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Table of Contents
This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions below .
Redirect url


With QuickBooks modules in Boost.space Integrator, you can manage the invoices, bills, sales receipts, estimates, journal entries, payments, deposits, credit memos, customers, purchase orders, items, vendors, files, accounts, purchases, time activities, refund receipts, and events in your QuickBooks account.

To use the QuickBooks modules, you must have a QuickBooks account. You can create an account at QuickBooks.com.

Refer to the QuickBooks API documentation for a list of available endpoints.

Connect QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

To establish the connection in Boost.space Integrator:

  1. Log in to your Boost.space Integrator account, add a QuickBooks module to a scenario, and click Create a connection.

  2. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  3. Optional: To connect with your own custom app, click Show Advanced Settings, enter the client credentials from your app, and select if you want to use Sandbox for connection.

  4. Click Save.

  5. If prompted, authenticate your account and confirm access.

You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more QuickBooks modules. If your connection requires reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.

Create Custom App and Client Credentials in QuickBooks

To connect your own QuickBooks app to Boost.space Integrator, you must create a custom app in your QuickBooks developer account and select the relevant platform and scopes.

  1. Log in to your QuickBooks developer account.

  2. Click on the Dashboard tab.

  3. Click Create an app.

  4. Select the Platform to create the app.

  5. Enter a name for the app, select the scope, and click Create app.

  6. Click on Keys & credentials under the Development Settings or Production Settings section in the sidebar, depending on your settings.

  7. Scroll down to the Redirect URIs section, add the following links, and click Save.

    Redirect URIs



  8. Copy your Client ID and Client Secret and save them in a safe place.

You now have the client credentials to connect to Boost.space Integrator.


Create an Invoice

Creates a new invoice for the customer.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Invoice API reference.

Update an Invoice

Updates an existing invoice.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Invoice ID

Enter (map) the ID of the invoice whose details you want to update.

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Invoice API reference.

[Caution] Caution

Fields that are left empty will be omitted (not updated).

Delete an Invoice

Deletes an existing invoice.

[Caution] Caution

You must unlink any linked transactions associated with the invoice object before deleting it.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Invoice ID

Enter (map) the ID of the invoice you want to delete.

Get an Invoice

Retrieves invoice details.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Invoice ID

Enter (map) the ID of the invoice you want to retrieve details about.

Search for Invoices

Performs a search for invoices based on the filter settings or a specified search query.

[Caution] Caution

Diacritics are not supported.

Please use the ascii() function to remove the diacritics, if needed.



Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select whether to search by:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the invoice field, operator, and desired value you want to search invoices by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example, SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Id = '123456'

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. Search by field option only.

Download an Invoice

Downloads an invoice in the PDF file.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Invoice ID

Enter (map) the ID of the invoice you want to download.

Send an Invoice

Sends an invoice to the specified email address.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Invoice ID

Enter (map) the ID of the invoice you want to send.

Send to

Enter the email you want to send the invoice.


You can create, update, delete, search, and retrieve bills using the following modules.

Create a Bill

Creates a new bill.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Bill API reference.

Update a Bill

Updates an existing invoice.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Bill ID

Enter (map) the ID of the bill you want to update.

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Bill API reference.

[Note] Note

Fields that are left empty will be omitted (not updated).

Delete a Bill

Deletes an existing bill.

You must unlink any linked transactions associated with the bill object before deleting it.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Invoice ID

Enter (map) the ID of the bill you want to delete.

Get a Bill

Retrieves bill details.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Invoice ID

Enter (map) the ID of the bill you want to retrieve details about.

Search for Bills

Performs a search for a bill based on the filter settings or a specified search query.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select whether to search by:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the bill field, operator, and desired value you want to search bills by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example, SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Id = '123456'

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. For Search by field option only.

Sales Receipt

Create a Sales Receipt

Creates a sales receipt.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Sales Receipt API reference.

Update a Sales Receipt

Updates an existing sales receipt.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Sales Receipt ID

Enter (map) the ID of the sales receipt you want to update.

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Sales Receipt API reference.

Get a Sales Receipt

Retrieves sales receipt details.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Sales Receipt ID

Enter (map) the ID of the sales receipt you want to retrieve details about.

Search for Sales Receipts

Performs a search for sales receipts based on the filter settings or a specified search query.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select whether to search by:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the sales receipt field, operator, and desired value you want to search sales receipts by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example, SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Id = '123456'

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. For Search by field option only.

Download a Sales Receipt

Downloads a sales receipt in the PDF file.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Invoice ID

Enter (map) the ID of the sales receipt you want to download.

Send a Sales Receipt

Sends a sales receipt to the specified email address.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Invoice ID

Enter (map) the ID of the sales receipt you want to send.

Send to

Enter the email you want to send the sales receipt.


You can create, update, retrieve, send, download, delete, and search estimates using the following modules.

Create an Estimate

Creates a new estimate.

GlobalTax model if the model inclusive of tax, exclusive of taxes or not applicable


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

For te field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Estimate API reference.

Update an Estimate

Updates an existing estimate.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Estimate ID

Enter (map) the ID of the estimate whose details you want to update.

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Estimate API reference.

Delete an Estimate

Deletes an estimate.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Estimate ID

Enter (map) the ID of the estimate you want to delete.

Download an Estimate

Downloads an estimate in the PDF file.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Estimate ID

Enter (map) the ID of the invoice you want to download.

Send an Estimate

Sends an estimate to the specified email address.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Estimate ID

Enter (map) the ID of the estimate you want to send.

Send to

Enter the email you want send the estimate to.

Get an Estimate

Retrieves estimate details.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Estimate ID

Enter (map) the ID of the estimate whose details you want to retrieve.

Search for Estimates

Performs a search for estimate based on the filter settings or a specified search query.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select whether to search by:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the estimate field, operator, and desired value you want to search estimates by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example, SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Id = '123456'

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. For Search by field option only.

Journal Entry

Create a Journal Entry

Creates a journal entry.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Journal Entry API reference.

Update a Journal Entry

Updates an existing journal entry.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Journal entry ID

Enter (map) the ID of the journal entry you want to update.

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Journal Entry API reference.

Delete a Journal Entry

Deletes a journal entry.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Journal entry ID

Enter (map) the ID of the journal entry you want to delete.

Get a Journal Entry

Retrieves a journal entry.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Journal entry ID

Enter (map) the ID of the journal entry whose details you want to retrieve.

Search for Journal Entries

Performs a search for journal entries based on the filter settings or a specified search query.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select whether to search by:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the journal entry field, operator, and desired value you want to search journal entries by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example, SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Id = '123456'

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. For Search by field option only.


Create Payment

Creates a payment.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks online API reference.

Update a Payment

Updates an existing payment.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Payment ID

Enter (map) the Payment ID whose details you want to update.

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks online Payment API reference.

Delete a Payment

Deletes a payment.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Payment ID

Enter (map) the ID of the payment you want to delete.

Watch Payments

Triggers when a new payment is created.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Watch Payments

Select the option to watch the payments:

  • By created time

  • By updated time

Search by

Select the option to search the payments you want to watch:

  • Query

  • Field


Enter a word or phrase to watch the payments that match the specified query.


Select the fields to filter the payments.


Set the maximum number of payments Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 2.

Download a Payment

Downloads an payment in the PDF file.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Payment ID

Enter (map) the ID of the payment you want to download.

Send a Payment

Sends an payment to the specified email address.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Payment ID

Enter (map) the ID of the payment you want to send.

Send to

Enter the email you want send the payment to.

Get a Payment

Retrieves payment details.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Payment ID

Enter (map) the ID of the payment you want to retrieve details about.

Search for Payments

Performs a search for payments based on the filter settings or a specified search query.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select whether to search by:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the payment field, operator and desired value you want to search payments by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example, SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Id = '123456'

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. For Search by field option only.


You can create, update, delete, retrieve, and search deposits using the following modules.

Create a Deposit

Creates a deposit


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Deposit API reference.

Update a Deposit

Updates an existing deposit.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Deposit ID

Enter (map) the ID of the payment whose details you want to update.

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Deposit API reference.

Delete a Deposit

Deletes a deposit.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Deposit ID

Enter (map) the ID of the deposit you want to delete.

Get a Deposit

Retrieves deposit details.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Deposit ID

Enter (map) the ID of the deposit you want to retrieve details about.

Search for Deposits

Performs a search for deposits based on the filter settings or a defined search query.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select whether to search by:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the deposit field, operator, and desired value you want to search deposits by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example, SELECT * FROM deposits.

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. For Search by field option only.

Credit Memo

A credit Memo is a financial transaction representing a refund or credit of payment or part of a payment for goods or services that have been sold.

You can create, update, delete, retrieve, and search credit memos using the following modules.

Create a Credit Memo

Creates a credit memo.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Credit Memo API reference.

Update a Credit Memo

Updates an existing credit memo.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Credit Memo ID

Enter (map) the ID of the Credit Memo whose details you want to update.

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Credit Memo API reference.

Delete a Credit Memo

Deletes a credit memo.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Credit Memo ID

Enter (map) the ID of the credit memo you want to delete.

Get a Credit Memo

Retrieves credit memo details.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Credit Memo ID

Enter (map) the ID of the credit memo you want to retrieve details about.

Search for Credit Memos

Performs a search for credit memos based on the filter settings or a defined search query.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select the option to search the credit memos:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the credit memo field, operator, and desired value you want to search credit memos by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example:

SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Id = '123456'

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. For Search by fieldoption only. The default value is 2.


You can create, update, retrieve, and search customers using the following modules.

Create a Customer

Creates a new customer.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Customer API reference.

Update a Customer

Updates a customer.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Customer ID

Enter (map) the ID of the customer you want to update.

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Customer API reference.

Get a Customer

Retrieves customer details.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Customer ID

Enter (map) the ID of the customer you want to retrieve details about.

Search for Customers

Performs a search for customers based on the filter settings or a defined search query.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select whether to search by:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the customer field, operator, and desired value you want to search customers by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example, SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Id = '123456'

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. For Search by fieldoption only.

Purchase Orders

You can create, update, retrieve, search, and delete purchase orders using the following modules.

Create a Purchase Order

Creates purchase orders, the non-posting transaction representing a request to purchase goods or services from a third party.

Enter the private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Purchase Order API reference.

Update a Purchase Order

Updates an existing purchase order.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Purchase Order ID

Enter (map) the ID of the purchase you want to update.

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Purchase Order API reference.

Get a Purchase Order

Retrieves purchase order details.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Purchase Order ID

Enter (map) the ID of the purchase order you want to retrieve details about.

Search for Purchase Orders

Performs a search for purchase orders based on the filter settings or a defined search query.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select whether to search by:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the purchase order field, operator and desired value you want to search purchase orders by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example, SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Id = '123456'

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. For Search by field option only.

Delete a Purchase Order

Deletes a purchase order


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Purchase Order ID

Enter (map) the ID of the purchase order you want to delete.


Create an Item

Creates a new item.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Item API reference.

Update an Item

Updates an item.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Item ID

Enter (map) the ID of the item you want to update.

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Item API reference.

Get an Item

Retrieves item details.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Item ID

Enter (map) the ID of the item you want to retrieve details about.

Search for Items

Performs a search for items based on the filter settings or a defined search query.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select whether to search by:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the item field, operator and desired value you want to search items by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Id = '123456'

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. For Search by field option only.


Create a Vendor

Creates a new vendor.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

For the field descriptions, see QuickBooks Online Vendor API reference.

Update a Vendor

Updates a vendor.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Vendor ID

Enter (map) the ID of the vendor you want to update.

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Vendor API reference.

Get a Vendor

Retrieves vendor details.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Vendor ID

Enter (map) the ID of the customer you want to retrieve details about.

Search for Vendors

Performs a search for vendors based on the filter settings or a defined search query.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select whether to search by:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the vendor field, operator and desired value you want to search vendors by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example, SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Id = '123456'.

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. For Search by field option only.


You can create, search, and delete the attachments, upload, and download files using the following modules.

Create a Text Attachment

Creates a note.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator


Add transaction object to which this attachable file is to be linked.

  • Entity: Enter the name of the object. For example, invoice, bill, item, etc.

  • Entity ID: Enter the ID of the object.


Enter the note for the attachment or standalone note.


Enter the latitude from where the attachment was requested.


Enter the longitude from where the attachment was requested.

Place name

Enter the place name from where the attachment was requested.


Enter the tag name for the requested attachment.

Upload a File

Uploads a file.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Source file

Map the file you want to upload from the previous module (e.g. HTTP > Get a File or Dropbox > Get a file), or enter the file name and file data manually.

  • File name: Enter the file name.

  • Data: Enter or map the file data.


Add the transaction objects to which this attachable file is to be linked.

  • Entity: Enter the name of the object. For example, invoice, bill, item, etc.

  • Entity ID: Enter the ID of the object.

  • Include on Send: This field indicates whether or not the attachment is sent with the transaction when Save and Send button is clicked in the QuickBooks UI or when the Send endpoint (send email) is invoked for the object.

Download a File

Downloads a file attachment.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Attachment ID

Enter the ID of the attachment you want to download.

Delete an Attachment

Deletes a file attachment.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Attachment ID

Enter the ID of the attachment you want to delete.

Search for Attachments

Performs a search for attachments based on the filter settings or a defined search query.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select whether to search by:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the attachment field, operator and desired value you want to search attachments by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example, SELECT * FROM attachable

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. For Search by field option only.


You can create, update, search, and retrieve accounts using the following modules.

Create an Account

Creates a new account.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Account API reference.

Update an Account

Updates an account.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Account ID

Enter (map) the ID of the account you want to update.

Please find the descriptions of the fields in the QuickBooks Online Account API reference.

Get an Account

Retrieves account details.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Account ID

Enter (map) the ID of the account whose details you want to retrieve.

Search for Accounts

Performs a search for accounts based on the filter settings or a defined search query.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select whether to search by:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the account field, operator, and desired value you want to search items by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example, SELECT * FROM account.

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. For Search by field option only.


Create a Purchase

Creates a purchase.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Purchase API reference.

Update a Purchase

Updates an existing purchase.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Purchase ID

Enter (map) the ID of the purchase you want to update.

Please find the descriptions of the fields in the QuickBooks Online Purchase API reference.

[Note] Note

Fields that are left empty will be omitted (not updated).

Delete a Purchase

Deletes an existing purchase.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Purchase ID

Enter (map) the ID of the purchase you want to delete.

Get a Purchase

Retrieves purchase details.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Purchase ID

Enter (map) the ID of the purchase you want details you want to retrieve.

Search for Purchases

Performs a search for purchase based on the filter settings or a specified search query.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select whether to search by:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the purchase field, operator, and desired value you want to search purchases by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example, SELECT * FROM purchase.

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. For Search by field option only.

Time Activity

A record of time worked by a vendor or employee.

Create a Time Activity

Creates a time activity.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Time Activity Type

Select a time activity type.

Vendor / Employee

Specify the vendor or employee whose time is being recorded.


Hours worked. Required if Start Time and End Time not specified.


Minutes worked; valid values are 0 – 59. Required if Start Time and End Time not specified.

Start time

Time that work starts. Required if Hours and Minutes not specified. Local timezone: YYYY-MM-DDUTC: YYYY-MM-DDSpecific time zone: YYYY-MM-DD+/-HH:MM

End time

Time that work ends. Required if Hours and Minutes not specified. Local timezone: YYYY-MM-DDUTC: YYYY-MM-DDSpecific time zone: YYYY-MM-DD+/-HH:MM

Hourly Rate

Enter the hourly bill rate of the employee or vendor for this time activity.

Break Hours

Enter hours of break taken between start time and end time.

Break Minutes

Enter minutes of break taken between start time and end time. Valid values are 0 – 59.


Select the customer or job.

Update a Time Activity

Updates a time activity.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Update Time Activity ID

Enter (map) the ID of the time activity you want to update.

Please find the descriptions of the fields in the Create a Time Activity section above.

Get an Time Activity

Retrieves time activity details.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Time Activity ID

Enter (map) the ID of the time activity you want to retrieve details about.

Search for Time Activity

Performs a search for time activities based on the filter settings or a defined search query.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select whether to search by:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the time activity field, operator and desired value you want to search time activities by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example, SELECT * FROM timeactivity

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

[Caution] Caution

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. For Search by field option only.

Refund Receipt

Create a Refund Receipt

Creates a refund receipt.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

For the field descriptions, see the QuickBooks Online Refund Receipt API reference.

Update a refund Receipt

Updates an existing refund receipt.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

refund Receipt ID

Enter (map) the ID of the refund receipt you want to update.

For the field descriptions, see QuickBooks Online Refund Receipt API reference.

Get a Refund Receipt

Retrieves refund receipt details.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Refund Receipt ID

Enter (map) the ID of the refund receipt you want to retrieve details about.

Search for Refund Receipts

Performs a search for refund receipts based on the filter settings or a specified search query.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

Search by

Select whether to search by:

  • field

  • user-defined query


Select the refund receipt field, operator, and desired value you want to search refund receipts by.


Specify your search query. The syntax is similar to SQL. For example, SELECT * FROM refundreceipt.

Please see the Data queries documentation for more details.

[Caution] Caution

Do not enter the maxresults directive. Boost.space Integrator will add it automatically for you.


Set the maximum number of results Boost.space Integrator will return during one execution cycle. For Search by field option only.


You can trigger events using the following module.

New Event

Triggers when an event in your QuickBooks account is performed.

Received webhooks contain Object ID, Object type, Operation, and Date. For example, when a new invoice is created, you will receive a webhook notification showing Invoice as the Object type and Create as Operation kind. If you wish to receive more information about a newly created invoice (or another object), you can use the Search for invoices action and get information about the invoice (object) by its ID.

[Note] Note

Boost.space Integrator automatically creates a webhook in QuickBooks once you add an instant trigger to your scenario.

Webhook name

Enter the name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.Connecting QuickBooks to Boost.space Integrator

[Caution] Caution

QuickBooks webhooks are usually a bit delayed

The list of events that are supported by the New Event module:









Bill Payment




























You can call APIs and retrieve the company details using the following modules.

Get My Company

Retrieves details about your company.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.

Make an API Call

Allows you to perform a custom API call.

[Note] Note

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the QuickBooks Online API Documentation.


Establish a connection to your QuickBooks account.


Enter a path relative to https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com/VERSION/company/YOUR-COMPANY/. For example, /preferences.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

  • GET

    to retrieve information for an entry.

  • POST

    to create a new entry.

  • PUT

    to update/replace an existing entry.


    to make a partial entry update.


    to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don’t have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use – List Employees

The following API call returns all the employees from your QuickBooks Online account:

URL: query

Version: v3

Method: GET

Query String:

item 1 (predefined)





item 2




select * from Employee


The search matches can be found in the module’s Output under Bundle > Body > QueryResponse > Employee.

In our example, 4 employees were returned:


Common Issues

New invoice number

There are 2 options to generate an invoice number:

1. Set variable or value in the Doc number field in the QuickBooks module interface:


2. Automatically generate the invoice number as the number following the last created invoice in QuickBooks. To activate this option, you will need to disable the feature that allows you to edit invoice numbers under your QuickBooks settings. For this:

  1. Click the gear icon.

  2. Select Account and Settings.

  3. Click Sales.

  4. Under Sales form content, uncheck the checkbox next to Custom transaction numbers.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Done.


After this is set, the invoice number will be generated automatically in QuickBooks and you will no longer be able to customize your invoice numbers.

By default, it is set to on. So, an invoice generated without a doc number comes WITHOUT a number (the invoice number field is left empty).