name in the contact’s mailing address.

Mailing State

Enter the state name in the contact’s mailing address.

Other State

Enter the state name in the contact’s mailing address.

Mailing Postal Code

Enter the postal code in the contact’s mailing address.

Other Postal Code

Enter the postal code in the contact’s mailing address.

Mailing Country

Enter the country name in the contact’s mailing address.

Other Country

Enter the country name in the contact’s mailing address.


Enter the details of the contact.

Contact Image

Enter the link or URL to the contact image.

Contact ID

Enter the Contact ID.



Enter the currency ID.

Currency Name

Enter the currency name.

Currency Code

Enter the currency code.

Currency Symbol

Enter the currency symbol.

Conversion Rate

Enter the currency conversion rate.

Currency status

Enter the currency status.

Default ID

Enter the currency Default ID.


Enter the details on whether the currency is deleted.

Currency Position

Enter the currency position details.



Enter the document name.

Folder Name

Enter the folder name in which the document is located.

Document No

Enter the document number.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the document is assigned to.

Created Time

Enter the date when the document record is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the document was modified.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the document.

Created By

Select the user who created the document record.


Enter the document template details.

Template For

Select the document template.

Merge Template

Enter the template detail to merge with the existing template.


Enter the additional details about the document.

Download Type

Enter the download type details for the document.


Enter the details on whether this document is active.

File Name

Enter the document file name.


Enter the document size details.

File Type

Enter the details of the document file type.


Enter the document version.

Download Count

Enter the number of document downloads.

Document ID

Enter the Document ID.


Folder ID

Enter the Document Folder ID.

Folder Name

Enter the document folder name.


Enter the details of the document folder.

Created By

Select the user who created the document folder record.


Enter the sequence of the document folder.


Date & Time Sent

Enter the date and time the email is sent.


Enter the name that appears in the From field of the email.

Sales Entity Module

Enter the sale entity module for which the email is sent.


Enter the name that appears in the To field of the email.

Activity Type

Select the activity type of email.


Enter the email address you want to copy in the CC field of the email.


Enter the email address in the BCC field to whom you want to send the email but not appear in the email.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the email record was assigned.

Parent ID

Select the Parent ID of the email.

Access Count

Enter the number of times the email has been accessed.

Email Flag

Select the status of the email.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the email has last modified.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the email record.


Enter the details if the email has bounced back.


Enter the details if this email is clicked by the person to whom it was sent.


Enter the details on whether the email belongs to spam.


Enter the details if the email is sent and delivered.


Enter the details if the email has been dropped.


Enter the details if the email has been opened.


Enter the unsubscribe link if this email is a promotion or marketing related.

Created Time

Enter the time when the email was created.


Enter the subject line of the email.


Enter the attachment file path to attach to the email.

Time Start

Enter the start time of the email activity.


Enter the details of the email.

Activity ID

Enter the Activity ID.


Product Name

Enter the product name for which you creating the FAQ.


Enter the FAQ number.


Select the status of the FAQ.


Select the category for the FAQ.

Created Time

Enter the date when the FAQ is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the FAQ has last modified.


Enter the question to add to the FAQ.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the FAQ.


Enter the answer to add in the FAQ.

Created By

Select the user who created the FAQ.


Enter the FAQ ID.



Enter the name of the variable.


Enter the default variable value details.


Enter the value of the variable.


Enter whether this value is mandatory.


Select the user to whom the variable is assigned.


Enter the details on whether the variable is blocked for editing.

Module List

Enter the module list to associate the variable.


Select the category of the variable.

In Module List

Enter the In module list to associate the variable with multiple module lists.

Global No

Enter the global number

Created Time

Enter the date when the variable is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the variable is modified.

Business Map

Select the business map for the variable.

Created By

Select the user who created the variable.


Select the role of the user.


Enter the details of the variable.

Global Variable ID

Enter the Global Variable ID.


Group ID

Enter the Group ID.

Group Name

Enter the group name.


Enter the details of the group.



Enter the helpdesk ticket name.

From Mail Converter

Enter the details of the email if the helpdesk ticket is received from the email.

Related To

Select the category for the ticket.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the ticket is assigned to.

Product Name

Select the product about which the ticket is received.


Select the priority of the ticket:

  • Low

  • Normal

  • High

  • Urgent


Select the status of the ticket:

  • Open

  • In Progress

  • Waiting for Response

  • Closed


Select the severity of the ticket.


Enter the hours spent on the ticket.

Created Time

Enter the date when the ticket was created.


Enter the category for the ticket.


Enter the number of days since the ticket is received.

Update History

Enter the history of the ticket.

Modified Time

Enter the date on which the ticket is modified.

Ticket No

Enter the ticket number.

From Portal

Enter the details of the portal from which the ticket is received.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the details of the ticket.


Enter the email address who has raised the ticket.

Comment Added

Enter the details of the comments added in the ticket.

Created By

Select the user who created this ticket.


Enter the ticket details.


Enter the resolution for the ticket.

Ticket ID

Enter the Ticket ID.

Inventory Details

Inventory Details No

Enter the inventory details number.


Select the products to which the inventory is associated with.

Related To

Select the option to which the inventory is related to.


Select the organizations to which the inventory is related to.


Select the contacts for the inventory.


Select the vendors associated with the inventory.

Sequence No

Enter the inventory sequence number.

Line Item ID

Enter the Inventory Line Item ID.


Enter the number of items or products in the inventory.

Unit Price

Enter the inventory unit price details.

Tax Percent

Enter the tax percent applicable to the inventory.

Gross Price

Enter the gross price of the inventory.

Discount Percent

Enter the discount provided in the inventory in percentage.

Discount Amount

Enter the discount amount provided in the inventory.

Net Price

Enter the net price of the inventory.

Line Tax

Enter the line tax provided in the inventory.

Line Total

Enter the line total amount provided in the inventory.

Units Delivered/Received

Enter the details of the units delivered which are part of the inventory.

Line Completed

Enter the details of the line completed in the inventory.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the inventory is assigned.

Created Time

Enter the date when this inventory is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when this inventory was modified.

Cost Price

Enter the cost price for the inventory.

Cost Total

Enter the cost total amount of the inventory.

Total Stock

Enter the total stock details of the inventory.

Created By

Select the user who created the inventory.

Remaining Units

Enter the details of the remaining units in the inventory which need to be fulfilled.

Related Line Item ID

Select the related Line Item ID of the inventory.


Enter the details of the inventory.


Enter the VAT applicable on the inventory.


Enter the sales tax applicable to the items in the inventory.


Enter the service tax applicable to the inventory.

Inventory Details ID

Enter the Inventory Details ID.



Enter the subject line of the invoice.

Sales Order

Enter or select the sales order for the invoice.

Customer No

Enter the customer number of the invoice.

Invoice No

Enter the invoice number.

Contact Name

Enter the contact name on the invoice.

Invoice Date

Enter the date when the invoice is created.

Due Date

Enter the date when the invoice is due.

Purchase Order

Enter or select the purchase order for the invoice.


Enter the details of the adjustments in the invoice.

Excise Duty

Enter the details of the excise duty.

Sub Total

Enter the subtotal amount in the invoice./td>

Sales Commission

Enter the commission details.


Enter the total amount of the invoice.

Tax Type

Select the tax type applicable to the purchase order:

  • Individual

  • Group

Discount Percent

Enter the discount provided on the invoice in percentage.

Discount Amount

Enter the discount amount on the invoice.

S&H Amount

Enter the S & H amount in the invoice.

Organization Name

Enter the organization name for whom you are creating the invoice.


Select the status of the invoice.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the invoice is assigned.

Created Time

Enter the date when the invoice is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the invoice is last modified.


Enter or select the currency applicable for the invoice.

Conversion Rate

Enter the details of the currency conversion rate applicable.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the invoice.

Created By

Select the user who created the invoice.

Billing Address

Enter the billing address of the organization for whom you are creating the invoice.

Shipping Address

Enter the shipping address of the organization for whom you are creating the invoice.

Billing PO Box

Enter the billing PO box number of the organization for whom you are creating the invoice.

Shipping PO Box

Enter the shipping PO box number of the organization for whom you are creating the invoice.

Billing City

Enter the billing city name of the organization for whom you are creating the invoice.

Shipping City

Enter the shipping city name of the organization for whom you are creating the invoice.

Billing State

Enter the billing state name of the organization for whom you are creating the invoice.

Shipping State

Enter the shipping state name of the organization for whom you are creating the invoice.

Billing Postal Code

Enter the billing postal code of the organization for whom you are creating the invoice.

Shipping Postal Code

Enter the shipping postal code of the organization for whom you are creating the invoice.

Billing Country

Enter the billing country name of the organization for whom you are creating the invoice.

Shipping Country

Enter the shipping country name of the organization for whom you are creating the invoice.

Terms & Conditions

Enter the details of the terms and conditions applicable to the invoice.


Enter the details of the invoice.

Gross Total

Enter the gross total of the invoice.

Line Discount

Enter the line discount applied to the invoice.

Total Discount

Enter the total discount applied to the invoice.

Global Discount

Enter the global discount applied to the invoice.

Net Total (aGD)

Enter the total net amount of the invoice.

Net Total (bGD)

Enter the total net amount of the invoice.

Total Tax

Enter the total tax amount of the invoice.


Enter the VAT amount of the invoice.

Total Tax Retention

Enter the total tax retention amount of the invoice.


Enter the sales amount of the invoice.

SH Total

Enter the SH total amount of the invoice.


Enter the service details of the invoice.

SH tax

Enter the SH tax amount of the invoice.

Grand Total

Enter the grand total amount of the invoice.

Final Adjustment

Enter the final adjustments on the invoice.

Invoice ID

Enter the Invoice ID.

Login History

Login ID

Enter the Login ID.


Enter the username of the login user.

User IP

Enter the user’s IP address.

Logout Time

Enter the user’s logout time.

Login Time

Enter the user’s login time.


Enter the status of the user.


Messages Number

Enter the message number.

Message Name

Enter the message name.

Message Type

Select the message type.

Related To

Select the option to which the messages are related to.

Messages UniqueId

Enter the Message Unique ID.


Enter the details if the email has been clicked.


Enter the details if the message has been dropped.


Enter the details if the message has been bounced.


Enter the details if the message has been opened.


Enter the details on whether the message is delivered.

Emails Empty

Enter the details on whether the email is empty without a message.


Enter the details of the unsubscribe link.


Enter the details on whether the message belongs to spam.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the message was assigned.


Select the status of the message.

Last URL Clicked

Enter the details of the last URL clicked by the user.

Created Time

Enter the time when the message was created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the message is modified.

Email Template

Select the email template for the message.


Select the campaign for which you are sending the message.

Last Event Time

Enter the time when was last event held.


Select the associated account with the message.

Created By

Select the user who created the message.


Select the contact for the message.


Select the lead from which you received the contact for sending the message.


Select the applicable document.


Enter the details of the message.

Message ID

Enter the message ID.



Enter the comment.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the comment is assigned.

Related To

Select the option to which the comment is related to.


Select the user who created this comment.

Created Time

Enter the date when the comment is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the comment is modified.

Parent Comment

Select the parent comment to which this comment is a reply or a thread.

Related Assigned Email

Enter the email address of the assignee.

ModComment ID

Enter the ModComment ID.


Call From

Enter the details from whom the call is sent.

Call To

Enter the details to whom the call is for.

Time Of Call

Ente the time of the call.


Enter the status of the call:

  • Active

  • Inactive


Enter the PBX UUID of the call.

PBX Manager ID

Enter the PBX Manager ID.


Opportunity Name

Enter the name of the opportunity.

Opportunity No

Enter the opportunity number.

Related To

Select the option to which the opportunity is related to.


Enter the amount that this opportunity generates.


Select the opportunity type.

Expected Close Date

Enter the date when this opportunity is expected to close.

Lead Source

Select the source of the opportunity.

Next Step

Enter the steps that lead to closing the opportunity successfully.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the opportunity is assigned.

Sales Stage

Select the stage of the sale for this opportunity.

Campaign Source

Select the campaign from which the opportunity was received.


Enter the probability of completing this opportunity.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the opportunity is last modified.

Created Time

Enter the date when the opportunity is created.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the opportunity.

Forecast Amount

Enter the amount forecasted from this opportunity.


Enter the email address of the contact for this opportunity.

Is Converted From Lead

Enter the details if this opportunity is converted from a lead.

Converted From Lead

Enter the details of the lead.

Created By

Select the user who created the opportunity record.


Enter the details of the opportunity.

Potential ID

Enter the Potential ID.


Price Book Name

Enter the name of the price book.


Enter the details on whether the price book is active.

Price Book No

Enter the price book number.

Created Time

Enter the date when the price book is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the price book is last modified.


Enter or select the currency applicable for the price book.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the price book.

Created By

Select the user who created the price book.


Enter the details of the price book.

Pricebook ID

Enter the Price Book ID.


Product Name

Enter the product name.

Product No

Enter the product number.

Product Active

Enter the details on whether the product is active.

Part Number

Enter the product part number.

Sales Start Date

Enter the start date when the product sale begins.


Select the manufacturer of the product.

Product Category

Select the product category.

Support Start Date

Enter the start date when the product support begins.

Sales End Date

Enter the date the product sale ends.

Support Expiry Date

Enter the date when the product support ends.

Vendor Name

Enter the vendor for the product.


Enter the product website URL.

Vendor Part No

Enter the vendor part number of the product.

Mfr Part No

Enter the manufacturer part number of the product.

Product Sheet

Enter the product sheet details.

Serial No

Enter the product serial number.

Created Time

Enter the date when the product record is created.

GL Account

Select the GL account for the product.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the product record is modified.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the product record.

Created By

Select the user who created the product record.

Unit Price

Enter the unit price of the product.

Commission Rate

Enter the commission amount of the product.

Tax Class

Enter the tax details of the product.

Cost Price

Enter the cost price of the product.

Usage Unit

Enter the usage unit details of the product.


Enter the number of product units available.

Qty. in Stock

Enter the number of product units available in stock.

Reorder Level

Enter the reorder level for the product.


Select the handler who handles the product.

Qty. in Demand

Enter the number of product units in demand.


Enter the divisibility of the product.

Product Image

Enter the link or URL to the product image.


Enter the details of the product.

Product ID

Enter the Product ID.


From Product

Select the product from which you are taking the component.

Valid from

Enter the date the component is valid from.

To Product

Select the product to which you are adding the component.

Valid to

Enter the date the component is valid up to.


Enter the number of components.

Relation Number

Enter the relation number of the component.

Relation Mode

Select the relation mode.

Assigned To

Select the user who is assigned this component.

Created Time

Enter the date when the product component is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the product component was modified.


Enter the details of the product component.


Enter the instructions for using the product component.

Product Component ID

Enter the Product Component ID.


Project Name

Enter the project name.

Project Number

Enter the project number.

Start Date

Enter the project start date.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the project is assigned.

Target End Date

Enter the project’s expected end date.


Select the status of the project.


Select the project type.

Related To

Select the option to which the project is related to.


Enter the email address of the assignee.

Created By

Select the user who created the project.

Target Budget

Enter the target amount for this project.


Enter the website URL associated with the project.


Select the project progress percent.

Created Time

Enter the date on which the project record is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the project record is modified.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the project details.


Enter the task details.

Project ID

Enter the Project ID.


Milestone Name

Enter the milestone name.

Milestone No

Enter the milestone number.


Select the project to which this milestone associated with.

Milestone Date

Enter the milestone date.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the milestone is assigned.


Select the milestone type.

Created By

Select the user who created this milestone.

Created Time

Enter the date when the milestone is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the milestone details are modified.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the milestone details.


Enter the details of the milestone.

Project Milestone ID

Enter the Project Milestone ID.


Task Name

Enter the task name.

Task Number

Enter the task name.


Select the priority of the task.


Select the task type.

Task Code

Enter the task code.


Select the project associated with the task.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the task is assigned.


Enter the email address of the assignee.


Select the task status.

Created By

Select the user who created the task.


Enter the details of the task progress.

Worked Hours

Enter the hours spent on the task.

Start Date

Enter the start date of the task.

End Date

Enter the date by when the task must be completed.

Created Time

Enter the date on which the task record is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the task record is modified.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the task details.


Enter the task details.

Project Task ID

Enter the Project Task ID.

Purchase Order


Enter the subject line of the purchase order.

Purchase Order No

Enter the Purchase Order Number.

Vendor Name

Enter the vendor name to whom this purchase order belongs to.

Requisition No

Enter the requisition number of the purchase order.

Tracking Number

Enter the tracking number of the purchase order.

Contact Name

Enter the contact name for the purchase order.

Due Date

Enter the date by when the purchase order should be fulfilled.


Select the carrier to deliver the items or products in the purchase order.


Enter the details of the adjustments in the purchase order.

Sales Commission

Enter the commission details in the purchase order.

Excise Duty

Enter the details of the excise duty.


Enter the total amount in the purchase order.

Sub Total

Enter the sub total amount in the purchase order.

Tax Type

Select the tax type applicable to the purchase order:

  • Individual

  • Group

Discount Percent

Enter the discount applied to the purchase order in percentage.

Discount Amount

Enter the discount amount applied to the purchase order.

S&H Amount

Enter the S & H amount in the purchase order.


Select the status of the purchase order.

Assigned To

Select the user who is assigned this purchase order.

Created Time

Enter the date when the purchase order is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the purchase order is last modified.


Enter or select the currency applicable for the purchase order

Conversion Rate

Enter the details of the currency conversion rate applicable.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the purchase order.

Created By

Select the user who created the purchase order.

Billing Address

Enter the billing address of the organization for whom you are creating the purchase order.

Shipping Address

Enter the shipping address of the organization for whom you are creating the purchasing order.

Billing PO Box

Enter the billing PO box number of the organization for whom you are creating the purchase order.

Shipping PO Box

Enter the shipping PO box number of the organization for whom you are creating the purchase order.

Billing City

Enter the billing city name of the organization for whom you are creating the purchase order.

Shipping City

Enter the shipping city name of the organization for whom you are creating the purchase order.

Billing State

Enter the billing state name of the organization for whom you are creating the purchase order.

Shipping State

Enter the shipping state name of the organization for whom you are creating the purchase order.

Billing Postal Code

Enter the billing postal code of the organization for whom you are creating the purchase order.

Shipping Postal Code

Enter the shipping postal code of the organization for whom you are creating the purchase order.

Billing Country

Enter the billing country name of the organization for whom you are creating the purchase order.

Shipping Country

Enter the shipping country name of the organization for whom you are creating the purchase order.

Terms & Conditions

Enter the details of the terms and conditions applicable to the purchase order.

Terms and Conditions

Enter the details of the terms and conditions applicable to the purchase order


Enter the details of the purchase order.

Gross Total

Enter the gross total of the purchase order.

Line Discount

Enter the line discount applied to the purchase order.

Total Discount

Enter the total discount applied to the purchase order.

Global Discount

Enter the global discount applied to the purchase order.

Net Total (aGD)

Enter the total net amount of the purchase order.

Net Total (bGD)

Enter the total net amount of the purchase order.

Total Tax

Enter the total tax amount of the purchase order.


Enter the VAT amount of the purchase order.

Total Tax Retention

Enter the total net amount of the purchase order.;


Enter the sales amount of the purchase order.

SH Total

Enter the SH total amount of the purchase order.


Enter the total net amount of the purchase order.

SH Tax

Enter the SH tax amount of the purchase order.

Grand Total

Enter the grand total amount of the purchase order.

Final Adjustment

Enter the details of the final adjustments made to the purchase order.

Purchase Order ID

Enter the Purchase Order ID.

Sales Orders


Enter the subject line of the sales order.

Opportunity Name

Enter or select the opportunity name of the sales order.

Customer Number

Enter the customer number of the sales order.

Sales Order Number

Enter the sales order number of the sales order.

Quote Name

Enter or select the quote name of the sales order.

Purchase Order

Enter the purchase order details of the sales order.

Contact Name

Enter the contact person’s name for the sales order.

Due Date

Enter the date when the sales order is due.


Select the carrier for the sales order.


Enter the details of the pending items in the sales order.


Select the status of the sales order.


Enter the details of the adjustments in the sales order.

Sales Commission

Enter the details of the sales commission in the sales order.

Excise Duty

Enter the details of the excise duty amount in the sales order.


Enter the total amount in the sales order.

Sub Total

Enter the sub total amount in the sales order.

Tax Type

Select the tax type applicable to the sales order:

  • Individual

  • Group

Discount Percent

Enter the discount provided in the sales order in percentage.

Discount Amount

Enter the discount amount on the sales order.

S&H Amount

Enter the S & H amount in the sales order.

Organization Name

Enter the organization name to which the sales order belongs to.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the sales order is assigned.

Created Time

Enter the date when the sales order is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the sales order is last modified.


Enter or select the currency applicable for the sales order

Conversion Rate

Enter the details of the currency conversion rate applicable.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the sales order.

Created By

Select the user who created the sales order.


Enter the details if the sales order is invoiced to the organization.

Enable Recurring Billing

Enter the details on whether this is a recurring order.

Billing Frequency

Select the frequency of the billing.

Billing Period Starts On

Enter the start date of the billing period.

Billing Period Ends On

Enter the end date of the billing period.

Payment Period

Select the payment period for the billing.

Invoice Status

Select the status of the invoice.

Billing Address

Enter the billing address of the organization for whom you are creating the sales order.

Shipping Address

Enter the shipping address of the organization for whom you are creating the sales order.

Billing PO Box

Enter the billing PO box number of the organization for whom you are creating the sales order.

Shipping PO Box

Enter the shipping PO box number of the organization for whom you are creating the sales order.

Billing City

Enter the billing city name of the organization for whom you are creating the sales order.

Shipping City

Enter the shipping city name of the organization for whom you are creating the sales order.

Billing State

Enter the billing state name of the organization for whom you are creating the sales order.

Shipping State

Enter the shipping state name of the organization for whom you are creating the sales order.

Billing Postal Code

Enter the billing postal code of the organization for whom you are creating the sales order.

Shipping Postal Code

Enter the shipping postal code of the organization for whom you are creating the sales order.

Billing Country

Enter the billing country name of the organization for whom you are creating the sales order.

Shipping Country

Enter the shipping country name of the organization for whom you are creating the sales order.

Terms & Conditions

Enter the details of the terms and conditions applicable to the sales order.

Terms and Conditions

Enter the details of the terms and conditions applicable to the sales order.


Enter the details of the sales order.

Gross Total

Enter the gross total of the sales order.

Line Discount

Enter the line discount applied to the sales order.

Total Discount

Enter the total discount applied to the sales order.

Global Discount

Enter the global discount applied to the sales order.

Net Total (aGD)

Enter the total net amount of the sales order.

Net Total (bGD)

Enter the total net amount of the sales order.

Total Tax

Enter the total tax amount of the sales order.


Enter the VAT amount of the purchase order.

Total Tax Retention

Enter the total tax retention of the sales order.


Enter the sales amount of the sales order.

SH Total

Enter the SH total amount of the sales order.


Enter the service details of the sales order.

SH Tax

Enter the SH tax amount of the sales order.

Grand Total

Enter the grand total amount of the sales order.

Final Adjustment

Enter the details of the final adjustments made to the sales order.

Sales Order ID

Enter the Sales Order ID.



Enter the subject of the service contract.

Contract Number

Enter the contract number.

Related To

Select the option to which this contract belongs to.

Assigned To

Select the user to whom the service contract is assigned.


Select the contract type.

Tracking Unit

Select the tracking unit for the contract. For example, days.

Start Date

Enter the start date of the contract.

Total Units

Enter the total units of the contract.

Due Date

Enter the date when the contract is due for renewal.

Used Units

Enter the units used from the contract total number of units.

End Date

Enter the date when the contract ends.


Select the status of the contract.

Planned duration (in Days)

Enter the duration planned for the contract in days.


Select the priority of the contract.

Actual Duration (in Days)

Enter the actual duration of the contract in days.


Enter the information on how the contract is progressing.

Created Time

Enter the date when the contract record is created.;

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the contract details.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the contract was modified.

Created By

Select the user who created the contract record.

Service Contracts ID

Enter the Service Contract ID.


Service Name

Enter the service name.

Service No

Enter the service number.

Usage Unit

Enter the usage unit for the service. For example, days, hours, and so on.


Enter the details on whether the service is active.

No of Units

Enter the units by which the service should be delivered.


Enter the website URL for the service.


Select the category associated with the service.


Select the user to whom the service is assigned.

Sales Start Date

Enter the date on which the service sale starts.

Sales End Date

Enter the date on which the service sale ends.

Support Start Date

Enter the date on which the service support starts.

Support Expiry Date

Enter the date on which the service support ends.

Created Time

Enter the date when the service record is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the document was modified.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the service.

Created By

Select the user who created the service record.


Enter the price for the service.

Commission Rate

Enter the commission rate for the service.

Tax Class

Enter the tax amount applicable to the service.

Cost Price

Enter the cost price for the service.


Enter the divisible details of the service.


Select the products for which this service is applicable.


Enter the details of the service.

Service ID

Enter the Service ID.



Enter the subject line of the quote.

Opportunity Name

Enter the name of the organization for whom you are creating the quote.

Quote Number

Enter the quote number.

Quote Stage

Select the status of the quote.

Valid Till

Enter the date of the validity of the quote.

Contact Name

Enter the contact name for the quote.


Select the carrier to deliver the items or products.

Sub Total

Enter the sub total amount of the quote.


Enter the shipping details.

Inventory Manager

Select the inventory manager for the quote.


Enter the total amount of the quote.

Tax Type

Select the tax type applicable to the quote:

  • Individual

  • Group

Discount Percent

Enter the discount on the quote in percentage.

Discount Amount

Enter the discount on the quote.

S&H Amount

Enter the S & H amount for the quote.

Organization Name

Enter the name of the organization for which you are creating the quote.

Assigned To

Select the user who owns the quote.

Created Time

Enter the date when the quote is created.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the quote is last modified.


Enter the details of the price adjustments made in the quote.


Enter or select the currency applicable for the quote.

Conversion Rate

Enter the details of the currency conversion rate applicable to the quote.

Last Modified By

Select the user who last modified the quote.


Select the document applicable for the quote.

Created By

Select the user who created the quote.

Billing Address

Enter the billing address of the client or contact for whom you are creating the quote.

Shipping Address

Enter the shipping address of the client or contact for whom you are creating the quote.

Billing PO Box

Enter the PO Box number in the contact’s billing address.

Shipping PO Box

Enter the PO box number in the contact’s shipping address.

Billing City

Enter the city name in the contact’s billing address.

Shipping City

Enter the city name in the contact’s shipping address.

Billing State

Enter the state name in the contact’s billing address.

Shipping State

Enter the state name in the contact’s shipping address.

Billing Postal Code

Enter the postal code in the contact’s billing address.

Shipping Postal Code

Enter the postal code in the contact’s shipping address.

Billing Country

Enter the country name in the contacts billing address.

Shipping Country

Enter the country name in the contact’s shipping address.

Terms & Conditions

Enter the details of the terms and conditions applicable to the quote.

Terms and Conditions

Enter the details of the terms and conditions for the quote.


Enter the details of the quote.

Gross Total

Enter the gross total of the quote.

Line Discount

Enter the line discount applied to the quote.

Total Discount

Enter the total discount applied to the quote.

Global Discount

Enter the global discount applied to the quote.

Net Total (aGD)

Enter the total net amount of the quote.

Net Total (bGD)

Enter the total net amount of the quote.

Total Tax

Enter the total tax amount.


Enter the VAT amount.

Total Tax Retention

Enter the total tax retention amount.


Enter the sales amount.

SH Total

Enter the details of the SH total amount.


Enter the service tax amount on the quote.

SH Tax

Enter the SH Tax amount applicable to the quote.

Grand Total

Enter the total amount of the quote.

Final Adjustment

Enter the amount that is finally adjusted in the quote.

Quote ID

Enter the Quote ID.


User Name

Enter the name of the user.


Enter the admin details of the user.


Enter the email address of the user.


Enter the status of the user.

First Name

Enter the first name of the user.

Second Name

Enter the second name of the user.


Enter the role or position of the user.


Enter the applicable currency of the user.

Digit Grouping Pattern

Enter the first name of the user.

Decimal Separator

Select the decimal separator.

Digit Grouping Separator

Select the digit grouping separator.

Symbol Placement

Select the symbol placement.

Number Of Currency Decimals

Select the decimals for currency.

Default Lead View

Select the default lead view for the user.

Default Calendar View

Select the default calendar view for the user.

Calendar Hour Format

Select the calendar format for the user.


Enter the signature of the user.

Day starts at

Select the work day start time for the user.

Day ends at

Select the work day end time for the user.


Enter the title for the user.


Enter the fax number of the user.


Enter the department of the user.

Other Email

Enter an alternative email address of the user.

Office Phone

Enter the office phone number of the user.

Secondary Email

Enter the secondary email address of the user.


Enter the mobile number of the user.

Reports To

Select the manager of the user to whom he/she reports to.

Home Phone

Enter the home phone number of the user.

Other Phone

Enter any other phone number of the user if exists.

Date Format

Select the date format of the user.


Enter the details of the document of the user.

Time Zone

Select the timezone of the user.

Internet Mail Composer

Enter the internet mail composer details of the user. For example, Gmail.


Select a theme for the user.


Enter the language used by the user for writing emails or converse.

Send Copy of email

Enter the details if the sent email should be received as a copy to the self.

Street Address

Enter the street name in the user’s contact address.


Enter the country name in the user’s contact address.


Enter the city name in the user’s contact address.

Postal Code

Enter the postal code in the user’s contact address.


Enter the street name in the user’s contact address.


Enter the User ID.


Vendor Name

Enter the name of the vendor.

Vendor Number

Enter the vendor number.


Enter the email address of the vendor.


Enter the phone number of the vendor.

GL Account

Select the General Ledger account number of the vendor.


Enter the website URL of the vendor.

Created Time

Enter the date when the vendor account is created.


Enter the category to which the vendor belongs to.

Modified Time

Enter the date when the vendor details were last modified.

Last Modified By

Enter the user who last modified the details of the vendor.

Assigned To

Select the user who owns the vendor account.

Created By

Select the user who created the vendor account.


Enter the street name in the contact address of the vendor.

PO Box

Enter the PO Box number in the contact address of the vendor.


Enter the city name in the contact address of the vendor.


Enter the state name in the contact address of the vendor.

Postal Code

Enter the Postal Code in the contact address of the vendor.


Enter the country name in the contact address of the vendor.


Enter the details of the vendor.

Vendor ID

Enter the Vendor ID.


Workflow ID

Enter the workflow ID.

Module Name

Enter the module name for which you are creating the workflow.


Enter the brief summary of the workflow.


Enter the details if you are testing this workflow.

Execution Condition

Enter the condition to execute the workflow.

Default Workflow

Enter the details if this is the default workflow for the module.


Enter the type of workflow.

Scheduled Type ID

Enter the Scheduled Type ID.

Scheduled Time

Enter the scheduled time for the workflow.

Scheduled Day of Month

Enter the day in the month to execute the workflow.

Scheduled Day of Week

Enter the day in the week to execute the workflow.

Scheduled Annual Dates

Enter the dates in the year to execute the workflow.

Next Trigger Time

Enter the time after which the workflow will trigger again.

Scheduled Minute Interval

Enter the interval in minutes.


Enter the purpose of the workflow.

Relate Module

Enter the details of the module with which you want to relate the workflow module.

Delete Object

Deletes an existing object by its ID and type.


Establish a connection to your CoreBOS connection.

Element type

Select the element type whose object details you want to delete.

Object ID

Enter the Object ID.

Relate Objects

Relate the selected objects.


Establish a connection to your CoreBOS connection.

Element type

Select the element type whose object details you want to relate to.

Record ID

Enter the Record ID.

Relate To

Select the element type and record with which you want to relate the object.

Retrieve Object

Retrieves an object.


Establish a connection to your CoreBOS connection.

Element type

Select the element type whose object details you want to retrieve.

Record ID

Enter the Record ID.

Update Object

Updates an existing object by its ID and type.


Establish a connection to your CoreBOS connection.

Element type

Select the element type whose objects you want to search.

Object ID

Enter the Object ID you want to update.


Search Object

Retrieves objects of selected type match specified criteria.


Establish a connection to your CoreBOS connection.

Element type

Select the element type whose objects you want to search.

Object ID

Enter the Object ID whose details you want to search.