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This application needs additional settings. Please follow the documentation below to create your own connection.


With the Axonaut modules, you can:

  • watch, create, update, retrieve, search, and delete the companies

  • watch, create, update, retrieve, search, and delete the employees

  • watch, create, list events, and list the company’s events in events

  • watch, create, retrieve, and search, the quotations

  • watch, create, update, retrieve, and search the tickets

  • watch, create, update, retrieve, and search the products

  • watch, create, update, retrieve, and search the orders

  • create, retrieve and search the suppliers

  • watch, create, update, register, retrieve, search, and delete the opportunities

  • watch, create, update, retrieve, and search the invoices

  • create and search for the payments

  • watch, create, retrieve, and search the expenses

  • watch, create, update, retrieve, list, and delete the projects

  • watch created, updated, and deleted tasks

To get started with Axonaut, create an account at

[Note] Note

The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Integrator scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connect Axonaut with Integrator

To connect the Axonaut app with the Integrator:

  1. Log in to your Axonaut account.

  2. Click Wrench Icon > API.

  3. Click Show your API key and then click ok to see the API key.

  4. Copy the API key to a safe place.

  5. Log in to your Integrator and add a module from the Axonaut into a Integrator scenario.

  6. Click Add next to the Connection field.

  7. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  8. In the API Key field, enter the API key copied in step 4 and click Save.

You have successfully connected the Axonaut app with Integrator and can now build scenarios.


You can watch, create, update, list, retrieve, and delete the companies using the following modules.

Watch Created Companies

Triggers when a new company is created.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Watch Updated Companies

Triggers when a new company is updated.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Watch Deleted Companies

Triggers when a new company is deleted.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Create a Company

Creates a new company.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Enter (map) the company’s name.

Business Manager

Select or map the company’s business manager.

Address Contact Name

Enter (map) the company’s contact person’s name.

Address Street

Enter (map) the company’s street address.

Address Zip Code

Enter (map) the area zip code.

Address City

Enter (map) the company’s city name.

Address Country

Enter (map) the company’s country name.

Is Prospect

Select whether the company is a prospect.

Is Customer

Select whether the company is a customer.


Enter (map) a three-letter currency code. For example, USD.

For information please visit,

Third-party Code

Enter (map) the company’s third-party code.

Intracommunity Number

Enter (map) the company’s intra-community number.


Enter (map) the company’s 14-digit identifying SIRET number.


Enter (map) any additional information about the company.

Custom Fields

Enter (map) the custom fields key-value pair. You can add multiple fields. For example, contact number.


Enter (map) the company’s categories.

Internal ID

Enter (map) the company’s Internal ID.

Update a Company

Updates an existing company.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Company ID

Select or map a Company ID whose details you want to update.


Enter (map) the updated company’s name.

Business Manager

Select or map the company’s business manager.

Address Contact Name

Enter (map) the company’s contact person’s name.

Address Street

Enter (map) the company’s street address.

Address Zip Code

Enter (map) the company’s zip code.

Address City

Enter (map) the company’s city name.

Address Country

Enter (map) the company’s country name.

Third-party Code

Enter (map) the company’s third-party code.

Intracommunity Number

Enter (map) the company’s intracommunity number.


Enter (map) the company’s 14-digit SIRET number.


Enter (map) additional information about the company.

Custom Fields

Enter (map) the custom fields key-value pair. You can add multiple fields. For example, contact number.


Enter (map) the company’s categories.

Internal ID

Enter (map) the company’s Internal ID.

Get a Company

Retrieves an existing company.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Company ID

Select or map a Company ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Search Companies

Searches for companies or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Enter (map) the search fields to filter the companies that match the selected options. For example, company name.

Internal ID

Enter (map) the company’s Internal ID to search the companies that match the specified ID.


Select the company type:

  • Customer

  • Prospect

  • Supplier

  • All

Address City

Enter (map) the company’s city name.

Address Zip Code

Enter (map) the company’s zip code.

Is Prospect

Select whether the company is a prospect.

Is Customer

Select whether the company is a customer.

Is Supplier

Select whether the company is a supplier.


Select or map a parameter to sort the returned data:

  • Company ID

  • Name

  • Address city


Set the maximum number of companies Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

Add a Document to a Company

Adds a document for a specific company.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Enter (map) the document’s name.

Company ID

Select or map a Company ID to which you want to add a document.

Document’s URL

Enter (map) the document’s URL address you want to add to the company.

Delete a Company

Deletes an existing company.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Company ID

Select or map a Company ID you want to delete.


You can watch, create, update, retrieve, and delete the employees using the following modules.

Watch Created Employees

Triggers when a new employee is created.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Watch Updated Employees

Triggers when an existing employee is updated.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Watch Deleted Employees

Triggers when an existing employee is deleted.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Create an Employee

Creates a new employee.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Company ID

Select or map a Company ID whose employee you want to create.


Enter (map) the employee’s email address.


Select the employee’s gender:

  • Male

  • Female

First Name

Enter (map) the employee’s first name.

Last Name

Enter (map) the employee’s last name.

Phone Number

Enter (map) the employee’s phone number.

Cellphone Number

Enter (map) the employee’s mobile number.


Enter (map) the employee’s job title.

Custom Fields

Enter (map) the employee’s custom fields key-value pair. For example, employee address.

Update an Employee

Updates an existing employee.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Employee ID

Select or map an Employee ID of an employee whose details you want to update.


Enter (map) the employee’s updated Email address.


Select the employee’s gender:

  • Male

  • Female

First Name

Enter (map) the employee’s first name.

Last Name

Enter (map) the employee’s last name.

Phone Number

Enter (map) the employee’s phone number.

Cellphone Number

Enter (map) the employee’s mobile number.


Enter (map) the employee’s job title.

Custom Fields

Enter (map) the employee’s custom fields key-value pair. For example, employee address.

Get an Employee

Retrieves an existing employee.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Employee ID

Select or map an Employee ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Search Employees

Search for employees or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Enter (map) the employee’s email address to search the employees.


Enter (map) the employee’s phone number to search the employees.


Set the maximum number of employees Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

Delete an Employee

Retrieves an existing employee.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Employee ID

Select or map an Employee ID you want to delete.


You can watch, create, update, and list the events using the following modules.

Watch Created Events

Triggers when a new event is created.

Webhook name

Enter (map) a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Watch Deleted Events

Triggers when an existing event is deleted.

Webhook name

Enter (map) a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Create an Event

Creates a new event.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Company ID

Select or map a Company ID whose events you want to create.

Employee Email

Select or map an employee’s email address to create an event.


Enter (map) the event’s happening date. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Enter (map) the event’s content.


Select the nature of the event:

  • Meeting

  • Email

  • Phone call

  • Mail

  • Text Message


Enter (map) a title for the event.


Enter (map) the event duration in minutes.

Is Done

Select whether the event is done.


Select or map the users for the event.


Enter (map) the details of the attachments:

[Note] Note

Attachments are available only for emails.

Invoices IDs

Select or map the Invoice IDs to attach.

Quotations IDs

Select or map the Quotation IDs to attach.

Documents IDs

Enter (map) the Document ID’s to attach. Alternately, you can search for the Document ID.

Lists Events

Lists existing events.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Set the maximum number of events Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

List Company’s Events

List existing events of a specific company.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Company ID

Select or map a Company ID whose events you want to list.


Set the maximum number of company events Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.


You can watch, create, retrieve, and search the quotations using the following modules.

Watch Created Quotations

Triggers when a new quotation is created.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To see tup the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonuat Webhooks.

Create a Quotation

Creates a new quotation.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Company ID

Select or map a Company ID whose quotation you want to create.


Enter (map) the Product details.

Product ID

Select or map a Product ID of a product to create a quotation.

[Note] Note

If the properties, Product ID and Product Internal ID are empty or missing, a new Product will be created.

Internal ID

Enter (map) the Internal ID of the product.

[Note] Note

If the properties, Product ID and Product Internal ID are empty or missing, a new Product will be created.

Product Code

Enter (map) the product’s code.


Enter (map) the product’s name.


Enter (map) the product’s price.

Tax Rate

Enter (map) the product’s tax rate.


Enter (map) the product’s quantity.


Enter (map) the product’s unit.


Enter (map) the product’s description.

Unit Job Costing

Enter (map) the product’s code.


Enter (map) the product’s chapter.

Discount Percent

Enter (map) the product’s discount percentage.

Discount Flat

Enter (map) the product’s flat discount.


Enter (map) the quotation date. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Expiry Date

Enter (map) the quotation’s expiry date. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Company Address ID

Enter (map) the Address ID of the company. Alternatively, you can search the address by company.

Online Payment

Select whether to enable the online payment.


Enter (map) additional information about the quotation.

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID for which you are creating the product quotation.

Theme ID

Enter (map) a Theme ID applicable to the product quotation.

Get a Quotation

Retrieves an existing quotation.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Quotation ID

Select or map a Quotation ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Search Quotations

Search for quotations or list them all.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Select or map the order of returned data. The default is ID.

  • ID

  • Update Time


Select or map the quotation status. The default is All.

  • Accepted

  • Refused

  • Pending

  • All


Set the maximum number of quotations Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.


You can watch, create, update, retrieve, search, and delete the tickets using the following modules.

Watch Created Tickets

Triggers when a new ticket is created.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonuat Webhooks.

Watch Updated Tickets

Triggers when an existing ticket is updated.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonuat Webhooks.

Watch Deleted Tickets

Triggers when an existing ticket is deleted.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonuat Webhooks.

Create a Ticket

Create a new ticket.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Enter (map) a name for the ticket.


Enter (map) the ticket details.


Select or map the priority of the ticket. For example, High.

Company ID

Select or map a Company ID to create a ticket.

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID in which you want to create the ticket.

Workforce ID

Select or map a Workforce ID applicable to the ticket.

Custom Fields

Enter (map) the custom field key-value pair. For example, ticket status.

Update a Ticket

Updates an existing ticket.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Ticket ID

Select or map a Ticket ID whose details you want to update.


Enter (map) a new name for the ticket.


Select or map the ticket priority. For example, high.

Company ID

Select or map a Company ID with which the ticket is associated.

Workforce ID

Select or map a Workforce ID applicable to the ticket.

Is Closed

Select whether the ticket is closed.

Get a Ticket

Retrieves an existing ticket.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Ticket ID

Select or map a Ticket ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Search Tickets

Searches for tickets or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Company ID

Select or map a Company ID whose tickets you want to search.

Is Closed

Select whether you want to search the closed tickets.

Order by

Select the order of the returned data:

  • ID

  • Last Update Date


Set the maximum number of tickets Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.


You can watch, create, update, retrieve, and search the products using the following modules.

Watch Created Products

Triggers when a new product is created.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Watch Updated Products

Triggers when an existing product is updated.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Watch Deleted Products

Triggers when an existing product is deleted.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Create a Product

Creates a new product.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Enter (map) the product’s name.


Enter (map) the product’s price.

Tax Rate

Enter (map) the product’s tax rate.


Enter (map) the product’s details.

Internal ID

Enter (map) the product’s Internal ID.

Product Code

Enter (map) the product’s product code.

Supplier Product Code

Enter (map) the product’s supplier product code.


Enter (map) the product’s weight.

Job Costing

Enter (map) the product’s job costing.


Enter (map) the product’s location.


Enter (map) the product’s unit.

Product Type

Select the product type:

  • Raw Material Purchase

  • Sales of Finished Goods

  • Sales of Services

  • Sales of Merchandise

Accounting Code

Enter (map) the product’s accounting code.


Enter (map) the product’s category.


Enter (map) the product’s stock availability.

Custom Fields

Enter (map) the custom fields key-value pair. For example, product brand name.

Update a Product

Updates an existing product.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Product ID

Select or map a Product ID of a product whose details you want to update.


Enter (map) the updated product’s name.


Enter (map) the product’s details.

Product Code

Enter (map) the product’s product code.


Enter (map) the product’s weight.


Enter (map) the product’s location.


Enter (map) the product’s unit.


Enter (map) the product’s price.

Tax Rate

Enter (map) the product’s tax rate.

Job Costing

Enter (map) the product’s job costing.

Accounting Code

Enter (map) the product’s accounting code.


Enter (map) the product’s category.


Select whether the product is disabled.

Custom Fields

Enter (map) the custom field key-value pairs. For example, product brand name.

Get a Product

Updates an existing product.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Product ID

Select or map a Product ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Search Products

Searches for products or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Internal ID

Enter (map) the Product’s Internal ID to search for the products that match the Internal ID.

Product Code

Enter (map) the Product code to search the products that match the specified code.


Set the maximum number of products Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.


You can watch, create, update, retrieve, and search the orders using the following modules.

Watch Created Orders

Triggers when a new order is created.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonuat Webhooks.

Watch Updated Orders

Triggers when an existing order is updated.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonuat Webhooks.

Watch Deleted Orders

Triggers when an existing order is deleted.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonuat Webhooks.

Create an Order

Create a new order.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Enter (map) a name for the order.

Company ID

Select or map a Company ID of a company whose order you want to create.

Start Date

Enter (map) the order’s start date in the RFC3339 format. See the list of supported date and time formats.

End Date

Enter (map) the order’s end date in the RFC3339 format. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Expected Delivery Date

Enter (map) the order’s expected delivery date in the RFC3339 format. See the list of supported date and time formats.

First Invoice Planned Date

Enter (map) the order’s first invoice planned date in the RFC3339 format. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Enter (map) additional information about the order.

User ID

Select or map a User ID assigned to the order.

Invoice Frequency in Months

Enter (map) the order invoice frequency in months.

Generate and Send Recurring Invoices

Select or map a method to generate and send recurring invoices:

  • Do not generate and send invoices

  • Generate and send automatically.

  • Generate without sending

Preauthorized Debit

Select whether the order is preauthorized for debit.


Enter (map) the product details:

Product ID

Select or map a Product ID whose order you want to create.

Internal ID

Enter (map) the product’s Internal ID.


Enter (map) the product’s name.


Enter (map) the product’s details.


Enter (map) the product’s price.

Tax Rate

Enter (map) the product’s tax rate.


Enter (map) the product’s quantity.

Get an Order

Retrieves an existing order.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Order ID

Select or map an Order ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Search Orders

Searches for an existing order or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Order ID

Select or map an Order ID whose details you want to search.

Updated Before

Enter (map) a date to retrieve the orders updated before the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Updated After

Enter (map) a date to retrieve the orders updated after the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Set the maximum number of orders Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.


You can create, search and retrieve supplier information using the following modules.

Create a Supplier

Creates a new supplier.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Enter (map) the supplier’s name.

Address Contact Name

Enter (map) the supplier’s contact name to mention in the address.

Address Street

Enter (map) the supplier’s street address.

Address Zip Code

Enter (map) the supplier’s zip code.

Address City

Enter (map) the supplier’s city name.

Address Country

Enter (map) the supplier’s country name.

Intracommunity Number

Enter (map) the supplier’s intracommunity number (a unique identifier of the user).


Enter (map) the supplier’s 14-digit SIRET number referring to the supplier’s business location.


Enter (map) the supplier’s details or any information.

Get a Supplier

Retrieves an existing supplier.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Supplier ID

Select or map a Supplier ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Search Suppliers

Searches for suppliers or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Enter (map) a word or phrase to search for suppliers that match the specified query.


Set the maximum number of suppliers Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.


You can watch, create, update, retrieve, and delete the opportunity using the following modules.

Watch Created Opportunities

Triggers when a new opportunity is created.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Watch Updated Opportunities

Triggers when an existing opportunity is updated.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Watch Deleted Opportunities

Triggers when an existing opportunity is updated.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Create an Opportunity

Creates a new opportunity.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Business Manager Email

Select or map the business manager’s email address related to the opportunity.

Company ID

Select or map a Company ID associated with the opportunity.

Pipe Name

Select or map the pipe name.

Pipe Step Name

Enter (map) the pipe step name. Alternatively, you can search the pipe step name.


Enter (map) a name for the opportunity.


Enter (map) the opportunity’s amount.


Enter (map) the opportunity’s probability.


Enter (map) additional information about the opportunity.

Due Date

Enter (map) the due date for the opportunity. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Pipe Step Date

Enter (map) the pipe step date for the opportunity. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Enter (map) the employee details:

Employee First Name

Enter (map) the employee’s first name.

Employee Last Name

Enter (map) the employee’s last name.

Employee Email

Enter (map) the employee’s email address.

Employee Phone

Enter (map) the employee’s phone number.

Employee Cellphone

Enter (map) the employee’s mobile number.

Custom Fields

Enter (map) the custom field key-value pair.

Update an Opportunity

Updates an existing opportunity.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Opportunity ID

Select or map an Opportunity ID whose details you want to update.


Enter (map) the updated opportunity’s name.


Enter (map) additional information about the opportunity.


Enter (map) the opportunity’s amount.


Enter (map) the opportunity’s probability.

Pipe Step Name

Enter (map) the pipe step name. Alternatively, you can search the pipe step name.

Business Manager Email

Select or map the business manager’s email address to update an opportunity.

Due Date

Enter (map) the due date for the opportunity. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Register an Opportunity as Won

Registers an existing opportunity as won.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Opportunity ID

Select or map an Opportunity ID you want to register as won.


Enter (map) a date when the opportunity was won in the RFC3339 format. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Register an Opportunity as Lost

Registers an existing opportunity as lost.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Opportunity ID

Select or map an Opportunity ID to register as lost.


Enter (map) a date when the opportunity will be lost in the RFC3339 format. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Get an Opportunity

Retrieves an existing opportunity.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Opportunity ID

Select or map an Opportunity ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Search Opportunities

Searches for opportunities or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Select or map the opportunity status. For example, ongoing.


Set the maximum number of opportunities Integratorwill return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

Delete an Opportunity

Deletes an existing opportunity.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Opportunity ID

Select or map an Opportunity ID you want to delete.


You can watch, create, search, and retrieve the invoices using the following modules.

Watch Created Invoices

Triggers when a new invoice is created.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonuat Webhooks.

Create an Invoice

Creates a new invoice.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Select or map an option to choose the company:

  • Company ID

  • Employee Email

Company ID

Select or map a Company ID for which you want to create an invoice.

Employee Email

Select or map an employee’s email address to mention in the invoice.


Enter (map) the product details:

Product ID

Select or map a Product ID whose details you want to update.

[Note] Note

If the properties, Product ID and Internal ID are empty or missing, a new product will be created.

Internal ID

Enter (map) the product’s Internal ID.

[Note] Note

If the properties, Product ID and Internal ID are empty or missing, a new product will be created.

Product Code

Enter (map) the product’s product code.


Enter (map) the product’s name.


Enter (map) the product’s price.

Tax Rate

Enter (map) the product’s tax rate.


Enter (map) the product’s quantity.


Enter (map) the product’s unit.


Enter (map) the product’s details.


Enter (map) the product’s chapter.

Discount Percent

Enter (map) the product’s discount percentage applicable to the invoice.

Discount Flat

Enter (map) the product’s flat discount applicable to the invoice.

Unit Job Costing

Enter (map) the product’s unit job costing.

Contract ID

Enter (map) the Contract ID applicable to the invoice.


Enter (map) a date posterior to the last invoice’s date. The default value is the date of the request.

Due Date

Enter (map) the due date for the invoice.

Delivery Address

Enter (map) the delivery address details.

Company Name

Enter (map) the recipient’s company name.

Contact Name

Enter (map) the recipient’s contact name.


Enter (map) the recipient’s street name.

Zip Code

Enter (map) the recipient’s zip code.


Enter (map) the recipient’s region name.


Enter (map) the recipient’s country name.

Mandatory Mentions

Enter (map) the mandatory mentions of the members on the invoice.

Payment Terms

Enter (map) the items applicable to the invoice payment.

Allow GoCardless Payment

Select whether to allow for a GoCardless payment.

Allow Stripe Payment

Select whether to allow for a strive payment.

Service Start Date

Enter (map) the date on which the service starts. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Service End Date

Enter (map) the date on which the service ends. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Order Number

Enter (map) an order number to mention in the invoice.

Get an Invoice

Retrieves an existing invoice.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Invoice ID

Select or map an Invoice ID of an invoice to retrieve.

Search Invoices

Searches for invoices or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Select the order of the returned data:

  • ID

  • Updated Time


Enter (map) a number to search for the invoices which contain the specified character string.

Internal Reference

Enter (map) an internal reference to search for the invoices containing the specified character string.

Is Paid

Select whether the invoice is a paid invoice.

Date Before

Enter (map) a date to search all the invoices before the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Date After

Enter (map) a date to search all the invoices after the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Paid Date

Enter (map) an invoice date of payment in the format (DD/MM/YYYY). See the list of supported date and time formats.

Updated Before

Enter (map) a date to search all the invoices updated before the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Updated After

Enter (map) a date to search all the invoices updated after the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Set the maximum number of invoices Integrator should return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.


You can create payments using the following module.

Create a Payment

Creates a new payment.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Invoice ID

Select or map an Invoice ID whose payment you want to create.


Select the nature of the payment. For example, debit.


Enter (map) the amount paid for the payment.


Enter (map) the date of payment is made. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Enter (map) any reference to the payment.

Search Payments

Searches for payments or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Invoice ID

Select or map an Invoice to search the payments.

Company ID

Select or map the Company ID whose payments you want to search.

Date Before

Enter (map) a date to search all the payments made before the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Date After

Enter (map) a date to search all the payments made after the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Invoice Number

Enter (map) the invoice number to search the payments.


Set the maximum number of payments Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.


You want to watch, create, retrieve, and search the expenses using the following modules.

Watch Created Expenses

Triggers when a new expense is created.

Webhook name

Enter (map) a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Watch Updated Expenses

Triggers when an existing expense is updated.

Webhook name

Enter (map) a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Watch Deleted Expenses

Triggers when an existing expense is deleted.

Webhook name

Enter (map) a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Create an Expense

Creates a new expense.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Enter (map) the expense name.

Pre Tax Amount

Enter (map) the expense’s pre-tax amount.

Supplier ID

Select or map the Supplier ID for whom you want to create the expense.

Project ID

Select or map the Project ID applicable to the expense.

Supplier Third-party Code

Enter (map) the supplier’s third-party code.


Enter (map) the date applicable to the expense. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Enter (map) the tax details:

Tax Rate

Enter (map) the tax rate in percentage applicable to the expense.

Accounting Code

Enter (map) the accounting code applicable to the expense.


Enter (map) the expense amount.

Get an Expense

Retrieves an existing expense.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Expense ID

Select or map an Expense ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Search Expenses

Searches for expenses or lists them all.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Order by

Select or map the order of the returned data:

  • Last Update Date

  • ID

Creation Date Before

Enter (map) a date to search all the expenses created before the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Creation Date After

Enter (map) a date to search all the expenses created after the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Is Paid

Select whether you want to include the paid expenses in the search results.


Set the maximum number of expenses Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.


You can watch, create, update, retrieve, search, and delete the projects using the following modules.

Watch Created Project

Triggers when a new project is created.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonuat Webhooks.

Watch Updated Projects

Triggers when an existing project is updated.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonuat Webhooks.

Watch Deleted Projects

Triggers when an existing project is deleted.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonuat Webhooks.

Create a Project

Creates a new project.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Enter (map) a name for the project.


Enter (map) the project’s number.


Enter (map) the additional information about the project.

Workforces IDs

Select or map the Workforce IDs associated with the projects.

Company ID

Select or map a Company ID whose project you want to create.

Parent Project ID

Select or map the parent Project ID if any for this project.

Estimated Start

Enter (map) the estimated start date of the project. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Estimated End

Enter (map) the estimated end date of the project. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Expected Workload Hours

Enter (map) the estimated work hours for the project.

Expected Cost

Enter (map) the estimated cost for the project.

Expected Revenue

Enter (map) the expected revenue for the project.

Custom Fields

Enter (map) the custom field key-pair values. You can add multiple fields.

Update a Project

Updates an existing project.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID whose details you want to update.


Enter (map) the project’s number.


Enter (map) the additional information about the project.


Enter (map) the updated project’s name.

Company ID

Select or map a Company ID whose project you want to create.

Estimated Start

Enter (map) the estimated start date of the project. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Estimated End

Enter (map) the estimated end date of the project. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Actual End

Enter (map) the actual end date of the project. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Expected Workload Hours

Enter (map) the estimated workload hours for the project.

Expected Cost

Enter (map) the estimated cost for the project.

Expected Revenue

Enter (map) the estimated revenue for the project.

Custom Fields

Enter (map) the custom field key-pair values. You can add multiple fields.

Get a Project

Retrieves an existing project.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID whose details you want to retrieve.

List Projects

Lists all existing projects.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Set the maximum number of projects Integrator will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

Delete a Project

Deletes an existing project.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

Project ID

Select or map a Project ID you want to delete.


You can watch the created, updated, and deleted tasks using the following modules.

Watch Created Tasks

Triggers when a new task is created.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Watch Updated Tasks

Triggers when an existing task is updated.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.

Watch Deleted Tasks

Triggers when an existing task is deleted.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.

To set up the Axonaut webhooks, see Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks.


You can call APIs using the following module.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


Establish a connection to your Axonaut account.


Enter a path relative to For example, /api/v2/me.

[Note] Note

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Axonaut API Documentation.



to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don’t have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use – List All Projects

The following API call returns all the projects from your Axonaut account:






Matches of the search can be found in the module’s Output under Bundles > Body.

In our example, 15 projects were returned:


Setting Up Axonaut Webhooks

  1. Open any Watch module, establish a connection, and copy the URL address to your clipboard. Click OK and save the trigger.

  2. Log in to your Axonaut account.

  3. Click Settings > API > Webhooks > Add an app.

  4. Enter the following details:

    • app name: Enter (map) the app name.

    • Callback URL: Enter the URL address copied in step 1.

    • Version: Select the version number.

  5. In the Subscribed topics section, subscribe to the topics you watch to watch.

The webhook is successfully set up. Go back to Integrator and run the module to receive triggers when the specified event occurs.