This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions below .

Acuity Scheduling

Getting Started with Acuity Scheduling

The Acuity Scheduling modules allow you to monitor, publish or update posts, photos, and videos in your Acuity Scheduling account.


  • An Acuity Scheduling account

In order to use Acuity Scheduling with Integrator, it is necessary to have an Acuity Scheduling account. If you do not have one, you can create an Acuity Scheduling account at

Connecting Acuity Scheduling to Integrator

To connect your Acuity Scheduling account to Integrator follow the general instructions for Connecting to services.

After you click the Continue button, Integrator will redirect you to the Acuity Scheduling website where you will be prompted to grant Integrator access to your account.

[Note] Note

Squarespace has acquired Acuity Scheduling. You can use either login credentials to connect Integrator to Squarespace Scheduling or Acuity Scheduling.


Confirm the dialog by clicking the Allow access button.


Watch Appointments

Triggers when an appointment is scheduled, rescheduled, changed, or canceled.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Event Type

Select the type of event that triggers the module.

List Appointment Types

Returns a list of appointment types.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Retrieve Deleted Appointment Types

Select the Yes option to include deleted appointment types in the response.


Set the maximum number of results that Integrator will work with during one cycle.

Get Appointment

Retrieves details for an appointment.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Appointment ID

Select the name of the appointment or map the appointment ID you want to retrieve details about.

Past Form Answers

Select the Yes option to include previous answers given in the intake forms of that appointment.

Create Appointment

Creates an appointment.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Date and Time

Enter the date and time for the appointment in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm

Appointment Type ID

Select or map the appointment type you want to create.

First Name

Enter the client’s first name.

Last Name

Enter the client’s last name.


Enter the client’s email address.

Calendar ID

Select the calendar you want to add the appointment to.


Enter the client’s phone number, may be required in account settings.

Time Zone

Select the client’s time zone.

Intake Form Fields

Select the desired form field and enter the value. You can map the intake form using the List Intake Forms module.

Certificate Code

Select the package or coupon certificate code.

Addon ID

Select the ID of the addon(s) to be included in the scheduled appointment.


Enter private notes about the appointment.

No Email

If this option is enabled no confirmation email or SMS will be sent when creating the appointment.

List Appointments

Retrieves a list of appointments currently scheduled for you based on defined filter settings.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.


Set the maximum number of appointments that Integrator will return during one cycle.

Appointments Date and After

Enter the date from when you want to filter appointments. Use the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm.

Appointments Date and Before

Enter the date you want to filter appointments to. Use the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm.

Calendar ID

Select the calendar you want to list the appointments from.

Appointment Type ID

Returns only appointments of the selected type.

Canceled Appointments

Show all appointments

All appointments are returned.

Don’t show canceled appointments

Canceled appointments are not returned.

Show canceled appointments

Canceled appointments are returned.

First Name

Filter appointments by the client’s first name.

Last Name

Filter appointments by the client’s last name.

Phone Number

Filter by the client phone number.

Addon ID

Enter the ID of the addon included in the scheduled appointment.

Exclude Forms

Intake forms will not be returned in the module response. Response will be faster if intake forms are excluded.

Appointments That Allows Clients to Cancel

If this option is enabled, appointments that allow clients to cancel are also returned.

Appointments That Allows Clients to Reschedule

If this option is enabled, appointments that allow clients to reschedule are also returned.


Define the direction of the result order.

Type ASC to ascending order.

Type DESC to descending order.

Update Appointment

Updates appointment details from a white-list of updatable attributes.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.


If the Yes option is selected, then two other fields appear:


Package or coupon certificate code. May only be set by admins.


Update notes if needed. May only be set by admins.

Appointment ID

Select the appointment you want to update.

First Name

Updates the client’s first name.

Last Name

Updates the client’s last name.


Updates the client’s email address.


Updates the client’s phone number.

Reschedule Appointment

Reschedules an appointment.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Appointment ID

Select the appointment you want to reschedule.

New Date and Time

Enter the date and time for rescheduling the appointment in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm.

Calendar ID

Select the calendar that contains the appointment you want to reschedule. If left empty we’ll leave the appointment on the same calendar.

Time Zone

Select the time zone for the rescheduled appointment.

No Email

If the Yes option is selected then sending the rescheduling e-mail and SMS when rescheduling the appointment is skipped.

Cancel Appointment

Cancels an appointment.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Appointment ID

Select the appointment you want to cancel.

Cancel Message

Enter a message to send with the cancellation notifications.

No Show Appointment

Specify whether the appointment was a no show or not.

Skip Sending the Cancellation Email

Skips sending the cancellation e-mail and SMS when canceling the appointment.

List Appointment Addons

Gets a full list of addons. Addons can add time and duration to an appointment before it is booked.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Limit the Results

Set the maximum number of addons that Integrator will return during one cycle.


List Clients

Retrieves a list of clients.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Limit the Results

Set the maximum number of clients that Integrator will return during one cycle.

Search Clients

Enter the term you want to filter the result by.

Create Client

Creates a new client.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

First Name

Enter the new client’s first name.

Last Name

Enter the new client’s last name.

Phone number

Enter the new client’s phone number.

Email address

Enter the new client’s email address.


Enter notes for the new client.

Update Client

Updates a client within your client list.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Last Name

Select the last name of the client you want to update.

First Name

Select the first name of the client you want to update.

Phone number

Enter the new phone number.

Email address

Enter the new email address.


Enter notes for the client.

Delete Client

Deletes an existing client from your client list.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

First Name

Select the first name of the client you want to delete.

Last Name

Select the last name of the client you want to delete.

Phone Number

Enter the phone number of the client you want to delete.


Add Certificate Code

Create a package or coupon certificate.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Product ID/Coupon ID

Select the product or coupon you want to create a certificate code for.

Certificate Code

Enter the desired code for the coupon or product. If left empty the code will be generated automatically.


The e-mail address to assign a package code to.

List Certificate Codes


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Limit the Results

Set the maximum number of codes that Integrator will return during one cycle.

Product ID

Select or map the product you want to retrieve certificate codes for.

Order ID

Select or map the order you want to retrieve certificate codes for.

Appointment Type ID

Select or map the appointment type you want to retrieve certificate codes for.


Enter the email address you want to retrieve certificate codes for. Combine this with appointment type to suggest certificates to a client!

Delete Certificate Code

Deletes a certificate code.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Certificate Code

Select the certificate code you want to delete.

Check Certificate

Checks that a certificate code is valid for a particular appointment type. Use this to validate a certificate code before setting it for an appointment.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Certificate Code

Enter or map the code you want to check.

Appointment Type ID

Select the appointment type you want to check.

Email address

An optional email address to check if the certificate is valid for (e.g. for single-use coupons).


Watch Orders

Triggers when an order is completed.

Webhook name

Enter the webhook name.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Event Type

Select the type of event that triggers the module.

List Orders

Retrieves a list of orders from the online store with the most recent first. Status can be delivered, paid, or unpaid. The title is a semi-colon separated list of the product names ordered.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Limit of Results

Set the maximum number of orders Integrator will return during one cycle.

Get Order

Retrieves details about a single order.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Order ID

Select the order you want to retrieve information about.

Block Off Time

Add Block Off Time

Creates a block off time in your calendar.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Starting Date and Time

Start date and time to block off in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm format.

Ending Date and Time

End date and time to block off in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm format.

Calendar ID

Select the calendar where you want to create a block off time.


Enter the text note that is added to the blocked off time.

List Block Off Times

Retrieves a list of blocks for the authenticated user.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Calendar ID

Select the calendar you want to retrieve blocked off times from.

Maximum results

Set the maximum number of blocked off times Integrator will return during one cycle.

Minimum Date

Retrieves only appointments from this date and after. Use YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm format.

Maximum Date

Retrieves only appointments from this date and before. Use YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm format.

Get Block Off Time

Retrieves details for a specified block off time.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Blocked Off Time ID

Select the blocked off time you want to retrieve details about.

Delete Block Off Time

Deletes a specified block off time.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Blocked Off Time ID

Select the blocked off time you want to retrieve details about.


List Available Classes

Retrieves available classes for a defined filter.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Limit the results

Set the maximum number of classes Integrator will return during one cycle.


Specify the month you want to list available classes for. Use YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm format.

Appointment Type ID

Select the appointment type you want to retrieve.

Calendar ID

Select the calendar you want to retrieve available classes from.

Minimum Date

Enter the earliest date to return classes for. This will be over-ridden by month. Use YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm format.

Maximum Date

Enter the latest date to return classes for. This will be over-ridden by month. Use YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm format.

Classes including Unavailable

Select the Yes option to list all classes, including those that are no longer available.

Classes including Private

Select the Yes option to list all classes, including those marked as private.

Check Available Times

Retrieves available times for a date and appointment type.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Date and Time

Enter date and time to validate. Use YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm format.

Appointment Type ID

Select the appointment type to check availability for.

Calendar ID

Select the calendar you want to check for available times.

List Available Dates

Returns dates with availability for a month and an appointment type.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.


Enter the month you want to check for available dates.

Appointment Type ID

Select the appointment type to check availability for.

Limit the Results

Set the maximum number of dates Integrator will return during one cycle.

Calendar ID

Select the calendar you want to check for available dates.

Addon IDs

Addon to use when calculating availability for this appointment type. Addons must be associated with the appointment type.

Time Zone

Select timezone for availability in time conversions.

List Available Times

Returns available times for a date and appointment type.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.


Specify the date you want to list available times from. Use YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm format.

Appointment Type ID

Enter the appointment type to check availability for.

Limit the Results

Set the maximum number of available times Integrator will return during one cycle.

Calendar ID

Select the calendar you want to check for available times.

Addon IDs

Addon IDs to use when calculating availability for this appointment type. Addons must be associated with the appointment type.

Time Zone

Select timezone for availability in time conversions.


List Payments

Retrieves a list of payment transactions for a particular appointment.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Appointment ID

Select the appointment you want to retrieve the list of transactions for.

Limit the Results

Set the maximum number of payments Integrator will return during one cycle.

List Intake Forms

Retrieves intake forms.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Limit the Results

Set the maximum number of intake forms Integrator will return during one cycle.

List Labels

Retrieves a list of labels.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Limit the Results

Set the maximum number of labels Integrator will return during one cycle.

List Package Products

Retrieves a list of products and packages.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.

Limit the Results

Set the maximum number of products Integrator will return during one cycle.

Retrieve Deleted Products

If the Yes option is selected then also deleted products will be retrieved.

Make an API Call

Allows you to perform a custom API call.


Establish a connection to your Acuity Scheduling account.


Enter a path relative to E.g. /v1/clients

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Acuity Scheduling API Reference.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:


to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don’t have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use – List Clients

The following API call returns all clients:


Matches of the search can be found in the module’s Output under Bundle > Body.

In our example, 5 clients were returned:
