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The Squarespace modules allow you to watch, create, update, list, retrieve, and delete the products, product variants, transactions, and orders in your Squarespace account.

Connecting Squarespace to Integrator

1. Go to Integrator and open the Squarespace module’s Create a connection dialog.


2. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection and click Continue.

3. Enter your account login credentials, and select a site.


4. Confirm the access by clicking Allow.


The connection has been established.


Watch Products

Triggers when products are created or updated.

Required Permissions:


Establish a connection to your Squarespace account.

Trigger Type

Select the trigger type you want to watch:

  • Product Created

  • Product Updated


Set the maximum number of products Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

List Products

Retrieves a list of products.

Required Permissions:


Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.


Set the maximum number of products Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Create a Product

Creates a new product.

Required Permissions: website.products


Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.

Store Page ID

Select the store in which you want to create a product.


Add the product variants:


Enter the product’s SKU number.


Enter the product’s base price.

On Sale

Select the checkbox if the product is available on sale.


Enter the number of product items available in stock.


Select whether the stock is unlimited.


Add the product’s attributes and its value. For example, color, size. See Managing Attributes.

Input Weight

Select the checkbox and enter the product’s weight. The measuring unit supported is Kg or pounds based on the site setting. For example, 0.5.

Input Dimensions

Select the checkbox and enter the dimensions such as length, width, and height. The measuring unit supported are centimeters, and inches based on the site settings.


Enter a name for the product.


Enter the product details.

URL Slug

Enter the product’s page URL address that appears after the domain name. Maximum 100 characters are allowed.


Add the tags for the product.

Is Visible

Select whether the product is visible to all the users.

Get Products

Retrieves the details of specific products by the product IDs.

Required Permissions:


Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.

Product ID

Select the Product ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Update a Product

Updates a product by its ID.

Required Permissions:website.products


Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.

Product ID

Select the Product ID whose details you want to update.


Enter a name for the product.


Enter the product details.

URL Slug

Enter the product’s page URL address that appears after the domain name. Maximum 100 characters are allowed.


Add the tags for the product.

Is Visible

Select whether the product is visible to all the users.

Variant Attributes

Add the variant attributes for the product. See Managing Attributes.


Enter the SEO title of the product.


Enter the SEO details of the product.

Delete a Product

Removes a product by its ID.

Required Permissions: website.products


Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.

Product ID

Select the Product ID you want to delete.

Upload a Product Image

Upload an image for a product by the product ID.

Required Permissions: website.products


Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.

Product ID

Select the Product ID whose product image you want to upload.

File Name

Enter the image file name including the file extension. For example, sample.png.


Enter or map the file data.

Update a Product Image

Update the alternate text of a product image by its ID. Throws error if the product image upload has not been completed.

Required Permissions: website.products


Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.

Product ID

Select the Product ID whose product image you want to update.

Product Image ID

Select the product Image ID you want to update.

Alt Text

Enter the image description. See Best Practices for providing image descriptions.

Delete a Product Image

Removes a product image by its ID. Throws error if the product image upload has not been completed.

Required Permissions: website.products


Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.

Product ID

Select the Product ID whose product image you want to delete.

Product Image ID

Select the product Image ID you want to delete.

Product Variant

List Product Variants

Retrieves a list of product variants.

Required Permissions:


Establish a connection to your Squarespace account.

Product ID

Select the Product ID whose product variants you want to list.


Set the maximum number of product variants Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Create a Product Variant

Creates a new product variant by the product ID.

Required Permissions: website.products


Establish a connection to your Squarespace account.

Product ID

Enter the Product ID for which you want to create the variant.


Enter the product’s SKU number.


Enter the product’s base price.

On Sale

Select the checkbox if the product is available on sale.


Enter the number of product items available in stock.


Select whether the stock is unlimited.


Add the product’s attributes and its value. For example, color, size. See Managing Attributes.

Input Weight

Select the checkbox and enter the product’s weight. The measuring unit supported is Kg or pounds based on the site setting. For example, 0.5.

Input Dimensions

Select the checkbox and enter the dimensions such as length, width, and height. The measuring unit supported are centimeters, and inches based on the site settings.

Update a Product Variant

Updates a product variant by its ID.

Required Permissions:website.products


Establish a connection to your Squarespace account.

Product ID

Enter the Product ID variant you want to update.

Product Variant Update

Select the product variant whose details you want to update.


Enter the product’s SKU number.


Enter the product’s base price.

On Sale

Select the checkbox if the product is available on sale.


Enter the number of product items available in stock.


Select whether the stock is unlimited.


Add the product’s attributes and its value. For example, color, size. See Managing Attributes.

Modify Weight

Select the checkbox and enter the product’s weight. The measuring unit supported is Kg or pounds based on the site setting. For example, 0.5.

Modify Dimensions

Select the checkbox and enter the dimensions such as length, width, and height. The measuring unit supported are centimeters, and inches based on the site settings.

Delete a Product Variant

Removes a product variant by its ID.

Required Permissions:website.products


Establish a connection to your Squarespace account.

Product ID

Enter the Product ID whose variant you want to delete.

Product Variant ID

Select the Product Variant ID you want to delete.

Assign a Product Image

Assigns a product image to a product variant by its ID. Throws error if the product image upload has not been completed.

Required Permissions: website.products


Establish a connection to your Squarespace account.

Product ID

Enter the Product ID to whose variant you want to assign a product image.

Product Variant

Select the product variant to which you want to assign a product image.

Product Image ID

Select the Product Image ID you want to assign to the product variant.


List Inventories

Retrieves a list of inventories.

Required Permissions:


Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.


Set the maximum number of Inventories Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get Inventories

Retrieves a list of specific inventories by the product variant IDs.

Required Permissions:,


Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.

Product Variant IDs

Add the Product Variant IDs whose details you want to retrieve. You can add multiple variants up to 50.

Update Stock Quantities

Updates stock quantities by the product variant ID.

Required Permissions:website.inventory,


Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.

Increase Stock

Add the variants whose stock you want to increase:

Product Variant ID

Enter the product variant ID whose stock you want to increase or search to select.


Enter the number by which you want to increase the variant stock.

Decrease Stock

Add the variants whose stock you want to decrease:

Product Variant ID

Enter the product variant ID whose stock you want to decrease or search to select.


Enter the number by which you want to decrease from the current variant’s stock.

Set Stock to Finite

Add the variants whose stock you want to limit:

Product Variant ID

Enter the product variant ID whose stock you want to set finite.


Enter a new quantity for the variant.

Set Stock to Unlimited Operations

Add the variants whose stock you want to be set as unlimited:

Product Variant ID

Enter the product variant ID whose stock you want to set as unlimited.


Watch Orders

Triggers when orders are created or updated.

Required Permissions:


Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.

Trigger Type

Select the trigger type you want to watch:

  • Order Created

  • Order Updated

Fulfillment Status

Select the status of the order you want to watch:

  • Pending

  • Fulfilled

  • Canceled


Set the maximum number of orders Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

List Orders

Retrieves a list of orders.

Required Permissions:


Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.

Fulfillment Status

Select the status of the order you want to watch:

  • Pending

  • Fulfilled

  • Canceled


Set the maximum number of orders Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Create an Order

Creates a new order.

Required Permissions: website.orders,


Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.

Created On

Enter the date and time when the order is created.

Channel Name

Enter the external third party sales channel name.

External Order Reference

Enter the order reference number used by the third-party sales channel.

Inventory Behavior

Select whether to keep or deduct the inventory stock:

  • Keep

  • Deduct

Price Tax Interpretation

Select whether the tax is included in the item price:

  • Exclusive

  • Inclusive

If selected inclusive, indicates the line item price includes the tax.

Input a Shipping Address

Select the checkbox to add the shipping address:

First Name

Enter the contact’s first name for the shipping address.

Last Name

Enter the contact’s last name for the shipping address.

Address 1

Enter the street name.

Address 2

Enter the street name.


Enter the city name.


Enter the state name

Country Code

Enter the two-character country code. For example, US, CZ.

Postal Code

Enter the area postal code.


Enter the phone number to contact.

Input a Billing Address

Select the checkbox to add the billing address:

First Name

Enter the contact’s first name for the billing address.

Last Name

Enter the contact’s last name for the billing address.

Address 1

Enter the street name.

Address 2

Enter the street name.


Enter the city name.


Enter the state name

Country Code

Enter the two-character country code. For example, US, CZ.

Postal Code

Enter the area postal code.


Enter the phone number to contact.

Line Items

Add the line items:

Line Item Type

Select the line item type:

  • Physical Product

  • Custom


Enter a name for the item.


Enter the number of items.

Product Variant ID

Enter the Product Variant ID or search to select.

Unit Price Paid

Enter the price paid per unit by the customer.

Non Sale Unit Price

Enter the full unit price of the item when it is not on sale or on discount. The value must be greater than or equal to the unit price paid.

Shipping Lines

Add the shipping line items:


Enter the shipping option for the order. Only one shipping method is allowed. If the third-party contains multiple options, combine them into one.


Enter the shipping amount with currency. The supported currency is based on the site’s store settings. If the store supports USD, you must the amount applicable in USD.

Discount Lines

Add the discount lines:Promo Code

Enter the discount promotion code.


Enter the discount name.


Enter the discount amount.

Customer Email

Enter the customer’s email address for whom the order is.

Send Fulfillment Notification Email to Customer

Select whether to send the notification to the customer’s email address about the order fulfillment.

Fulfillment Status

Select the fulfillment status of the order:

  • Pending

  • Fulfilled


Add the fulfillment details:

Ship Date

Enter the date and time when the order is fulfilled. For example, 2020-12-29T22:19:26.980Z.

Carrier Name

Enter the details of the carrier handling the order. For example, FedEx.


Enter the carrier level of service for shipping. For example, Same-Day Delivery.

Tracking Number

Enter the order tracking number. For example, ABC123.

Tracking URL

Enter the order’s tracking link URL address.

Get an Order

Retrieves the details of an order by its ID.



Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.

Order ID

Select the Order ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Fulfill an Order

Fulfills an order by its ID. Additional shipments can be added to an order event if its status is fulfilled.

Required Permissions: website.orders


Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.

Order ID

Select the Order ID you want to fulfill.

Send Notification to Customer

Select the checkbox to send notifications to customers about the order fulfillment.


Add order’s shipments:

Ship Date

Enter the date and time when the order is fulfilled. For example, 2020-12-29T22:19:26.980Z.

Carrier Name

Enter the details of the carrier handling the order. For example, FedEx.


Enter the carrier level of service for shipping. For example, Same-Day Delivery.

Tracking Number

Enter the order tracking number. For example, ABC123.

Tracking URL

Enter the order’s tracking link URL address.


Watch Transaction

Triggers when transactions are created or updated.



Establish a connection to your Squarespace account.

Trigger Type

Select the trigger type you want to watch:

  • Order Created

  • Order Updated


Set the maximum number of transactions Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

List Transaction

Retrieves a list of transactions.

Required Permissions:


Establish a connection to your Squarespace account.


Set the maximum number of transactions Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get Transaction

Retrieves the details of specific transactions by the transaction IDs.

Required Permissions:


Establish a connection to your Squarespace account.

Transaction ID

Add the Transaction IDs whose details you want to retrieve.


Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Required Permissions:, website.orders,,, website.inventory,, website.products


Establish a connection to your Simvoly account.


Enter a path relative to For example: /1.0/commerce/products

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Squarespace API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

GET to retrieve information for an entry.

POST to create a new entry.

PUT to update/replace an existing entry.

PATCH to make a partial entry update.

DELETE to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don’t have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use – List Orders

The following API call returns all the orders from your Squarespace account:




Matches of the search can be found in the module’s Output under Bundle > Body > result.In our example, 2 orders were returned:
