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This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions below .
Redirect url


The Bitbucket modules enable you to monitor repositories, users, or teams and create, update, retrieve, or delete issues, snippets, or milestones in your Bitbucket account.

To get started with Bitbucket, create an account at

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Bitbucket API documentation.

Connecting Bitbucket to Integrator

To connect to the Bitbucket app:

  1. Log in to your Integrator account, add any Bitbucket module scenario, and click the Add button next to the Connection field.

  2. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  3. Optional: Click Show Advanced Settings and enter your custom app’s Consumer Key and Secret values. See Bitbucket Oauth2.0 documentation.

  4. Click Save.

  5. If prompted, log in to your Bitbucket account and confirm the access by clicking the Grant Access button.


You have successfully connected the app and can now build scenarios.

Build Bitbucket Scenarios

After connecting the app, you can perform the following actions:

  • Watch a Repository

    Creates a new webhook on the specified repository.

  • Watch a User

    Creates a new webhook on the specified user account. Account-level webhooks are fired for events from all repositories belonging to that account.

    [Note] Note

    One can only register webhooks on one’s own account and not that of others.

  • Watch a Team

    Creates a new webhook on the specified team. Team webhooks are fired for events from all repositories belonging to that team account.

    [Note] Note

    Only admins can install webhooks on teams.

  • Watch a Workspace

    Creates a new webhook on the specified workspace.

  • Create an Issue

    Creates a new issue. Private repositories or issue trackers require the caller to authenticate with an account with appropriate authorization.

  • Get an Issue

    Returns the specified issue.

  • List Issues

    Returns the issues in the issue tracker.

  • Update an Issue

    Updates an issue.

  • Delete an Issue

    Deletes the specified issue. This requires write access to the repository.

  • Create an Issue Comment

    Creates a new issue comment.

  • List Milestones

    Returns the milestones that have been defined in the issue tracker. This resource is only available on repositories that have the issue tracker enabled.

  • Get a Milestone

    Returns the specified issue tracker milestone object.

  • List Repository Watchers

    Returns all watchers on the specified repository.

  • Get a File

    Returns a redirect to the contents of a downloaded artifact. This endpoint returns the actual file contents and not the artifact’s metadata.

  • List Snippets

    Returns all snippets.

  • Get a Snippet

    Retrieves a single snippet.

  • Start Watching a Snippet

    Start watching a specific snippet.

  • Stop Watching a Snippet

    Stops watching specific snippets.

  • List Snippet Watchers

    Returns a list of all users watching a specific snippet.

  • Create a Snippet Comment

    Creates a new comment on a snippet.

  • Make an API Call

    Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.