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This application needs additional settings. Please follow the documentation below to create your own connection.


The Lokalise modules, Boost.space Integrator you can:

  • watch a task, an order, a project, and a language in triggers

  • create, update, retrieve, and delete a task

  • create, update, retrieve, and delete the projects

  • create a branch and update a branch name in the branches

  • create and retrieve the orders.

  • upload and download a file in documents

To get started with the Lokalise, create an account at lokalise.com.

[Note] Note

The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Boost.space Integrator scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connect Lokalise with Boost.space Integrator

To connect the Lokalise app with the Boost.space Integrator:

  1. Log in to your Lokalise account.

  2. Click Profile > Profile Settings. Copy the Account ID to a safe place.

  3. Click API tokens > Generate new token.

  4. Select the access required for the token and click Generate.

  5. Copy the API token to a safe place.

  6. Log in to your Boost.space Integrator and add a module from the Lokalise into a Boost.space Integrator scenario.

  7. Click Add next to the Connection field.

  8. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  9. In the API Key field, enter the details copied in step 5 and click Save.

You have successfully connected the Lokalise app with Boost.space Integrator and can now build scenarios.


You can watch tasks, orders, projects, and languages using the following modules.

[Note] Note

Boost.space Integrator automatically creates a webhook in Lokalise once you add an instant trigger to your scenario.

Watch a Task

Triggers when a new task is created, closed, or deleted.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID whose tasks you want to watch.

Event Type

Select the event type you want to watch:

  • Task Created

  • Task Closed

  • Task Deleted

Watch an Order

Triggers when an order is created, completed, or deleted.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID whose orders you want to watch.

Event Type

Select the event type you want to watch:

  • Order Created

  • Order Completed

  • Order Deleted

Watch a Project

Triggers when a project is imported, exported, or deleted.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID to watch.

Event Type

Select the event type you want to watch:

  • Project Imported

  • Project Exported

  • Project Deleted

Watch a Language

Triggers when a language is added, deleted or language settings are changed.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID whose languages you want to watch.

Event Type

Select the event type you want to watch:

  • Languages Added

  • Language Deleted

  • Language Settings is Changed


You can create, update, retrieve, and delete tasks using the following modules.

Create a Task

Creates a task in the project.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Project Name

Select or map the project for which you want to create the task.

Task Title

Enter (map) the task name.


Enter (map) a list of languages to the task. You can multiple languages.

Language ISO

Select or map the language applicable for the task.


Enter (map) a list of users, assigned to work on the language. Alternatively, you can search for users.


Enter (map) a list of groups associated with the task. Alternatively, you can search for users.


Enter (map) task details.

Due Date

Enter (map) the date by which the task must be completed. The supported format is Y-m-d H:i:s. For example, 2018-12-24 23:59:59.

Task Type

Select or map the task type:

  • Translation

  • Review

Parent Task ID

Enter (map) the Parent Task ID for this task. Applicable only if the task type is review. The current task will open when the parent task is closed.


Enter (map) a list of key identifiers, included in the task. This field is required if parent_task_id is not specified.

Source Language ISO

Enter (map) a source language code for the task. If no value is provided, it falls back to project base language.

Auto Close Languages

Select whether languages should be closed automatically upon completion of the last item.

Auto Close Task

Select whether you want to automatically close the task when all languages are completed.

Auto Close Items

Select whether the translation task items should be automatically marked as completed after editing them.

Closing Tags

Enter (map) the tags that will be added to affected keys when the task is closed.

Do Lock Translations

Select whether you want to restrict translations for non-assigned project members.

Custom Translation Status IDs

Enter (map) the IDs of custom translation statuses that will be applied to task items after the item is completed.

Get a Task

Gets information about a specific task.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID whose task details you want to retrieve.

Task ID

Enter (map) a Task ID whose details you want to retrieve. Alternatively, you can also search the Task ID.

Delete a Task

Deletes a task from the project.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID whose task you want to delete.

Task ID

Enter (map) a Task ID you want to delete. Alternatively, you can also search the Task ID.

Update a Task

Updates the properties of a task.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Enter a Task ID

Select or map the option to choose the task you want to update.

Select a Project

Select or map a project whose task details you want to update.

Project Name

Select or map a project to which the task belongs.

Task ID

Select or map a Task ID whose details you want to update.

Task Title

Enter (map) a new name for the task.


Enter (map) a list of languages to the task.

Language ISO

Select or map the Language code applicable to the task.


Enter (map) a list of users, assigned to work on the language. Alternatively, you can search for users.


Enter (map) a list of groups associated with the task. Alternatively, you can search for users.


Enter (map) the task details.

Due Date

Enter (map) the due date for the task in Y-m-d H:i:s format. For example, 2018-12-24 23:59:59.

Task Type

Select the task type:

  • Translation

  • Review


Enter (map) a list of key identifiers, included in the task. This field is required if Parent Task ID is not specified.

Source Language ISO

Enter (map) a source language code for the task. If no value is provided, falls back to project base language.

Auto Close Languages

Select whether languages should be closed automatically upon completion of the last item.

Auto Close Task

Select whether the task should be automatically closed upon completing all languages.

Auto Close Items

Select whether the translation task items should be automatically marked as completed on edit.

Closing Tags

Enter (map) tags that will be added to affected keys when the task is closed.

Do Lock Translations

Select whether to restrict the translations for non-assigned project members.


You can create, update, retrieve, and delete projects using the following modules.

Create a Project

Creates a project.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Project Name

Enter (map) a name for the project.

Team ID

Select or map a Team ID for which you want to create the project.

[Note] Note

If this parameter is deleted, the project will be created in the current team of the user, whose API token is specified.


Enter (map) the project details.


Enter (map) a list of languages to add:

Unique Language

Select or map a unique language code to be added to the project.

Custom ISO

Enter (map) a custom ISO code to override language or locale code.

Base Lang ISO

Enter (map) a language/locale code of the project base language.

[Note] Note

Should be in the scope of the languages list. Use custom_iso code in case it was defined.

Project Type

Select or map the type of project:

  • Software localization (JSON, YAML, etc.)

  • Paged Documents (HTML, DOCX, etc.)

Segmentation Enabled

Select whether you want to enable the segmentation feature for the project.

Delete a Project

Deletes a project.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID you want to delete.

List Projects

Lists all projects.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.


Set the maximum number of projects Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

Get a Project

Retrieves project details.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID whose details you want to retrieve.


You can create and update branches using the following modules.

Create a Branch

Creates a new branch for the project.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID for which you want to create the branch.

Branch Name

Enter (map) a name for the branch.

Update a Branch Name

Updates a branch name in the project.


.Establish a connection to your Lokalise account

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID whose branch name you want to update.

Branch ID

Enter (map) a Branch ID whose name you want to update. Alternatively, you can search the branch.

Branch Name

Enter (map) a new name for the branch.


You can create and retrieve the orders using the following modules.

Create an Order

Creates a translation order.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Team ID

Select or map a Team ID for which you want to create the order.

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID for which you want to create an order.


Enter (map) the order details.

Source Language ISO

Select or map the source language code of the order.

Target Language ISOS

Select or map the list of target languages.


Enter (map) a list of key identifiers to include in the order. Alternatively, you can search for the keys.


Enter (map) a translation provider slug of the order. Alternatively, you can search the provider.

Translation Tier

Enter (map) a tier of the translation. The translation tiers depend on the provider.


Enter (map) a branch name of the order. Alternatively, you can search the branch.

Payment Method

Select or map the payment method:

  • Credit Card

  • Team Card

Card ID

Enter (map) the identifier of the card used for payment.

Saved to Translation Memory

Select whether to save to translation memory. The default value is true and can be set only with google and deepl providers.

Dry Run

Select whether to return the response without actually placing an order. Useful for price estimation. The card will not be charged.

Translation Style

Select or map the translational style:

  • Formal

  • Informal

  • Business

  • Friendly

[Note] Note

Applicable only for gengo providers.

Get an Order

Retrieves information about a specific order.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Team ID

Select or map a Team ID whose order details you want to retrieve.

Order ID

Enter (map) an Order ID whose details you want to retrieve. Alternatively, you can search for the orders.


You can upload and download files using the following modules.

Upload a File

Uploads a file.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID to which you want to upload a file.


Enter (map) the file details:

File Name

Enter (map) the file’s name.

[Note] Note

You may optionally use a relative path in the filename. For example, admin/main.json, however, the path would become a unique part of the file.


Enter (map) the base64 encoded file’s data.

Language Code

Enter (map) a language code of the translations in the file you are importing.

Convert Placeholders

Select whether you want to enable the setting to automatically convert placeholders to the Lokalise universal placeholders.

Detect ICU plurals

Select whether you want to automatically detect and parse ICU formatted plurals in your translations.


Enter (map) the specified tags to inserted keys. You can add multiple tags.

Tag Updated Keys

Select whether you want to add specified tags to updated keys. You can add multiple tags.

Tag Skipped Keys

Select whether you want to add specified tags to skipped keys. You can add multiple tags.

Replace Modified

Select whether you want to replace translations, that have been modified.

Convert Line Break

Select whether you want to replace /n with a line break.

Copy Keys To Values

Select whether to automatically replace values with key names.

Distinguish Keys By File

Select whether to allow keys with similar names to coexist, in case they are assigned to different filenames.

Apply TM Matches

Select whether to enable to automatically apply 100% translation memory matches. If you select Yes, this option will take priority over use_automations.

Use Automations

Select whether to run automation for this upload.

Hidden From Contributors

Select whether to automatically set newly created keys as Hidden from contributors.

Cleanup Mode

Select whether to delete all keys with all language translations that are not present in the uploaded file.

[Note] Note

You may want to take a snapshot of the project before importing a new file.

Skip Language Detection

Select whether you want to skip automatic language detection by filename.

Custom Translation Status Inserted Keys

Select whether you want to add specified custom translation statuses to inserted keys.

Custom Translation Status Updated Keys

Select whether to add specified custom translation statuses to updated keys.

Download a File

Downloads project files.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Project ID

Select or map the Project ID whose file you want to download.

File Format

Select or map the file format for a file you want to download.

Original Filenames

Select whether you want to use original filenames and formats for the files you want to download. If set to false, all keys will be exported to a single file per language.

Bundle Structure

Enter (map) a bundle structure, This is used when original_filenames are set to false. Allowed placeholders are:

  • %LANG_ISO%


  • %FORMAT%


All Platforms

Select whether you want to include all platform keys. If disabled, only the keys associated with the platform of the format will be exported.

Filter by Languages

Enter (map) a list of languages to export. You can add multiple languages.

Filter Data

Select or map the parameters to narrow the export data range. For example, Verified.

Filter by Filename

Enter (map) the name of the file to filter. Only keys attributed to selected files will be included. Leave empty for all.

Add Newline at EOF

Select whether to add a new line at end of the file (if supported by format).

Filter by custom translation status IDs

Enter (map) the custom translation Status IDs to filter the files.

[Note] Note

Only translations attributed to selected custom statuses will be included. Leave empty for all.

Include Tags

Enter (map) the tags to narrow the export range to tags specified. For example, New.

Exclude Tags

Enter (map) the tags to be excluded.

Sort By

Select or map the parameters to sort. For example, first added.

Export Empty As

Select how to empty translations to be exported:

  • Keep empty

  • Replace with the base language value

  • Replace with null (YAML export only)

Include Comments

Select whether include any additional information about the keys in the exported file (if supported by the format).

Include Description

Select whether to include key details in the exported file (if supported by the format).

Include other Projects

Enter (map) the Projects IDs whose keys you want to include with this export.

Triggers for Integrations

Select or map the trigger for integration exports. The triggers must be enabled in project settings.

Filter By Repository

Enter (map) the repositories to filter. Pull requests will be created only for listed repositories (organization/repository format).

Leave empty array to process all configured integrations by platform only.

Replace Breaks

Select whether to replace the breaks in exported translations with a line break.

Disable References

Select whether to skip the automatic replacement of key reference placeholders with their corresponding translations. For example, [%key:hello_world%].

Plural Format

Select or map the plural format to override the default plural format for the file.

Placeholder Format

Select or map the placeholder format to override the default formats for the file.


Select or map the indentation for the file.


You can retrieve translations and call APIs using the following modules.

Get Translation

Get one translation for one key by lang.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.

Project ID

Enter (map) a Project ID whose translations you want to retrieve.

Key ID

Enter (map) an identifier of the key of the translation.

Lang ISO

Enter (map) a language code to retrieve a translation.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


Establish a connection to your Lokalise account.


Enter a path relative to https://api.lokalise.com. For example /api2/projects.

[Note] Note

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Lokalise API documentation.



to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don’t have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use – List all Projects

The following API call returns all the projects from your Loaklise account:






Matches of the search can be found in the module’s Output under Bundles > Body > projects.

In our example, 10 projects were returned:
