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This application needs additional settings. Please follow the documentation below to create your own connection.
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Facebook Groups

With Facebook Groups modules in Integrator, you can watch for and retrieve comments, album photos, posts, videos, and events, create and retrieve posts, and upload photos and videos.

To use Facebook Groups with Integrator, you must have a Facebook account with an existing Facebook group and the Integrator app installed in your Facebook Group.

Connect Facebook Groups to Integrator

We are trying to make the connections for you as easy as possible. You can establish a connection with some modules by following the general process here.

Unfortunately, for some modules you need to create your own connection by following the guide below.

Modules: Create a Post, Get a Post, Get Post Reactions, List Album Photos, List Comments, List Events, List Members, List Posts, List Videos, Upload a Photo, Upload a Video, Watch Album Photos, Watch Comments, Watch Events, Watch Posts, Watch Videos

You can find out how to create your own connection in the guide below. This guide is for Lead Ads, but the setup works the same way for this application.


Ensure that you create a connection with the same profile you are logged into on Facebook. If you are making a connection with another account, it won’t work for you and you will see this error:

If this happens, you need to add another administrator to your application. Follow our step-by-step guide HERE.


Install the Integrator app in your Facebook Group

[Note] Note
The following error message is returned when the Integrator app is not installed in your group: The operation failed with an error. (#200) Requires either admin with granted managed_group permissions or member using installed app. (200, OAuthException).

To allow access to a specific Facebook Group, you must install the Integrator app in your Group manually. Integrator only has access to the Groups which have the app installed.


  1. Log in to your Facebook Group.
  2. In the left sidebar, scroll down to the Settings section and click on Group Settings.
  3. Under Manage advanced settings, click on the Edit icon next to Apps.
  4. Click on the Add apps button.
  5. Locate and click on the Integrator app > Add.

The Integrator app has successfully been installed in your Facebook Group.


Watch Comments

Triggers when a new comment is added.

Connection Establish a connection to your Facebook account.
Post ID Select the post you want to watch for new comments.
Limit Enter the maximum number of comments Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

Watch Album Photos

Triggers when a new photo is added.

Connection Establish a connection to your Facebook account.
Group Select the group where the album you want to watch for new photos is located.
Album Select the album you want to watch for new photos.
Limit Enter the maximum number of photos Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

Watch Posts

Triggers when a new post is created.

Connection Establish a connection to your Facebook account.
Group Select the group you want to watch for new posts.
Limit Enter the maximum number of posts Integrator will return during one execution cycle.
[Note] Note
When executing this module, you may encounter an error that says, Please reduce the amount of data you're asking for, then retry your request (1,). This is a known issue on the Facebook side and will remain as is until the Facebook team fixes it.

For more information, see the Facebook bugs page.

Watch Videos

Triggers when a new video is added.

Connection Establish a connection to your Facebook account.
Group Select the group you want to watch for new videos.
Limit Enter the maximum number of videos Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

Watch Events

Triggers when a new event is added.

Connection Establish a connection to your Facebook account.
Trigger By Select the trigger:

  • Start Time
  • Created Time
  • Updated Time
Group Select the group you want to watch for events.
Limit Enter the maximum number of events Integrator will return during one execution cycle.


Create a Post

Creates a new post in a group.

Connection Establish a connection to your Facebook account.
Group Select the group where you want to create a new post.
Message Enter the text content of the post.
Link Add the link that will be posted together with the message.

Get a Post

Returns a post specified by its ID.

Connection Establish a connection to your Facebook account.
Post ID Enter (map) the ID of the post you want to retrieve information about.

Get Post Reactions

Returns number of reactions for a specified post.

Connection Establish a connection to your Facebook account.
Post ID Enter (map) the ID of the post you want to retrieve the reactions from.
Type Select the type of reaction you want to monitor the post for. If the field is left empty all types of reactions will be retrieved.

Upload a Photo

Uploads a photo.

Connection Establish a connection to your Facebook account.
Group Select the group where you want to post the photo.
Album Select the album where you want to upload the photo.
File name Enter (map) the name of the file you want to upload.
Data Enter (map) the data of the photo you want to upload.
Message Enter the text message that will be posted together with the photo in one post.

Upload a Video

Uploads a video.

Connection Establish a connection to your Facebook account.
Group Select the group you want to post a video to.
File name Enter (map) the name of the file you want to upload.
Data Enter (map) the data of the video you want to upload.
Title Enter a title for the video.
Description Enter the video description.


List Comments

Returns comments for a specified post.

Connection Establish a connection to your Facebook account.
Post ID Enter (map) the Post ID you want to get comments from.
Filter Stream (all comments)

Retrieves all comments (including comments on the comment, etc.)

Only top level comments

Retrieves top-level comments without its comments.

Limit Enter the maximum number of comments Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

List Album Photos

Returns photos from a specified album.

Connection Establish a connection to your Facebook account.
Group Select the group that contains the album you want to list photos from.
Album Select the album you want to retrieve photos from.
Limit Enter the maximum number of photos Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

List Posts

Returns posts from a specified group.

Connection Establish a connection to your Facebook account.
Group Select the group you want to list the posts from.
Limit Enter the maximum number of posts Integrator will return during one execution cycle.
[Note] Note
When executing this module, you may encounter an error that says, Please reduce the amount of data you're asking for, then retry your request (1,). This is a known issue on the Facebook side and will remain as is until the Facebook team fixes it.

For more information, see the Facebook bugs page.

List Videos

Returns videos from a specified group.

Connection Establish a connection to your Facebook account.
Group Select the group you want to list videos from.
Limit Enter the maximum number of videos Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

List Members

Lists users of the Group who have chosen to share their publicly available profile information with apps installed on the Group.

Connection Establish a connection to your Facebook account.
Group Select or map the group whose members you want to list.
Limit Set the maximum number of members Integrator will return during one execution cycle.

List Events

Returns a list of events for a specific group.

Connection Establish a connection to your Facebook account.
Group Select the group you want to list events from.
Limit Enter the maximum number of events Integrator will return during one execution cycle.